March 20, 2017

Kurukshetra War - Night 13

     “Shame on my sons and grandsons!They have fought without any honor.Opposing the illustrious Dronacharya, Karna, Duryodhana, Duchadhana, Kritavarman, Krpacharya, Aswathama and many other mighty warriors and Kings singly, breaking the Chakra Vyuha and slaughtering my army, this son of Arjuna, Abhimanyu is really a hero, Sanjaya. Feeling proud of that grandson of mine endued with the mightiness of Krishna, Balram and Arjuna. How did even Dronacharya and Karna support this slaughter?” –King Dhritarashtra cried to Sanjaya sitting in his throne.

          "I have raised only beasts! How did they even have the heart to slaughter him after seeing such a young and smiling face, that too their own nephew!? Definitely, the death of my sons is sure in the hands of Arjuna and Bhīma. Abhimanyu’s massacre will surely agitate the Pandavas and the army of our son is going to be turned into ashes in the hands of Arjuna.” – cried Queen Gandhari.
          “Sanjaya,tell me what happened in the Pandavas camp. Has Arjuna returned to the camp? If Arjuna and Krishna gets to know the humiliating way by which Abhimanyu was slaughtered, O God, I have no courage to even imagine the consequence.” – quivered King Dhritarashtra in fear.
          “O King, the Pandavas have not even removed their armors. Every single warrior of the Pandava army is seated around the lifeless body of Abhimanyu, with wounds unattended, blood dripping from the open wounds and some even with the pierced arrows left unpluck from their armor. Even King Yudhistra has not moved an inch. He, his brothers and the UpaPandavasare crying all day. Queen Draupathi and Subhadra, along with Matha Kunti and Uththirai are also seated next to Abhimanyu who was lying lifeless. Listen carefully…as I can see Arjuna and Krishna approaching.”
          Meanwhile, in Kurukshetra, filled with grief, the Pandava army was seated around their King and deceased heroic Abhimanyu.
    Filled with grief, King Yudhistra wept – “Abhimanyu! My brave child was slaughtered right in front of my eyes and I was unable to do anything to save him. How can I myself as a King? I have failed as a father in protecting my son. As a cruel and greedy father, I have placed my own son in the chariot and made him enter the battlefield when he is supposed to be enjoying the life and the wealth, in his palace, in his silk divan…with his family and friends. Desiring my victory, you have lost your life, for me! O Son, this throne is supposed to be yours! What am I going to say to your father, Abhimanyu? I have no courage to look into the eyes of Arjuna and Krishna. Arjuna will burn us to ashes through his looks, when he gets to know that we let his heroic son into the Vyuha. I have no answers for the questions he is going to ask. I do not have the nerve to even look at him. He left you in my hands, son! He left the battlefield hoping that we all will protect you. What will I tell him now? Even my death or defeat in this battle is not going to trouble me anymore. Why not I was killed so that you could live?”

          In the meantime, after battling against the army of Samsaptakas exceedingly, Krishna and Arjuna returned to Kurukshetra in their chariot. “Madhava, has something happened to my brothers in the battle today? I feel a strange pain and burden in my heart. My mind is disturbed and fear has engulfed me totally. My mind is restless and I feel nervous without any reason.”
          Krishna, who knows the unknown, said – “Worry not, Arjuna. Your brothers are safe.”
          The chariot reached the camp. Beholding the camp deprived of warriors and cheers; Arjuna got suspicious and spoke with a depressed heart –“Krishna! Why is the camp so silent? Where is everyone? What happened to my brothers? Where are they? My mind is filled with worries and fear, Krishna. Where is my son? Why is he not waiting for me in front of the camp to receive me and share the stories of his mightiness in the battlefield? Has something happened to my brothers or to the Panchala Prince?”
Seeing Krishna’s silence and seriousness in his face, Arjuna’s heart began to beat faster and was filled with unknown fear, worries and pain. As soon as Krishna and Arjuna descended from the chariot and entered the camp, they saw the warriors sitting with their heads lowered. Looking at Arjuna, they stood up with depressed face, lowered eyes and spoke not a word. None spoke about their achievements in the battlefield. With fear running through his spine, Arjuna proceeded to the center of the camp where he saw the warriors filled with grief. He was able to see his brothers, with teary eyes and agony, sitting in front of a lifeless body. None lifted their head as they were all seated deprived of their senses. Fear struck, Arjuna rushed towards his brothers. Seeing Arjuna rushing at them, everyone rose from the ground and wept aloud, unable to control themselves. With a heavy heart, pushing aside everyone standing in his way, Arjuna ran to see the face of the mighty warrior lying lifeless.
          Beholding Abhimanyu lying lifeless on the ground, Arjuna was speechless. He felt like his world has trembled and broken into pieces. Deprived of his senses, with pain and agony filling his heart and weakened legs, he fell on the ground wailing aloud. Arjuna’s cry echoed among the mountains and filled the hearts of the warriors with agony.
          Gathering his strength, Arjuna spoke in choked voice - “What happened to my son? I left him hoping you four will protect him. How was he slain when his fathers are nearby? Tell me how my son was slain in the battlefield when his prowess is equal to the mighty Krishna. There’s no single soul on earth mighty enough to slay my son. Even there can be warriors like Karna, Bhishma and Dronacharya to slay…. to slay me, but not my son! Abhimanyu was trained by Krishna, Balram, Pradyumna and me! Having learnt from such foremost warriors, my son is undefeatable in the battle. How it is that such a mighty warrior is lying lifeless now? Who did this to my son? Answer me, someone, before my heart explodes in pain.”
Abhimanyu ...the  unsurpassed hero!
          King Yudhistra, with eyes filled with tears and heart filled with agony explained about Abhimanyu’s prowess inside the Chakra Vyuha and the death of Abhimanyu. Listening to his son’s mightiness, Arjuna, filled with grief and feeling proud spoke – “My son will definitely reach heaven for his heroic achievement today. Unforgettable feat which even I or Karna will never be able to achieve. Forget about others, how and from when did Dronacharya and Karna became such cruel in their heart? From when did their heart turn such filthy to pierce such a soft heart with pointed arrows?”
          The cries of the Pandavas were heard in the Kaurava camp and Duryodhana was informed about the arrival of Arjuna to the camp. Expecting the moment, Duryodhana, along with his brothers and drums came outside their camp and laughed hysterically with pride. Yuyutsu, son of King Dhritarashtra who sided with the Pandavas, on listening to the indecent mockery and behavior of his brothers, rose in anger and rushed to them.  With harsh words, he said aloud–“You all call yourself warriors after slaying a child?! He opposed you all singly like a lion whereas you all, attacked him like wolves and are enjoying the moment when you all are supposed to be afraid of facing Arjuna’s mightiness tomorrow in the battlefield. Your cruelty has poisoned the hearts of the mighty Dronacharya and Karna too. Don’t you see that the only goodness left in your side has been sinned? You all will definitely face the effects of your sinful act. Dare not, call yourselves a warrior or even a Kshatriya!”
          Thus, with raged heart and words, Yuyutsu left the place and entered the Pandavas camp. Hearing Yuyutsu’s words, Karna and Dronacharya, who were already ashamed of their act felt mortified. They didn’t even leave their bivouac to celebrate for the day’s victory or to discuss about tomorrow’s battle strategies. With raged heart after being insulted by their brother, Duryodhana and his brothers left to their tent. The Kaurava warriors feared Arjuna might call for battle in night.
          Arjuna, filled with grief, spoke –“What did you all do standing there in the battlefield when my son was being slaughtered? What happened to your weapons: King Yudhistra’s spike, brother Bhīma’s mace, Nakula and Sahadeva’s sword, bow and arrows and also, other mighty Kings? If I had known that you all were weak and not mighty as you all were known for, I would have stayed behind, protecting my son. Believing in you weaklings, I went away leaving my precious soul under your protection. What were you fathers doing wearing a golden suit of armor, standing in your respective gold-decked chariot filled with shiny and sharp weapons? What happened to all your mightiness? What happened to the words that you all assured me?”
          None had the nerve to look at Arjuna or even explain to him. Krishna alone soothed Arjuna by patting the shoulders of Arjuna, with no words spoken. Arjuna was filled with rage on his brothers and blamed them for the death of Abhimanyu. Yudhistra, with lowered head spoke –“Arjuna! We take the blame for our son’s death. Packed with energy, enthusiasm, skill and talent, as your son proceeded into the Vyuha, we were stopped by King Jayadratha. He separated us from our son.” Yudhistra thus spoke the day’s battle and the way King Jayadratha ceased the four brothers from entering the Vyuha.
          “You four mighty warriors and your entire platoon were not able to slay or even defeat one King!!?”- yelled Arjuna.
Jayadratha and his boon from Lord Siva
          Krishna, consoling Arjuna, spoke – “Arjuna, what your brother says is true. After being humiliated by Bhīma in the forest, King Jayadratha practiced severe austerity desirous of a boon from Lord Shiva. When Lord Shiva was pleased and appeared in front of him, he asked for a boon that he should be able to defend the sons of Pandavas, singly, in the battlefield. It was only because of this boon, your brothers were unable to defend Abhimanyu.”
          Hearing the words of Krishna, enraged Arjuna yelled – “That wicked Jayadratha! Wretched soul on earth! Tomorrow I will slay that wretch in my own hands. I will dispatch him to hell for his malevolent act. If, by tomorrow’s sunset he is alive, I will enter into pyre and reach heaven along with my son. And this is my vow.”
          Vowing in front of everyone, Arjuna, filled with rage rushed towards his bivouac. Hearing his vow, the Pandava army blew their conches and produced a loud shriek that made the Kaurava army to quiver in fear. Duryodhana’s spies informed Duryodhana about Arjuna’s vow. Fear struck, Jayadratha said –“Duryodhana! Arjuna is raged and he will definitely take his vow seriously. Without doubt, he will kill me for he has sworn on his son. Allow me, I will leave the camp and hide myself somewhere deep inside the forest or even beneath the mountains where he will not find me.”
          Duryodhana calmed Jayadratha and said –“O King! Calm down. No matter where you go, Arjuna will find you and kill you. The one and only safe place for you is among us. With mighty warriors in our side, to protect you, why are you afraid of one single bowman? You are a Kshatriya. Disperse your fear.”
          Saying so, Duryodhana and Jayadratha along with the wicked council members like Saguni, Duchadhana, Aswathama and Karna left to generalissimo Dronacharya’s bivouac to discuss about defending Jayadratha. Meanwhile, while they were discussing, King Yudhistra’s messenger reached Dronacharya’s tent looking for Duryodhana.
          “King Duryodhana! Dronacharya! Kindly, accept my respect. I am here carrying a message from King Yudhistra. Mighty Arjuna has vowed to slay King Jayadratha in the battle tomorrow. And so, in order to protect the life and happiness of their sister, King Yudhistra has requested the King and army general to protect King Jayadratha, the son-in-law of the Kuru family.”
      With permission from Dronacharya, the messenger left the tent. Duryodhana, surprised on King Yudhistra’s act said- “Is King Yudhistra such a mighty soul!? Knowing the consequence of the failure of the vow, yet he has informed us about protecting Jayadratha. With Arjuna’s death, they will lose the war. Knowing this, he has asked us to save Jayadratha! All because of his love for our sister, Dussala? I admire his heart! Willing to lose his brother to save the life, happiness and future of his sister! Esteemed soul he is!”
          “Duryodhana, now that the King himself has confirmed, focus on my safety. Else, sure, Arjuna will slay me.” – quivered King Jayadratha.
          “Fear not, O King. It’s not noble for a Kshatriya to leave the battlefield out of fear for his life. Our mighty warriors will fight for protecting you from Arjuna. Observe the Kshatriya duties and set your heart in the battle, O King.”- consoled Dronacharya.
          “Allied with Krishna, Arjuna is definitely mighty and unstoppable. No matter what ever battle strategies you apply, he will definitely break it. Filled with wrath, the Pandavas are waiting for my death. Arjuna, out of his confidence, has vowed to even fall into a pyre.” – said restless Jayadratha.
          Saguni, who was sitting serene, on listening to Jayadratha’s words, lifted his head and said – “Arjuna has vowed to kill himself, right! This really is a great opportunity.  If he dies, the Pandavas will lose the war. Duryodhana will win the war!”
King Jayadratha...all set to hide!
Hearing Saguni’s words, exhilarated Duryodhana turned towards Dronacharya and said – “Dronacharya! Our leader! Form a mighty array that the Pandavas will find it tough to break. As of Jayadratha, protect him with the help of our mighty chariot warriors, Maharathas and soldiers. Let’s hide him somewhere and make sure Arjuna never finds out. With sunset, unable to find him, Arjuna will enter the pyre. I will win!” – ceasing not, turning towards King Jayadratha, he continued- “O King Jayadratha! Fear not for it’s a great chance for us to win the battle. Hide yourself and do not come out of the place until sunset. You will be protected by mighty heroes like Karna, Aswathama and Krpacharya. Those heroes untied together are not easy to defeat...even by Arjuna.”
          King Jayadratha, understanding the strategy of Duryodhana too got cheered – “Great plan, Duryodhana! Victory will be ours by tomorrow’s sunset! Through me, you will get the victory you desire!”
          Dronacharya and the council formed strategies to protect King Jayadratha and also to stop the Pandava army. None slept in the Pandavas camp out of fear, ‘What if Arjuna fails!?’, whereas, those in the Kauravas camp too slept not as they were filled with terror to face the raged Arjuna in the battle tomorrow. Dronacharya and Karna, knowing what will happen for sure tomorrow no matter what and realizing that their efforts will fail in front of Krishna, remembering their promises to Duryodhana they executed their plan to defend Jayadratha. The night, indeed, was long and disturbing in both the camps.

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