May 02, 2017

Krishnavatar - Timeline

§  Appearance at midnight of Sravana  (July 19/20) to Devaki.
§  Taken by Vasudeva from Mathura to Nanda and Yasoda in Gokula.
Till 3 Years of age
§  Lived in Gokula.
§  Slaying of Putana, Sakatasura and Trinivarta.
3 – 6 Years of age
§  Moved to Vrindavana.
§  Slaying of Bakasura, Aghasura and Dhenuka.
§  Balarama slays Pralamba.
§  Moved to Nandagrama.
7-10 Years of age
§  Brahma steals and returns cowherd boys.
§  Govardhana Puja.
§  Rasa-lila with the gopis.
§  Invited to Mathura for wrestling match.
§  Krishna slays Canura while Balarama slays Mustika.
§  Krishna slays Kamsa and Balarama killed Kamsa’s brothers.
10-28 Years of age
§  Lived in Mathura.
§  Initiated along with Balarama into chanting Gayatri by Gargamuni.
§  Gurukul with Balarama and Uddhava in the sixty four arts by Sandipani Muni.
§  Protects Mathura from many demons.
29 – 125 Years of age
§  Establishes Dwaraka city.
§  Marriage to Rukmini and 7 principal queens.
§  Marriage to 16,100 princesses.
§  1,61,080 children born to Krishna.
§  Destined death of Sisubala at the hands of Krishna in the Indraprastha city.
§ Saves Draupathi in the Cheer Haran attempted on her, in front of the Pandavas, the Kauravas and the mighty souls.
§  Lord Krishna leaves from Upaplavya to Hastinapur, for peace talk.
§  Warns King Dhridharashtra and shows him about the war and death of his sons.
§  Lunar eclipse, after the failure of peace talk.
§  The war begins.
§ Bhagavad-Gita at Kurukshetra Battle (~90).
§  Saves King Pariksit in the womb.
125 Years of age
§  King Yudhistra’s Aswamedha Yaga and the Mongoose.
§  Yadava race extinction, in his very own hands.
§  Wounded by mistake, by a hunter named Jara.
§  Recites Uddhava Gita to Uddhava.
§  Breathed his last day of Krishnavatar on February 18.

Lord Sri Krishna lived on this earth for 125 years, 8 months and 7 days.

Sage Vyasa composed the epic Mahabharata around 3000 BC.

May 01, 2017

Dwaraka submerged!

      Daruka, on the advice of Krishna, reached Hastinapur to inform the Pandavas about the happenings in Dwaraka. Rushing towards the court of King Yudhistra, Daruka explained about the death of the Vrishnis, the Bhojas, the Andhakas and Balram. He informed about Krishna’s penance and explained Krishna’s proposal to save the women and children in Dwaraka. Filled with grief, the Pandavas, Draupathi and Subhadra moaned for the people of Dwaraka.
          “Because of the Kurukshetra war, we lost the Kauravas and for supporting us, Dwaraka people too are suffering! Krishna helped me even though he was not in the court when I was insulted. But I wonder why he did not do anything to stop this curse? I believe he chose not to. Else he would not have let this happen to his kinsmen.”- Draupathi sobbed.
        With time flying, Arjuna bid farewell to his brothers and rushed towards Dwaraka with Daruka in his chariot. All through the way, loads of questions and fear ran in the hearts of Arjuna. The whole journey was silent with only the sound of the rushing chariot.
Deserted Dwaraka!
          The chariot approached Dwaraka. Dwaraka, the glorious and magnificent city appeared like a lonely dead tree without leaves. Arjuna’s heart missed a beat on witnessing Dwaraka in such a condition. The streets that were once filled with riches and festive spirit were now bearing the cries and screams of women and children. The city lost its elegance with the departure of Krishna and Balram. The city appeared like a parched land. The river that delighted in passing by Dwaraka all these days bearing colorful flowers was now filled with the broken chariots, dead steeds, weapons of the Vrishnis, broken wheels, the weapon turned Erka grass, garlands of the dead Vrishnis, the Bhojas and the Andhakas. Even the bodies of dead Dwaraka warriors were seen floating in the river. The women of Dwaraka were pulling the bodies from the river, hoping not to see their husband or son or father and relatives. On seeing Arjuna, every woman moaned and rushed behind his chariot.
The chariot stopped in front of the palace of Krishna’s.With heavy heart, Arjuna descended from the chariot. Seeing Arjuna, the 16,000 wives of Krishna came running towards him with a loud cry. Those gorgeous women who were once rescued by Krishna from Naragasura wept without their Lord.  Helpless and hopeless, Arjuna was unable to console them. He walked into the palace looking for King Vasudeva. Hearing that Arjuna has reached the palace, Balram’s wife Revati and Krishna’s eight queens came to the palace hall. Their faces were red with eyes filled with tears and they appeared like a lotus flower deprived of water. Unable to look at them in such a condition, he fell on the floor and wept aloud, letting out his pain from his heart. Witnessing Arjuna, Revati, Rukmani and other queens too wailed.
“Arjuna, Uncle Vasudeva is waiting for you in his chambers. Console him. After hearing about his sons, he has not left his chamber. He is waiting for you to take care of the citizens of Dwaraka.” – Rukmani, Queen of Krishna comforted Arjuna and sent him to meet King Vasudev, father of the mighty Balram and Krishna.
Controlling himself, Arjuna went to the chamber of King Vasudev. Dejected on the death of his mighty sons, King Vasudev was lying on the floor exhausted on crying all day long, without food and water. Arjuna, with his mighty arms, helped his uncle to rise from the floor and made him sit on the bed. He sat in a chair beside the bed, holding his uncle’s hand firmly.
“Arjuna, why am I still alive? Without my sons, grandsons, brothers and great grandsons, without seeing them, I don’t know why I have to live. My sons, my grandsons, my great grandsons…they all survived every war they fought and returned victoriously. Even in the glorious Kurukshetra war too they fought and returned exultantly. Such was their power and supremacy. But now…inebriated and with senses lost, they killed their own kin and friends and are lying dead. Even my sons, the foremost souls of earth, they too are gone! ” – deeply struck with pain, King Vasudev wept aloud.
“Who is to be blamed for all this? Is it Gandhari or the saints for their curse? Or Akrura who brought my sons from the beautiful Vrindhavan? Or Samba for his immature prank? The Vrishnis were full of Pride all these years. Is it the Pride that killed us? I do not blame any of those. All that to be blamed will be my Krishna. Without his acceptance, this annihilation is not possible. Not in the three worlds. He who slew the demons even before he could walk…he who fought against foremost warriors of all the worlds and returned victorious… my sinless Krishna… he is the only one who is capable of stopping all this but he chose not to. He, just like every single human, witnessed everything without interfering. Such a kind and great soul on this earth, my son, glorious Krishna did not wish to fake the words of Gandhari so he allowed this to happen. He, who did everything to sustain dharma on this earth, chose not to protect his own kinsmen. It’s impossible to understand him and his motives. Not even his beloved Rukmani was able to. Or even his cherished Balram was able to understand him.” – King Vasudev spoke with weakness in his voice and heart. The days of crying without food and water has drained his energy.    
Arjuna embraced the King with his mighty arms. King Vasudev, consoling himself held Arjuna’s shoulder in his hands and said, “Arjuna, relieve me from my burden. I am holding this life only because Krishna told me to. He wanted me to protect the citizens of Dwaraka till your arrival. The destruction of our race is near. Protect the women and the children. The citizens of Dwaraka and the wealth are all yours now. Take care of them. After your departure, the city will be flooded. Without any delay, kindly do what’s best for these people. I would like to cast-off my life in penance.”
“O uncle! I clearly have no clue on what to do without Krishna. But I’m sure he will guide me. I will take the people to Indraprastha and as said by him, will make Vajra as the king.” -  saying so, Arjuna turned towards Daruka and said, “Daruka, I would like to meet the chief officials of Dwaraka city and the people too.”
Everyone assembled in the prodigious court hall of Dwaraka. Standing in front of the people gathered, Arjuna spoke in depressing voice, “Taking Krishna’s words as his order, I would like to protect you all from further omens. Dwaraka is to be flooded in few days. So, I would like you all to get your chariots and carts ready for the departure, only with the wealth that you can carry. The officials and other men will join me in carrying out the final funeral rites of the departed souls. We leave on the seventh day, at sunrise. Get prepared. It’s Krishna’s words!”
The citizens were not ready to leave Dwaraka, the women did not wish to live without their sons and husband. The parents did not wish to leave their Dwaraka and home. But as it was Krishna’s wish, with heavy heart everyone got prepared for the departure.
The next day began with darkness in the lives of the Dwaraka people. Distressing moans were heard from the chamber of Lord Vasudev’s. King Vasudev has entered the spiritual world in his yogic stance. King Vasudev’s queens Devaki, Rohini, Bhadra and Madhira were seen crying. Arjuna, with heavy heart, arranged for the last rites of the King. King Vasudev’s lifeless body was carried in a golden chariot. Along with his body they carried his divine fire that he was worshiping all these days, which he got on the day of his Ashvameda Yaga. The citizens of Dwaraka followed the chariot, moaning for their King’s loss. Arjuna performed the funeral rites of King Vasudev. The 4 queens of King Vasudev ascended the funeral pyre of their Lord. Witnessing the wives ascending the pyre, the citizens and daughter-in-laws of the King wailed aloud in agony.
The next day, Arjuna set out with the officials and other men to the place where the Vrishnis and other Yadavas lay deceased. Everyone was struck with pain on witnessing the great souls lying lifeless. They carried the lifeless bodies of those great souls in their carts and chariots according to their superiority. Arjuna went in search of Krishna and Balram with Daruka. They both tried to grasp their breath on witnessing those two mighty and sinless heroes sitting lifeless in yogic stance. Holding his heart that might burst out of agony, Arjuna fell on the ground and wept out loud in front of Krishna. His cry echoed in the trees of the forest. Filled with grief, Daruka and Arjuna carried Krishna and Balram in a chariot.
While they were returning to Dwaraka, cries and wails filled the streets. Every woman cried for their dead son, husband and father. The whole day in Dwaraka passed with the cries and laments of every woman in the city. Those beautiful gopis and Yadava women of Dwaraka who always wore flowers on their neatly raked hair, who always wore ornaments made out of gold and precious stones and pearls, who always wore silk and eminent attires sobbed all day sitting beside the bodies of their husband and sons with disheveled hair and messy attires.
The next day, Krishna’s and Balram’s bodies were carried to the place where King Vasudev’s funeral held, followed by their sons, grandsons, friends and relatives and behind them were the other mighty warriors of Dwaraka. The bodies were carried in chariots and carts as per their supremacy and funeral arrangements were prepared for every single warrior according to their seniority and tradition. Arjuna carried out the funeral rites for Balram, Krishna and his sons and grandsons. As the funeral pyre of Balram’s blazed up, his wife Revati ascended her husband’s pyre and likewise, Krishna’s 8 queens ascended Krishna’s pyre. The citizens returned to the city which is now without its Lord. The city appeared like a dried lotus flower with only sounds of the ocean waves, reciting about the flood every time the waves touch the shores. The night was lonely and long for Arjuna. The palace that was once filled with delights and gleams of Krishna now appeared like a deserted cave that echoed the cries of women. The whole city appeared lifeless. Every women and people in the city stayed inside their house. There were no lights lit on the streets or in the houses. The whole of Dwaraka seemed dejected. None spoke with anyone. None looked up at others. Arjuna was not able to bear the look of Dwaraka that’s in front of his eyes. He spent his sleepless night, strolling in the corridors.
Deserted streets...
Having performed the final rites as per the tradition for every deceased soul, the people of Dwaraka prepared for their departure. On the seventh day, with sunrise, everyone gathered in front of the gates of the magnificent Dwaraka with their kids and carts filled with necessary goods. Arjuna, mounting on his chariot, led the people of Dwaraka from the front, along with Daruka. The 16,000 widows of Krishna followed him. Followed by them were the widows of other Yadava clan Kings, their servants, maids, the guards, the Brahmans, the priests and the citizens of Dwaraka insensibly. The people were protected by the foot soldiers and few horsemen left. Dwaraka, the glorious city enriched with pleasure, food, ornaments, milk, cows, butter, grains and pulses, wine, flora and fauna, talent, ecstasy and above all, the only wealth that no other city had: Krishna, was now left without its glory. The ocean was waiting to extend her hands to embrace the whole city, to make the glorious city and the celebrated lives of the people who lived there as a history.

With everyone leaving Dwaraka and the gates closed prohibiting the entry of others, without delay the ocean rushed her hands to engulf the entire city and its wealth. The city that was left with standing structures and palaces, houses and assembly halls, temples and organizations were all consumed by the furiously approaching gigantic waves. The same streets on which Krishna walked with Balram were washed away by the waters. From wall to wall, the whole city was consumed in no matter of time. The sounds of the rushing waves were so loud that it inserted fear in the hearts of the people who witnessed the submerging.
Within few moments, the ocean engulfed the whole of Dwaraka by extending her territory and made sure, no traces were left, except Krishna’s magnificent palace. With Krishna’s departure, the ocean took back what she gave to Krishna. Krishna’s palace which was located at the center of the city appeared like a lonely island.
“It was only because of Krishna, the ocean was confined all these years, right from the day Dwaraka was erected. Look at her flowing tremendously with all her restricted power. As said by Krishna, destruction has surpassed everything in the end.” – Arjuna said in a dejected voice.
Grieving for the annihilation of their city, the people started moving, abandoning Dwaraka forever. Led by Arjuna, the women and children marched slowly. They rested at timely intervals. After walking for a long time, Arjuna camped near a dense forest. The exhausted women, soldiers, old people and children rested and refreshed for some time. Only Arjuna, Daruka, Vajra and few horsemen were awake while the rest all took a short nap. They prepared food from the fruits, grains, vegetables and animals they got from the forest. The dense forest was home for the raiders and marauders to rob and hide. Witnessing the camp, the raiders felt it’s a golden chance to raid. Tempted at the beauty of the widows, they planned to plunder not only the wealth but also the women.
“Look, there’s only one archer and few horsemen awake. Rest all seem tired. This is the right time to attack. The element of surprise will help us to loot more. Let’s get help from other groups too so that we can outnumber them. Loot whatever and whoever you want to.” – The raiders discussed among themselves and gathered to attack.
Armed with weapons, the raiders attacked the citizens of Dwaraka. Unaware of the sudden attack, the people ran in fear. The soldiers who were sleeping tried to grab their weapons before the thieves could attack. But, the raiders cautiously attacked the soldiers who were unarmed, before going towards the women. Arjuna who was on the other side of the camp, with Vajra and Daruka returned to the camp that was filled with screams and slaughter.
Looking at the assaulters, the mighty Arjuna warned – “Don’t you recognize who I am!? I, the greatest archer the world has ever seen, will stab you all with my arrows within the blink of your eyes. If you value your lives, run away.”
The raiders who were already drunk and filled with avarice for women and money ignored Arjuna’s words and started attacking Arjuna with their weapons. Arjuna pierced the thieves with his arrows. But they seized not. Seeing the thieves grabbing the widows of Krishna, Arjuna took his celestial bow, the Gandiva and tried to stringed it. The bow that was used by him for years, the bow that he could string even with eyes closed seemed tough this time to even string it. The battle became more vicious. The greatest and mightiest soldiers of the world who were part of the mighty Narayani Sena army failed to protect their women. They were killed ruthlessly by the raiders. In the meantime Arjuna stringed his Gandiva and tried to chant for the celestial arrows. To his surprise, he was unable to recall the chants. The chants that he had used frequently in the battle of Kurukshetra, the chants he used in battling against his enemies appeared like it has been erased from his memory.
Embarrassed, Arjuna tried attacking the attackers using his arrows. His arms lost the power it had. The arrows were not forceful and his arrows failed to hit the target. The arrows he shot hardly touched the raiders. Witnessing Arjuna’s failure, the muggers stormed from different directions enthusiastically. With most of the soldiers dead, Arjuna was left with few horsemen by his side to defend the women and children. The assaulters slaughtered the aged people and even children. They snatched as many women they could take with them. While Arjuna was trying to save the wives of Krishna, his Gandiva went out of shafts. The inexhaustible Gandiva, the celestial bow was exhausted! Arjuna was unable to believe it though he witnessed it in his own eyes. The raiders took this opportunity and snatched the women while few women went with them willingly noticing Arjuna’s inability in protecting them. Arjuna and the soldiers, though they gave their best to protect the women, they were unsuccessful. Witnessing the former queens of Yadava clan being taken away by the raiders, Arjuna, Daruka and Vajra stood helpless. With the raiders gone, the area appeared devastated. Only servants, servant maids, children and few old people were left along with few soldiers who were brutally injured. Lost in his inability, Arjuna sat on his chariot, losing his grip on the Gandiva.
“What happened, O Son of Pandu? These soldiers are the soldiers trained under Lord Balram and Lord Krishna! They have fought many battles against mighty warriors and yet, they failed against burglars and criminals. Why is this happening?” – Daruka queried Arjuna who was looking at his Gandiva with dejected eyes.
“Destiny’s way, I believe.”– filled with distress, Arjuna said without taking his eyes from his Gandiva.
“Daruka, gather the people left. Let’s start proceeding. I don’t think I will be able to stop the raiders if they come again. Also, I don’t think it’s better to travel in dark, without protection. We should reach Indraprastha before sunset. I don’t have what I had before and I don’t think I can do all that I have did for years.” –Arjuna said to Daruka.
And with the company of children, old men, few women and wounded soldiers, Arjuna reached Indraprastha. He made arrangements for the people to settle and made Vajra, Grandson of Krishna as the King. After settling their children and parents or relatives, few women retired into the woods. After few days, Arjuna left Indraprastha and proceeded towards Hastinapur. On his way, he met Sage Vyasa in his cottage in the forest. 
Sage Vyasa welcomed Arjuna, “Arjuna! O Son of Pandu! What happened? Why do you look so pale? Why do you look so desperate? What’s troubling you? Tell me so that I can help you in any way possible.”
Arjuna with eyes filled with tears and humiliation spoke, “I don’t know what’s happening, Sage Vyasa. I don’t understand why. He who appeared dark in color, he who removed the darkness out of people’s life, He who had eyes glowing like the full moon, He whose feet were soft and rosy like a newly blossomed lotus flower, He whose hug is so warm and loving like the sun’s rays, He along with his brother Balram ascended to heaven.”
Arjuna then explained about the fight among the Yadavas, the death of the mighty Yadava heroes, the death of Krishna, Balram and King Vasudev, Dwaraka flood, the attack by the raiders and his failure in protecting the women.
“Failed in protecting the women, I feel ashamed of myself. Krishna trusted on me and gave the responsibility to me and I failed him. With his death, my Gandiva too has exhausted, along with my powers and talents! I don’t have peace in me. I don’t desire to live on this world without Krishna.
Listening to him quietly, Sage Vyasa consoled Arjuna and said-“Arjuna! Listen to me. All these are because of Lord Krishna.  He, who has the power to even dry up all the oceans and make it rain, He who can cool down a forest fire just through his gentle looks, He who is sinless and having implausible energy within him, He is our Krishna, the creator of all the three worlds and he is the rightful possessor of all the souls in it. What happened to Dwaraka was the result of the curse of Gandhari and the sages. But in real, Krishna could have reversed the spells in no matter of time. But he didn’t. He felt, his mission on the earth has been fulfilled…which is… to sustain dharma and lighten the burden of earth. With his mission achieved, he returned back to his Vaikuntha. That’s destiny and it happened just like how it was destined to happen. O mighty Arjuna, with your brother being the emperor and dharma sustained, you all have fulfilled the purpose of your lives. With Krishna gone, the world is going to face more terrible and atrocious events in the future and I believe it’s beneficial for you all to leave the Kingdom to Parikshith and retire from the earthly pleasures. The very reason why you were all given celestial weapons has been accomplished and with Krishna gone, the weapons will not be working for you all anymore, for he is the power who made the weapons accept your chants. Time and destiny holds hands always and with change in time, destiny changes. I recommend you all to retire from the earthly pleasures and attain the highest goal.”
Hearing Sage Vyasa’s words, Arjuna realized the purpose of his life. He then spoke with clarity in his mind, “Now I understand. All these days, I thought I was mighty and more powerful. All those days in the war, I felt proud of myself witnessing my archery skill. Now I understand that it wasn’t me but him. He has been the power, talent and skill behind every single arrow that left from my Gandiva. Krishna, the mighty soul with unimaginable energy was the one being my strength and I felt proud in front of him for my talent. How pathetic of me with such lack of understanding to not even realize who he is. I take your words, Sage Vyasa. Without Krishna, I’m sure we won’t be able to fight or even protect ourselves.”
Arjuna then took permission from Sage Vyasa and left for Hastinapur with his mind as clear as dewdrop. He approached the palace and spoke to King Yudhistra, his brothers and Queen Draupathi about the happenings in Dwaraka and about the conversation with Sage Vyasa. Consenting Sage Vyasa’s words, King Yudhistra commanded for crowing Parikshit as the King. 

Krishnavatar-The Conclusion

       Witnessing the death of the loved ones is most painful. But, to be responsible for the death of the ones whom you loved and lived for, leaving your love and happy dreams has got no words to express the pain. With the death of his sons, grandsons and other Yadavas, Krishna remembered the curse of Gandhari. 36 years after the great Kurukshetra war, Gandhari’s curse found its course. Krishna stood stranded and wordless.
     “Lord, almost all of the Yadava men have been killed. Your sons and Grandsons too are dead. Let’s go to Lord Balram and report the problem. We should at least save our Yadava women and the children. The guards said Lord Balram was seen by the ocean, meditating under a tree.”-saying so, Daruka brought Krishna back to senses. Krishna followed Daruka like he was under some spell.
Krishna and Daruka went to the beach and found Lord Balram meditating beneath a wide tree. While Krishna and Daruka were approaching towards Balram, they noticed a shiny milky white snake coming out from Balram’s mouth. The snake entered into the waters and disappeared. The King of Serpants, AdiSesha left the human body and reached VishnuLok. Takshaka, Vasuki and Karkotaka, the divine snakes received their king with honor and devotion. With AdiSesha within it, the ocean itself appeared milky white in color, like the ParKadal (Ksheera Saagara).

          Watching Lord Balram’s exodus, Krishna understood that it’s time for him to leave the earth. Turning towards Daruka, Krishna said- “Daruka, go to Hastinapur. Report the situation of Dwaraka to King Yudhistra and to his brothers. Ask Arjuna to come and save the women and children. Also tell him that brother Balram is no more and I too would have left by the time he reaches here. I built Dwaraka getting land from the sea. Sooner, the sea itself will take her land back. Before Dwaraka is flooded, get Arjuna to save the women and children of the Yadavas. Also, for the surviving Yadavas, crown my grandson, Vajra as the King. The Pandavas will help you all to settle.” Listening to Krishna’s words, Daruka was stuck without thoughts and his mind was parched without words. He drove his horse to Hastinapur disheartened.
          Krishna and his friend Vabhru were alone left. Vabhru stood there unable to control himself from the domination of the consumed wine. Krishna looked at Vabhru and spoke, “Vabhru, you leave to Dwaraka and take care of the women and the children till Arjuna comes.”
          Vabhru, helpless because of the wine started moving towards Dwaraka. As Vabhru was walking drunk and uncontrollable, an arrow that came out of one of the dead Yadavas’ aimed bow because of wind, struck him in the heart and he too was killed. Witnessing his friend’s death, Krishna was dispirited.
Krishna left for his Palace. He went to his father, Lord Vasudev’s chamber. He bowed to him and said in a very depressed voice-“Father, I believe you are aware of the massacre and the clashes. Your grandsons and great grandsons are all dead. Even brother, Lord Balram is also no more. I do not wish to live in a place where my brother has no reason to live. I do not have the strength to live in the magnificent Dwaraka city without the Yadavas. I have sent Daruka to get Arjuna to Dwaraka, to protect our women and children. Wait for Arjuna’s arrival. I am going to leave to the forest and spend my final moments in penance.”
          Disheartened, Krishna took leave from his father, his mother and his wives. He informed about Lord Balram’s exodus to Revati, Balram’s wife. The women sobbed once they heard that Krishna is leaving Dwaraka. Krishna left the palace with just sharing glance on his beloved wives. The eyes soaked in tears were speechless. Krishna did not have words to speak. All he said to everyone was only to stay safe till Arjuna’s arrival.He retired to the forest and sat beneath a tree in Yogic trance. He recollected all the cherishing moments of his life- His childhood days in Gokulam, sunset by the banks of Yamuna river, his leisure times with Balram and friends, Radha’s love, the gopas and gopis, meeting Vasudev and Devaki for the first time, Rukmani’s devotion, Bama’s love, his days with Subhadra and Balram, his moments with Sudhama, Uddhava, Vabhru, Bhishma, Vidhura and his sons and grandsons,... He recalled the Kurukshetra war which reminded him that the purpose of his life was the protection of the Dharma and as it has been achieved, the time for his end is near. With his mind immersed in Gandhari’s curse and the effects of the war, he laid his head rest on the tree.
          Uddhava reached Dwaraka on hearing the news about the fight in Dwaraka. By the time Uddhava reached Dwaraka, Krishna has left for the forest. Uddhava went rushing into the forest, looking for his best friend Krishna.
          There was a hunter named Jara, who lived by the shore. He stayed in the forest close to Dwaraka. He had his arrows made with the powdered iron rod that was found inside the fishes that he caught for food.The day the Yadavas were killed, Jara was chasing a deer while he was hunting in the deep forest with the help of his poisoned arrows. He noticed something lotus pinkish in color moving in the bushes and mistook it as a deer. He aimed his poisoned arrow at the target and dispatched his arrow all the way directly into the bush. Though he was wrong on his prey, his aim did hit exactly where he aimed it. When Jara went close to collect his meat for meal, he noticed that it was not a deer but Krishna’s feet! Mistaking that to be a deer, Jara has dispatched the arrow that pierced all the way into Krishna’s left foot.

          Terrified and worried, Jara begged for mercy. “Oh dear Jara, don’t be scared or sorry as these are the ways of destiny. We are all bound by karma! God or human...mortal or immortal, every form of life is.”
Jara saw Krishna’s face. The face that smiled all the time to relieve the pain of beloved followers and citizens appeared exhausted.  While Jara was standing helpless, Uddhava came running hearing the voice of Jara. He was stunned to see Krishna lying beneath the tree with a poisoned arrow piercing his foot and blood flowing outside his soft foot. Krishna smiled at Uddhava and called him closer. Uddhava, who was now totally speechless, was crying profoundly, “Krishna! Did I come all this way to just see you like this? Come with me. I will take you to Gokulam or Dwaraka.”
          Calm and still smiling at his friend; Krishna laid his hands on Uddhava’s shoulders and spoke in a soft and pleasing voice, “Uddhava, this is my destiny. I cannot run away from it, right? Listen to me. I can see that the end of Yadava clan is near. Inform about my demise to my family and people of Dwaraka. Also to Matha Yashoda and Nanda Gopa in Gokulam. And to Radha. I know you are going to have most important part of life in the coming days. Your future is going to be the most treasured moments for this world.”
          “Krishna, I do not wish to live a life without you. Take me with you. You are my everything! Do not leave me, please. Take me with you.”-Uddhava was crying profoundly.
          Krishna still smiling at his friend patted on his shoulders and said in a concerned voice, “Uddhava! My destiny is over and so I’m leaving. You will leave when your time comes. Just because I’m leaving earth doesn’t mean I’m gone forever. I left Vrindhavan. I also left Gokulam and Mathura inevitably. Now I have left Dwaraka and eventually will leave this world. But my Vaikuntha will always be there. Me too. You will reach me when your time comes. Stay calm and be resourceful till then, my dear Uddhava.”
          “How can you be so calm, Krishna? You are leaving your beloved people. You are leaving your loved ones and your trusted ones. You are leaving the beautiful city that you created. How can you be so calm without wondering what will happen to all?”- asked Uddhava with teary eyes.
          “Why, Uddhava? Aren’t you detached? It’s all in the mind, Uddhava. The restless mind will fall for diversity, losses and for every action and inaction. Control your mind with faith. When you control your mind and see with your senses, you will see the world in you and also yourself in me, The Supreme. Wisdom is the only thing in this world, Uddhava. Only with the help of wisdom you can have peace in you. Only with wisdom, you will have faith and patience. Everything that’s worldly will come to an end eventually, Uddhava.”- said Krishna with a smiling face.
        Krishna revealed to Uddhava, the Uddhava Gita (also known as Hamsa Gita), to console him and also to unshackle him from sadness and pain of separation, stating that, “Uddhava, only material things are bound to leave earth. Beyond materialistic life lies spirituality.  Spiritual love is not destined to leave. You have to accept it in your heart and should have faith in it. Though I leave this earth physically, I will be here, spiritually. Radha let me leave Vrindhavan because she knew it. Her love for me is spiritual. She cried when I left, she wept every single day in our meeting place but she never expected me to return. Because I was always with her: in her heart, in the name of love. Uddhava, you need to learn. A goose will enjoy its time in the waters but it will not let the water stick to its feathers. Live life in this materialistic world like that.”

          Uddhava realized the truth of life. He realized that he is only knowledgeable but not wise. He realized that he knows about Vedas but in coping with the reality, he is like the gopas and gopis, always complaining. He realized the love of Radha for Krishna and what devotion, surrender or love is, for real. He realized he did not have the heart and wisdom like Radha, ‘to accept and let go’.
          Uddhava spoke in a sad voice, “Krishna! I realize what you are saying is true. It is hard for me to let you go. You are going to live in my heart forever. Without you to guide me, what am I going to do here? What will I do for the rest of my life without you beside me? Who will guide me, teach me, hear me and care for me like you? What’s my purpose without you here?”
          Krishna held Uddhava’s hands to console him and spoke softly, “Uddhava, I will always be there for you, within you. You have a purpose to fulfill. Compile my teachings and let the world realize the true meaning of life. Help the people to live a peaceful life based on dharma. You will play a major role in helping the innocent people to lead a happy life based on dharma. But now, I need you to go to Dwaraka and inform about my death to my family. By the time you reach there, Arjuna will be there. Ask him to lead the Yadavas. You go to Badarika ashram. Proceed on your own and compile my advices and preach for the betterment of the people to come.”
          With heaviness in his heart, Uddhava bowed in front of his friend and took leave from him. He went towards Dwaraka as insisted by Krishna. Jara stood there listening to Krishna’s words. Krishna looked at Jara with a smile in his face.
“Do not you worry, Jara. You will attain salvation. This is all Karma. Be with peace now.”- Krishna spoke with assurance in his voice.
Unrestrained, Jara spoke- “You cannot do this to me! Forgiving me who is responsible for your death will chase me forever.”
Krishna responded gently and asked him to leave. He started to meditate till his last breath. Jara left the place and ran deep into the forest aimlessly, till his legs hurt. Krishna’s words were echoing in his mind and Krishna’s pain filled yet smiling appearance flashed every second in front of his eyes. He sat under a tree and sobbed devastatingly.
          Krishna’s voice echoed through the trees and flowers - “Do not you hurt yourself by blaming yourself for everything happened, Jara. The purpose of my life is over and your purpose here was to end my life. Somehow it’s all karma. You were just a tool. You satisfied a mother’s heart that cursed me while it was filled with pain. Find peace in yourself. Don’t worry.
Krishna’s words calmed down Jara’s heart. Cleared on his mind, Jara sat in yogic posture and started his penance, till his last breath.
          Krishna, who was most loved and treasured by all, breathed his last breath and died alone in the forest in Yogic stance. He went back to his world, accomplishing his purpose and filling every heart with love for him, forever.

§  Vajra, Son of Aniruddha. 

End of Yadavas

            35 years have passed after the great Kurukshetra war. With the successful Ashvameda Yaga, Yudhistra was crowned as the mighty emperor of the whole world. People all over the world were living in prosperity and every kingdom shared a friendly relation with their neighboring Kingdoms. The fields were filled with greenery and the water lands were filled with rain waters. Every house had food grains stored for every season. Such was the wealth under the reign of King Yudhistra. The land and the clouds never disappointed the farmers. Even the seas helped the people in trading. With dharma on earth, peace, happiness, safety and goodness filled the life of the people.

          Dwaraka, the city of the Yadavas was filled with richness. King Ugrasena ruled the city and the Yadavas had a happy and peaceful life. With years, a pride – “Krishna, the foremost Yadava was responsible for the Pandavas to win the war” grew in the hearts of the Yadavas. The respect that every Yadava get when they travel outside Dwaraka made them more conceit. They started to be more self-focused and also egoistic. The youths behaved arrogantly. Even the sons and Grandsons of Krishna too behaved superciliously. Krishna and Balram were not able to control their sons and Grandsons. This motivated the citizens of Dwaraka too to behave in the same manner.
          One day, Sage Vishwamitra, Sage Kanva and Sage Naradha came to Dwaraka while they were on their way to Pindasura Lake. Knowing this, trying to play prank on the sages, Jambavathi’s son Samba, disguised as pregnant women, visited the sages with his friends.

          “Bless this woman, sages. I am pregnant and I would like to know about the baby. Is it going to be a boy or a girl?” – Samba played his part of the prank.
          The sages realized that it’s Krishna’s son, Samba. Raged on the prank played, Sage Vishwamitra cursed- “It’s not going to be a boy or girl, Samba! It’s going to be an iron rod, heir of Krishna!It’s an iron rod, that’s going to be responsible for the annihilation of Vrishnis and the Andhakas. You cruel and wicked hearted Yadavas, except for Balram, you all will be slaughtered by the same iron rod that Samba will be giving birth to. You are all so much into pride! Lost your senses! You all will die the same way, fully drowned in pride and deprived of senses.”
          The saints left the place and informed about the misconduct of Samba and the curse to Krishna. Krishna, on hearing the words of the sage recalled the curse of Gandhari. “So, the curse has started working!”- Krishna thought to himself and informed his brother Balram and other Yadava kings about it.
“Brother, this is destined and it will happen. I do not wish to act in any other way. I will go by what is destined.”- Krishna spoke in a distressed voice.
          In the meantime, Samba and his friends informed everything to King Ugrasena. Everyone spent the night sleepless, thinking about the iron rod.The next day started with the start for bad omen. Samba gave birth to an iron rod, as cursed. He brought it to the court. King Ugrasena and others gathered saw it as a messenger of death.
Seeing the rod and the fear in everyone’s pair of eyes, King Ugrasena spoke, “Get some people and powder this iron rod. Cast it into the Prabhasa Sea. I don’t want even the dust of it to be in the city.”
Krishna, Balram and Vabhru who were also present spoke not a word, for they knew that somehow the curse will find its way and come back to them. Krishna spoke in a concerned voice, “Fate and curse are holding hands with time. Do you think it is possible to stop? One thing about destiny is, Ugrasena, that we cannot change it. The curse was for all the Yadava men. We should do something to at least protect the innocent women and children. They will be safe only if the men behave in good way. So, we need new and strict rules in the city.”
Balram nodded in acceptance to Krishna’s words and spoke, “Ugrasena, act immediately. No wine or other liquors should be manufactured or sold among the Vrishnis and the Andhakas. Have a check on the behaviors of the men. Make sure they only go to job and return home, safe. No harsh discussions, gambling or wagering and strictly no consumption of alcohol. From now on, the Vrishnis and Andhakas will be following the rules. Every soul of Vrishnis and Andhakas is bound to these rules. Spread the word.”
The words spread and the citizens, worried of their extinction and petrified of Balram, behaved well and even the sales of stocked alcohol too was stopped in the city. The Yadavas strived in every way possible to stop their annihilation. While they were trying to prevent the curse from happening, the curse took another form. The powdered iron rod that was thrown into the sea washed ashore in the Prabhasa Sea and it started growing into Erka grass. The Erka grass grew strong and sharp.

Meanwhile in Dwaraka, the changes were vicious. The winds that blew became stronger day by day. Pests multiplied. The leaves dried and trees died. The bats, rats and mice ate the grains in the houses. With days, they even started nurturing on the nails of napping men. The days were getting hotter day by day and even the owls were hooting in daylight. The nights were so dark and noisy, filled with the cries of jackals and dogs and the irking sounds of birds and owls. Yadavas, the best known people for curd, had no milk to even churn anymore. With the rise in food shortage problems, the Vrishnis and Andhakas became more selfish. They forgot to share or offer. Theft and robbery increased. The foods served were not clean. Krishna, Balram and King Ugrasena tried hard to restore things as it was. But the citizens ceased to follow orders. Selfish, cruel, egocentric and full of pride, the citizens committed sinful acts. They stopped honoring Brahmins and sages. They insulted the Brahmins who asked for alms. They started being rude to each other. Husbands betrayed their wives. Fed up on men’s behavior, wives too betrayed their husbands. Men slept till late morning. They had only nightmares. Not a single soul in Dwaraka had pleasant dreams. The people offended their gurus and seniors. They even insulted Krishna and Balram. Yet they never felt embarrassed. The astrologists were unable to get sight of the birth star constellation for any new born Yadava. Even the new moon appeared early at times.
The King lost control on his men. And with situations worsening, the King also lost control on his sons and Grandsons. With time, King Ugrasena lost control on himself too. Not a single order or rule was followed. Insanity captured the people of Dwaraka.
          In front of the people, Krishna’s discus (Sudarshana Chakra), the conch (Panchajanya) and mace (Kaumodaki) ascended among the clouds, into the space. Balram’s plough too was lost among the clouds. Krishna and Balram sensed that they have lost control on their people. The Apsaras took away the chariots of Krishna and Balram.

          On a night, Krishna and Balram were having conversation in Krishna’s room about the bad omens. Looking at the moon, Krishna spoke, “Brother, the present star alignment and omens are exactly similar to that time when King Yudhistra saw the omens when the two armies were arrayed in order for the Kurukshetra war. The 14th lunation has been made 15th again, this time too. It’s an indication. Queen Gandhari’s curse has found its course. The 36th year has come and the bad omens too have lined up in time.”
          “Krishna, I believe I have fulfilled my destiny. With change in time, everything started will find its end. For us, it is now. The sign for annihilation is same like the destruction sign on the battle day. It seems, you handled it at that time and this time too it will be you.” – Balram spoke in a disturbed voice.
          The next day, Krishna summoned all the Yadavas and spoke, “The happenings indicate that the time for the curse has come. I think it’s time the Vrishnis and Andhakas go on a pilgrimage. With the new moon, we all will leave to the Prabhasa Sea for sacred bathing in the sacred waters of the ocean. I want everyone with their families for this pilgrimage.”         
          With orders from Krishna, the people made arrangements for their pilgrimage to the Prabhasa Sea. The Yadavas took with them fruits, meat and other needed edibles. The men even took wine to support the night stay. Glazed in ornaments and beauty, the citizens left for the Prabhasa Sea. They set out together, in chariots, steeds, carts and elephants. With the rituals and the sacred bathing and prayers done, the people built camps near the shore for the night stay. With everyone bringing stored wine that was not used after Balram’s orders, they seemed to have abundant to drink.
          The Yadava men started drinking with the night fall. Those who drunk beyond the limits, lost their senses and started to misbehave. They mixed wine in the food prepared for the Brahmins who performed the rituals. They even gave that food to monkeys. The Yadava men drank a whole lot of wine. Everyone started speaking high of them. They insulted others. The Brahmins left the shore. The women and the children hid inside the tents, away from the drunken men. The men were all in festive mood and they all danced, laughed unreasonably and drank more. The night was filled with liquor, revelries,trumpets, drums and the loud drunken yelling of the men. They all were blazing and vulgar like the ocean that’s extending its shores.
          Except Krishna and Balram, everyone was drunk. With Krishna and Balram nearby, the mighty Pradyumna, Anirudha, Kritavarman, Satyaki, Vabhru, Ugrasena and Samba too started drinking and spoke abusive words. Intoxicated with wine, everyone started criticizing others. Balram left the spot understanding the result of the arguments. He went near the Prabhasa Sea and sat under a tree, in Yogic stance.
          Satyaki started insulting Kritavarman, “What a Kshatriya you are! Armed, you attacked and assisted in killing the unarmed sons of Pandavas who were sleeping peacefully. You assisted Aswathama! How did the Yadavas and your family tolerate with such a spineless act of yours?”
          Hearing Satyaki’s words, Pradyumna started laughing cynically. Enraged, Kritavarman pointing his cup at Satyaki, said, “Why are you mocking me, Grandson of Sini? You killed the armless Bhurishrava who took the Praya vow and sat in yogic stance in the middle of battlefield. You call yourself a hero killing someone who is unarmed? Your family tolerated you back then and even now!”
          With that, everyone began arguing on who wronged more during the war and who failed to follow the rules of war. The argument busted the inner anger and rage filled in the hearts of the warriors.
          When Krishna tried to stop everyone, Satyaki spoke, “Do you have any idea on how Kritavarman behaved towards Satrajit for taking the Syamantaka gem from him?” Turning towards Kritavarman, he continued, “You assisted Aswathama in killing the Upapandavas. Because of those sinful acts of yours, I swear, your end is near. Your time has come to die for being responsible for the death of innocent sons of the Pandavas.”
          Raged and inebriated in wine, Satyaki drew his sword and severed the head of Kritavarman at the very sight of Krishna. Seeing Kritavarman lying dead, Yadavas who supports Kritavarman came running towards Satyaki with wrath. Enraged on them, Satyaki began to assault them. Though Krishna tried to stop Satyaki from further damage, Satyaki and the others ceased to listen to Krishna. Pradyumna tried to save Satyaki but the rebellious Andhakas and the Bhojas surrounded Pradyumna and Satyaki. Rushed by wrath filled hearts and blinded sense of reasoning and also as destined by fate, both of them were killed by the Bhojas and the Andhakas.
Seeing his son dead, filled with rage, Krishna took a handful of Erka grass that was waiting there to fulfill its destiny. The moment Krishna held the grass in his hands with anger it turned into a strong iron mace. Intoxicated by the effects of wine, the Yadavas turned towards Krishna to attack him. Krishna slew every single Yadava who came to attack him holding the iron mace. People who supported Krishna slew the others. Struck by fate, the Vrishnis, the Bhojas, the Andhakas, the Kurukas and the Saineyas attacked each other using the Erka grass. The grass turned into mace in the hands of the Yadavas. The warriors slayed their troopers, the sons slew their seniors, the guru killed his disciples and the people too slaughtered the youths brutally.

Ludicrous and senseless because of the wine, the Yadava men slaughtered each other and none thought of running away from the fight. Because of the inexplicable behavior of the Yadavas, the horses and carts ran weirdly. Krishna’s foremost chariot that was tied to the four most splendid steeds Saivya, Sugriva, Meghapushpa and Valahaka was dragged into the ocean by the steeds. Seeing his chariot gone and the people fighting till death, Krishna stood there helpless. The men, the youths and soldiers fell dead in front of Krishna’s eyes. Witnessing Aniruddha, Charudeshna and Samba’s death, Krishna’s fury intensified and with the mace in his hand, he slew every single Yadava who came rushing towards him. With no way to escape from the hands of destiny, Krishna annihilated the Yadavas. Over 5, 00,000 Yadavas laid lifeless in the shores of Prabhasa Sea.
The man who established a new magnificent city for his people, the man who saved the Yadavas from Kamsa, the man who protected the Yadavas like the unbreakable shield, the man who established dharma on this world, the man who loved his citizen like his family, the man who was loved like no other person by all the Yadavas, the man who brought smiles in the faces of the Yadavas, the one and only Krishna who brought fame to the Yadavas murdered the Yadava clan as destined.
The brutality ended in darkness and the women ran towards Dwaraka with their children. After the callous combat, Krishna, Balram, Daruka and Vabhru were the only Yadavas alive on the shore. With that night, the Yadavas found their end because of the pride, ego and arrogance in their heart. Krishna remembered Gandhari’s curse, standing alone in the shores.

§  Satyaki is also called as Yuyudhana.

§  Vrishnis is a race of Yadavas (Krishna is of Vrishnis). 

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