March 20, 2017

Kurukshetra War - Day 13

Abhimanyu and Arjuna!
Left with only 2 Akshauhinis, the Pandavas prepared for the thirteenth day of the battle, not aware of the vile and cruel strategy of the Kauravas. Finishing their morning prayers, the Sons of Pandu gathered along with Krishna, Dhrishtadyumna and the Kings to discuss about the day’s battle. Meanwhile, rushing into the tent and bowing at everyone gathered, the Pandava scout said- “King Yudhistra, forgive me for my offensive entry. The Trigartha warriors, under their King Susarman are marching towards Virata Kingdom, summoning Prince Arjuna for a battle.”
“What an unfair move by King Susarman! King Yudhistra, permit me to leave the battlefield. I have to defend my people.” – urged King Virata.
“King Virata, if you leave the battlefield, your soldiers too have to follow you. We already have very few soldiers.”-said Krishna.
“But Krishna, what about the innocent citizens of Virata?” – said depressed King Virata.
“Indeed, O King. But if your army leaves the battlefield, it will be a definite loss for King Yudhistra today. Moreover, they have summoned Arjuna. Singly, Arjuna can vanquish them! He crushed the Trigartha warriors yesterday in the battle. Sure he can repeat the same. Arjuna and I will go and battle with the Trigartha army before they could reach the gates of Virata. You and your army defend King Yudhistra without worrying about your Kingdom. Your Kingdom is safe in the hands of the world’s mightiest warrior!”-said Krishna.
Pleased on hearing the words of Krishna, the Kings and generals rushed to prepare their legion for the battle while Krishna and Arjuna left towards Virata Kingdom, to crush the Trigarthas.
With the hour for sunrise nearing, both the armies gathered in the battlefield. With sun rising in the east spreading his first ray of light and warmth to the world, witnessing the 7 Akshauhinis of the Kaurava warriors arrayed in the form of the unassailable Chakra Vyuha, the world of the Pandavas darkened. Fear and panic filled their heart as even King Yudhistra stood speechless. Dronacharya stood at the center of the Vyuha, deeply humiliated at his act.
Kauravas in Chakra Vyuha
The Chakra Vyuha formed by Dronacharya appeared like a death trap meant for the Pandavas. Placing Duryodhana in the center, defended by the foremost warriors like Dronacharya, Karna, Duchadhana, Krpacharya and Saguni, the Kaurava warriors were filled with courage, delight and guarantee of victory. The brothers of Duryodhana formed the next circle of defense headed by Aswathama and the next two levels were defended by King Salya and King Bhurisravas, respectively.
“Brother, Dronacharya has formed the indestructible Chakra Vyuha knowing that no one will be able to break it, except Arjuna! And that’s why the Trigarthas purposely removed Arjuna away from the battlefield!” – said raged Bhīma.
“Even if we break the array and enter, we will not be able to come out and we will lose our entire army! Breaking all those circles, it’s not going to be easy for us to reach the center where Duryodhana, Dronacharya, Karna and the mighty foremost warriors of the Kaurava army are standing.”- added Sahadeva.
Before King Yudhistra could respond, the conches were blown and drums were beaten, indicating the start of the day’s battle and the mighty Kaurava warriors rushed towards the fear struck Pandavas and their army.
“Our warriors are strong and standing courageous. Proceed towards Duryodhana and his warriors, my soldiers! Let’s break that array and slay Dronacharya today.”- yelling at his soldiers, Dhrishtadyumna rushed against the Kaurava soldiers. The battle was fierce and terrible to witness and unable to face the prowess of the Kings and foremost warriors of the Kaurava army, the Pandava soldiers fled in all directions. Dronacharya, Karna, Aswathama and the foremost archers of the Kaurava army were crushing the Pandava troops by showering pointy darts unceasingly.
“Seems, by sunset not a single Pandava soldier will be alive! There is no way for us to attack Dronacharya, Karna and Duryodhana. Only if they are engaged by us, they will stop crushing our army! But how can we go near them when we do not have Arjuna here, the only person who can penetrate into the mighty Vyuha and also lead us out safely!” – said disheartened King Yudhistra.
Unable to witness his soldiers being slain and King Yudhistra’s helplessness to rescue them, the mighty heroic Abhimanyu said –“Father taught me how to penetrate. Permit me to enter, father.”
Hearing Abhimanyu’s words, stunned Bhīma responded -“No son! You are not aware of the tactics to keep the array open and also the manner to exit it.”
“Bhīma is right, Abhimanyu. Your father left you under our protection. We will think of a way to break the array. I would rather accept defeat than to lead you into this trap.” – said King Yudhistra.
“O Father, I am Abhimanyu, the son of mighty Arjuna and nephew of the illustrious Krishna. Those Kaurava warriors are no match to my prowess. It is not fair for me to just stand here and witness my army being crushed. My father would not have stood patiently. And if he knows about this, he will definitely accuse me for doing nothing. I would even accept death trying to defend my soldiers rather than standing here with my bow. I will penetrate into the array and bring out those foremost warriors of the Kaurava army. Kindly allow me. There is no other way to save our soldiers.” – insisted Abhimanyu.
After tenacious insisting by Abhimanyu, King Yudhistra and Bhīma agreed to Abhimanyu’s words, saying – “Abhimanyu, you are mightier, stronger and talented than Arjuna. But to us, you are still a kid… our future. We will have our eyes fixed on you. Bhīma, Dhrishtadyumna and we all will be your protectors for today. Break the array and we will follow you closely and will make sure that the array is kept open so that you can return safely to us.”
“Your victory is what father and uncle Krishna desire! To ensure your victory, I will do everything conceivable. I will penetrate into the array and defeat Karna and Dronacharya and give path for father Bhīma to slay the brothers of uncle Duryodhana. Today everyone will witness the prowess of a sixteen year old kid!” – Saying so, Abhimanyu commanded his charioteer – “Sumitra, urge the steeds to enter the Vyuha.”
Holding the ropes of the steeds, Sumitra, the concerned charioteer said –“Abhimanyu, I request you to reconsider about you entering the Vyuha. What rests on your shoulders is heavier than what you think it is. You are not skilled and experienced in the science of battle like Dronacharya or Karna. Behold him forming the indestructible array today especially when your father Arjuna is not here!”
Laughing at the words of his charioteer, Abhimanyu responded with pride – “O Sumitra, you have seen me battling! I have defeated my uncle Duryodhana and also have slain many foremost Kings and warriors in this battle. I am son of the mightiest archer of all time. I was trained by illustrious warriors like uncle Krishna, uncle Balram, Pradyumna and my father! The whole of Kaurava army in front of me not even matches to one sixteenth of my power! I am not afraid even if I get my mighty father or even the almighty Krishna as my challenger. Steer the steeds towards Dronacharya!”
As his charioteer urged the golden armored steeds towards the Kaurava army drearily, Abhimanyu, knowing what he is doing, said – “Just like a moth flying into an erupting volcano!”
Abhimanyu entering the Chakra Vyuha
Beholding Abhimanyu leading the Pandava army, Drona commanded the troops to cease Abhimanyu and also ordered King Jayadratha to cease the rest of the Pandava troops from following Abhimanyu. Showering his darts at the resisting warriors and penetrating into the Vyuha valiantly in the very sight of Duryodhana and Dronacharya, Abhimanyu began to consume the Kaurava troops like forest fire. As Abhimanyu entered the Vyuha and began to crush it leaving his entrance wide open for the Pandava troops to enter, King Yudhistra, Bhīma, Nakula, Sahadeva, the UpaPandavas, Satyaki, Dhrishtadyumna, Sikandi, King Virata, King Drupada and their platoon rushed to defend their beloved Abhimanyu. Witnessing the Pandava troops desirous of saving Abhimanyu, King Jayadratha blocked the opening of the array with darts by invoking celestial weapons. Endowed by the boon* he received from Lord Shiva, singly, King Jayadratha engaged in resisting his antagonists and succeeded in separating them from Abhimanyu.
Jayadratha against the Pandava army
Piercing every single foremost warrior of the Pandava troops with his sharp arrows and King Yudhistra with seven darts, King Jayadratha covered the Pandava troops with his shafts, making them unable to move forward.  King Yudhistra, raged, cut off the bow of Jayadratha but, like lightning, taking up another bow, Jayadratha pierced Yudhistra with ten more darts and made him tremble. Fumed Bhīma cut off the bow and standard of Jayadratha’s chariot and responding to that, Jayadratha, taking another bow, cut off Bhīma’s bow, standard, charioteer and steeds. Beholding Bhīma vanquished by Jayadratha, the Kaurava troops cheered with loud shouts while Bhīma ascended the chariot of Satyaki. Blockading the entrance created by Abhimanyu with the lifeless bodies of the Pandava soldiers and animals, boasting himself, King Jayadratha laughed at the Sons of Pandu. Witnessing King Jayadratha’s prowess, the Kaurava troops cheeringly engaged in resisting the heroic Abhimanyu who was causing chaos for their army.
Singly and audaciously proceeding towards the foremost warriors of the Kauravas, wounding the advancing Kaurava soldiers in thousands and slaying in hundreds, Abhimanyu crushed everything and everyone in his path. With arms cut off or legs pierced or beheaded or arrows pierced in the neck, hundreds of Kaurava soldiers laid lifeless on the ground, signifying that Abhimanyu has crossed that section of the Vyuha.  Facing all kinds of the warriors, viz., elephant warriors, foot soldiers, spike men, chariot warriors, cavalry archers, siege weapons, Knights and archers, and crushing them daringly, Abhimanyu appeared impressive and implanted fear in the hearts of the Kaurava warriors.
Witnessing the prowess of Abhimanyu and Dronacharya standing excited and proud at the feat achieved by Abhimanyu, raged Duryodhana rushed against Abhimanyu. Even after witnessing Duryodhana, the terrified Kaurava soldiers fled in all directions. Seeing Duryodhana’s unexpected move, Dronacharya addressed – “Proceed to defend Duryodhana. Abhimanyu is furious and raged. He might even slay the King.”
Hearing Dronacharya’s command Aswathama, Krpacharya, Karna, King Saguni, King Salya, Kritavarman and Vrishasena engaged in showering arrows at Abhimanyu and defended Duryodhana who was baffled by the unceasing arrows of Abhimanyu. Responding to all those darts and in return piercing every single one of them with his pointy darts, Abhimanyu slew the Son of Asmaka of Asmaka Kingdom, not before slaying his steeds and charioteer.
Ceasing not, valiant Abhimanyu pierced Karna with three darts in the chest and made him lose hold of his bow and with three more darts, he made Sushena, Drigalochana and Kundavedhin fell unconscious, not before he made the invincible King Salya swoon in his chariot. Raged at his brother lying unconscious, Salya’s brother pierced Abhimanyu with rage. Smiling at the rage of his foe, raising his bow and with series of darts, Abhimanyu slew the charioteer and the steeds, cut off the head of Salya’s brother and turned the chariot into dust. Beholding their King slain, Madra warriors rushed against Abhimanyu yelling–“Slay Abhimanyu!”. Smiling at the fearless Madra soldiers, Abhimanyu showered darts which pierced the armor and entered the body of the soldiers like red-hot iron rod.
Abhimanyu against Karna!
Beholding the prowess of Abhimanyu, excited and elated Dronacharya said unto Krpacharya – “That kid is a delight to watch! He surpassed every single warrior’s feat. Even mine and Arjuna’s! Look at him… noble, firm minded and handsome like Krishna, talented and modest like Arjuna, humble like Yudhistra, deeds surpassing Bhīma, well cultured and polite like Nakula and Sahadeva…Oh…he is an incarnation of all the noble qualities of Krishna and the Sons of Pandu. Look at the way he is showering his darts! I can see that he is being soft and modest to the soldiers. With this much talent, if only he is raged like Bhīma, he could annihilate the whole army. But I think he does not wish to… as a respect to Arjuna and Bhīma! I have seen Arjuna’s progress in talent and skill, but this Kid...he amazes me! At this young age, he has got everything what Arjuna has learnt in all these years!”
Duryodhana, who was standing helpless and raged at Abhimanyu’s prowess, witnessing Dronacharya’s excited face, fumed in anger and rushed to Karna and Duchadhana and said –“Look at our generalissimo Dronacharya. Full of proud and delight! Trust me…he doesn’t even want to slay that kid. Especially cause Abhimanyu is his favorite disciple Arjuna’s son! Only we have to do something to slay him.”
Desirous of slaying Abhimanyu, raged Duchadhana, rushing against Abhimanyu addressed aloud –“Brother, witness me slaying this Kid today. With this kid gone, Arjuna and Krishna too will leave this world, having no desire to live. With that, the Sons of Pandu and Draupathi will also enter the pyre. You will be King by tomorrow!”
Hearing the words of Duchadhana, King Yudhistra and his brothers yelled at him to stop battling against Abhimanyu. As much as they tried, their efforts to proceed into the Vyuha failed. Laughing at the inability of the Sons of Pandu, Duchadhana proceeded against Abhimanyu and seeing his unexpected move, disheartened Dronacharya worried about Abhimanyu, remembering Duryodhana’s plan. Beholding Duchadhana rushing at him, Abhimanyu said- “You have insulted Matha Draupathi and spoke ill of her and my fathers. And also you behaved despicably when uncle Krishna was in Hastinapur for peace talks.  Today, I will free myself from the burden of rage I hold in my heart for you and the debt I owe to my beloved uncle, fathers and Matha Draupathi, as a son. If you want to live without shame, leave the battlefield right now. Fear not for I will not slay you. I remember the vow of mighty Bhīma and that’s the suitable way for you to die.”
Enraged on hearing the words of Abhimanyu, Duchadhana engaged in showering darts at Abhimanyu.  Responding to those darts, Abhimanyu continuously poured shafts at his foe and pierced him in vital parts. Like a raged elephant, Duchadhana battled against Abhimanyu but he was no match to Abhimanyu’s prowess. Abhimanyu’s golden winged dart targeted for the shoulder-joint of Duchadhana penetrated into the body up to the very wings and made him lose hold of the bow. Ceasing not, Abhimanyu struck him with seven more darts and made Duchadhana fell unconscious in his seat. Duchadhana’s charioteer immediately rode the chariot away from Abhimanyu as fast as he could.
Witnessing Abhimanyu’s prowess, the Pandavas and their army cheered and uttered loud shouts. Filled with delight, they rushed against King Jayadratha audaciously. Raged and insulted on Abhimanyu’s prowess, Duryodhana said –“Karna, this kid defeated my mighty Duchadhana! He is insulting me with his bow and his prowess.”
In order to defend Duryodhana, Karna rushed against Abhimanyu showering his darts. Though pierced by Karna’s darts, feeling no pain and desirous of battling against Dronacharya to break the array, with his razor sharp darts Abhimanyu cut off the standard and umbrella and slew the charioteer and steeds of Karna. Hurling a dart even before the mighty Karna could recognize, Abhimanyu cut off his bow and pierced him with three shafts and the duel between Karna and Abhimanyu ended in few minutes.
Witnessing Abhimanyu’s prowess, delighted Dronacharya said – “Krpacharya, see that kid’s skill in archery! Amazing feet! Even Arjuna, under Krishna’s guidance was unable to vanquish Karna but this kid…he achieved it singly! His archery skill is far superior to Arjuna’s and Karna’s! Battling singly against the whole army from sunrise and yet he does not even look exhausted or cheerless!”
Meanwhile, to defend Karna, his younger brother Shone proceeded against Abhimanyu. Receiving Shone with a smiled face, the daring Abhimanyu beheaded Shone with a single dart and engaged in showering darts at Karna before he could grasp his breath. Seeing Karna’s helplessness, his charioteer bore the chariot away from the field. Smiling for his victory, Abhimanyu showered darts at the Kaurava soldiers incessantly. The soldiers suffered like insect consumed by the forest fire.
Breaching the indestructible Chakra Vyuha’s core and blowing his conch indicating his success, Abhimanyu engaged in crushing the warriors in his path of reaching Dronacharya and Duryodhana. The battle was fierce and brutal to witness. Slaying the charioteer of Vrishasena and sending Vrishasena away from the field and slaying King Vasatiya of Vasati Kingdom with an iron dart, Abhimanyu engaged with the mighty brothers of Duryodhana and the foremost kings and princes of the Kaurava army. Capturing Prince Satvasravas, Abhimanyu slew hundreds of soldiers approaching him. Rukmaratha, son of Salya who rushed to rescue his friend lost his hands and head to Abhimanyu’s darts and fell lifeless on the ground. Madra Princes and warriors rushed against Abhimanyu with rage but, like lightning, Abhimanyu slew all those mighty Princes, including Prince Satvasravas and hundreds of warriors, invoking the celestial Gandharva weapon. Duryodhana felt tremor in his spine witnessing the prowess of Abhimanyu and rushed against Abhimanyu. In few moments, Duryodhana, though he is mighty, unable to respond to the prowess of Abhimanyu, commanded his charioteer to turn back and join Dronacharya, desire of his life.
Meanwhile, the continuous efforts of King Yudhistra and his army in entering the Vyuha were interrupted by King Jayadratha. King Vrihadvala, King Saguni, Krpacharya, Kritavarman and Lakshmana proceeded against Abhimanyu who was routing the entire Kaurava army like a kid playing with his toy.  Drenching every one of them with his darts, the valiant Abhimanyu vanquished them and made them turn back. Duryodhana’s son, Lakshmana who encountered Abhimanyu lost his head to Abhimanyu’s broad headed arrow and fell lifeless on the ground. Witnessing Lakshmana lying dead, the Kaurava troops were filled with fear and panic while raged Duryodhana yelled – “Kill him, right now!”
The bold and daring Abhimanyu!

On the command of Duryodhana, the Kalinga and the Nishadha army surrounded Abhimanyu under their King, Son of Kratha.  Crushing the legion in front of him like crushing a grape, Abhimanyu destroyed the entire elephant division of the Kalinga and the Nishadha Kingdom and ceasing not, without any struggle, he beheaded the son of Kratha. Not taking time to rejoice at his feet and slaying Vrindharaka, Abhimanyu rushed against the approaching Aswathama. Pierced by Aswathama’s shafts, standing tough and courageous, Abhimanyu responded to Aswathama’s darts and pierced him with three shafts in the chest. Desirous of rescuing him, Dronacharya, Krpacharya, King Vrihadvala and Kritavarman engaged in showering darts at Abhimanyu. Responding to everyone’s shafts and piercing them in return, Abhimanyu, with rage, slayed the Kosala King, King Vrihadvala by hurling a pointy dart at his chest, not before slaying his steeds and charioteer. With the fall of King Vrihadvala, the last Kosala King of Iksvahu dynasty was annihilated. Witnessing Abhimanyu’s feet, ten thousand warriors and their Kings fled from the battlefield in fear.
 Meanwhile, returning to the battlefield, Karna began to resist Abhimanyu who was engaged in slaying thousands of Kaurava warriors. Responding to Karna’s shafts, Abhimanyu slaughtered six generals of Karna, Magadha Prince Ashwaketu and the Bhoja Prince Martikavata along with their steeds and charioteer. Ceasing not, desirous of victory for King Yudhistra, Abhimanyu slaughtered Satrunjaya, Chandraketu, Mahamegba, Uvarcha, and Suryabhasa. Beholding Abhimanyu, terrified Duryodhana requested Karna to discuss with Dronacharya about the means to slay him.

Rushing to Dronacharya, Karna asked – “Abhimanyu is crushing the whole army and the warriors are terrified. Is there any possible way to vanquish or slay Abhimanyu?”
Not taking his elated eyes from Abhimanyu, Dronacharya spoke proudly –“Observe him, Karna. Observe all his moves and swiftness in action. As a foremost warrior of this world and well versed in skills in archery and battling techniques, tell me whether you are able to witness any flaw in him? He has amused me with his looks, his action, his pace and the manner he has worn that defensive thick and impenetrable armor. He reminds me of Arjuna and Krishna in everything he does and in the manner he behaves.”
Smiling and feeling proud of Abhimanyu and his feat for a moment, remembering his duty to Duryodhana, Karna responded – “Just Sixteen and yet he surpasses Arjuna and me in his swiftness and skill. His arrows pierced me stronger than Arjuna’s. But, for Duryodhana’s victory, we need to find a way to stop Abhimanyu before he exterminates the whole army.”
On hearing the name of Duryodhana, Dronacharya’s smile and joy disappeared from his heart and face. Lowering his head, with a heavy heart, Dronacharya said – “No warrior is strong when he is left without a weapon and a skilled charioteer. Abhimanyu is invincible when he is with his bow or any weapon. And his charioteer Sumitra too is steering the steeds astonishingly. If you are able to cut of his bow and ground his chariot, hope, you can… slow him or resist him.”
Desire of restoring his fame and in order to revenge Abhimanyu for the insult, Duryodhana commanded – “There is no way we can slay him if we fight in this manner. Attack him! This is no time to follow the rules of the battle!” Commanded for an unfair battle, the mighty foremost warriors, Dronacharya, Aswathama, Karna, Duryodhana, Durmashana (Son of Duchadhana), Duchadhana, King Saguni, Krpacharya and Kritavarman attacked Abhimanyu simultaneously.  Responding to all those shafts with the same fierce and rage, Abhimanyu though pierced by darts, felt no pain. Beholding Abhimanyu’s prowess, his charioteer, remembering Abhimanyu’s words, “The whole of Kaurava army in front of me not even matches to one sixteenth of my power!”- felt proud and privileged, though accepting in his heart that his end is near.

In the most unrighteous battle, Karna broke the bow of Abhimanyu and Kritavarman slew the steeds. While others resisted Abhimanyu from taking another bow or weapon, Krpacharya slaughtered charioteer Sumitra. Jumping from his chariot with a sword and shield in hand, Abhimanyu, without any second thought, rushed towards Dronacharya.  Disheartened Dronacharya, remembering his duty as the generalissimo of the army, broke the shield of Abhimanyu with his darts as Karna cut off the sword into pieces.
Ceasing not and pacing forward, Abhimanyu rushed against Drona, picking a detached wheel lying on the ground. Beholding Abhimanyu holding a wheel, he reminded of Krishna raging with a wheel in his hand against Pithamaha Bhishma. As Dronacharya stood speechless and motionless witnessing Abhimanyu and seeing Krishna within him, other warriors broke the wheel into pieces with their darts. Shouting aloud in rage and picking up a mace from the ground, Abhimanyu rushed towards Aswathama’s chariot. With no time to respond, Aswathama quickly jumped from his chariot while Abhimanyu was engaged in slaying the steeds and the charioteer. Crushing the chariot with his mace, raged Abhimanyu, not exhausted or dejected or concerned about his life, rushed against the Gandhara warriors nearby.  With mace in his hand, he slew King Kalikeya (son of Suvala) and 77 Gandhara warriors. Standing strong and drenched in blood, Abhimanyu slew ten Brahma-Vasatiya chariot warriors and ten elephant warriors, along with their elephants.
Rushing towards Durmashana’s chariot, Abhimanyu crushed it into pieces and slew the steeds. With maces in their hand, both of them rushed against each other. Gathering up all his strength, Abhimanyu, mangled with arrows, struck Durmashana with his mace and as a result of the blow, both on them fell on the ground. Getting up first and realizing that Abhimanyu is struggling to stand, Durmashana struck hard with his mace, at the back of Abhimanyu’s head. Beholding Abhimanyu, the sons of Pandu warned, advised and begged Duryodhana to stop the sinful and vile act. King Yudhistra begged Dronacharya and Karna to stop the injustice.
With mace in his hand and gathering up all his strength for one last time, taking the blow in his head, Abhimanyu hits Durmashana in the crown part of his head. Unable to take the blow and with skull crushed, Durmashana fell lifeless on the ground. Weary as a result of the whole day’s battle and stupefied at the blow in his head, the incomparable Abhimanyu fell on the earth. Descending from their chariot, raged on the death of Durmashana, Duryodhana and Duchadhana proceeded towards Abhimanyu.
Standing near Abhimanyu, realizing that the time for the unsurpassed hero is near, Duchadhana kicked him in the back and laughed at Abhimanyu, who was breathing his last breath. Deeply insulted on the act of Duchadhana, Abhimanyu spoke in a low tone – “Uncle Duchadhana has insulted me and the Kuru family. No Kshatriya or a warrior would kick their foe, especially the one who is unarmed and lying defenseless. I did not expect such an ill-mannered act from the Kuru family.”

Duryodhana and Duchadhana stood laughing, enjoying their victory; Abhimanyu breathed his last breath as the sun set behind the mountain. Entering the battlefield by sunrise and fighting against seven Akshauhinis and slaying ten thousand warriors battling all day long till sunset and achieving a meritorious feat by battling against the mighty foremost warriors in an unfair battle, Abhimanyu died in the most glorious way as a Kshatriya, which even Pithamaha Bhishma was unable to accomplish.
With the death of Abhimanyu, the Kaurava soldiers cheered in delight and relief and retired to their tents filled with joy while Dronacharya and Karna stood with their heads lowered. Dejected and embarrassed for their act against the heroic Abhimanyu, they left the battlefield with a heavy heart. Few Pandava soldiers fled from the field out of fear as the Sons of Pandu, UpaPandavas and the Kings ran to Abhimanyu who was lying deserted.

*King Jayadratha received a boon from Lord Shiva to resist in battle all the sons of Pandu (except Arjuna), alone, for at least one day.

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