March 21, 2017

Kurukshetra War - Day 14

Remembering the vow of Arjuna, the warriors woke up with terrified heart and prepared for the battle. On the command of King Yudhistra, the Pandava soldiers gathered for the array formation. Like a professional charioteer, Krishna equipped the chariot and his steeds and with Arjuna, he proceeded to the battlefield, leading the Pandava troops. 
            The treads of the horse hoofs and the clatter of the chariot wheels were heard as they reached the battlefield, signifying the array formation of the Kaurava warriors, desire of keeping Arjuna at bay. Arjuna, turning towards Satyaki, said –“Satyaki, as I have vowed to slay King Jayadratha today, I assign you with the duty of defending King Yudhistra. Protect the King with your entire prowess so that, I can whole heartedly engage in slaying King Jayadratha, worrying not about the King.”
Under the command of generalissimo Dronacharya, the Kaurava soldiers formed a combination of arrays. The front part with Dronacharya in the lead was Sakata (cart or box) Vyuha, which was 48 miles long and part circle (Chakra Vyuha), with diameter of 20 miles. The hind part was arrayed in the formed of the impenetrable Padma Vyuha (Lotus) and within the Vyuha was formed the Suchimukha (Needle) Vyuha where Kritavarman stood at the entrance, defending Duryodhana and Karna.
As Satyaki rushed to defend King Yudhistra, Arjuna scanned the vast Kaurava army, looking for King Jayadratha. Understanding the need of Arjuna, Krishna said- “Arjuna, I do not see King Jayadratha here. Also, Karna and Aswathama are not in the front. Looks like King Jayadratha is hidden somewhere, defended by those mighty warriors. Even foremost warriors like Duryodhana and Krpacharya are at the back of the rear-end array! Only if we get through them, you can slay King Jayadratha it seems.”
            King Jayadratha, the ruler of Sindhu, as planned by Saguni and Duryodhana, hid himself protected by Aswathama, King Salya, King Saguni, Krpacharya and King Vrishasena and their platoons comprising 1,00,000 Knights, 60,000 chariots, 14,000 elephant warriors and 21,000 foot soldiers and archers. King Jayadratha was surrounded by his army comprising 7000 cavalries and 3000 chariots.
            Beholding the complex array formed by the Kauravas and not knowing about the whereabouts of King Jayadratha, with the sunrise, blowing his conch, Arjuna asked Krishna to rush towards Durmarshana and Vikarna, who stood defending the Sakata array with a thousand chariots, 1500 elephant warriors, 3000 Cavalries, 10,000 armed foot soldiers and 1500 archers.
            Showering a volley of darts at Durmarshana and his legion, like a lightning, Arjuna and Krishna penetrated into the Kaurava array, piercing Durmarshana and making him leave for the camp. None of the soldiers in the Kaurava army, who opposed Arjuna, lived to tell about the wrath of Arjuna that day. Striking off the arrows approaching his chariot, Arjuna rushed against Duchadhana who was blocking his path. Slaying the elephant warriors of Duchadhana’s legion and crushing Duchadhana’s elephant, Arjuna made Duchadhana flee, seeking Dronacharya’s protection.

            Approaching Dronacharya, on the advice of Krishna, Arjuna seeks blessing from his preceptor to fulfill his vow today. Smiling at Arjuna’s morality, Dronacharya replied – “Vanquish me and you can defeat him!”
            The duel between Arjuna and Dronacharya was fierce and awful that, they both slew thousands and thousands of soldiers with their shafts. Mighty Dronacharya, with his skill in archery, cut off the bow string of Arjuna, not knowing that the Gandiva has got 100 strings. Arjuna, invoking the Brahmana Astra, with thousands of shafts covered Dronacharya and his chariot and with his pointy shafts, he crushed ten thousand Kaurava warriors.
            Knowing that the duel between Dronacharya and his disciple is going to be a never ending duel, Krishna adviced Arjuna- “Arjuna, let us proceed forward, not wasting time in battling Dronacharya.” Saying so, Krishna turned his chariot aside Drona and proceeded forward, protected by Panchala princes Yudhamanyu and Uttamauja.
            Smashing the shafts of Arjuna that blockaded his view, Drona, on witnessing Arjuna leaving, said – “Arjuna, you never leave a duel in hand without defeating the foe!”
            Bowing to Dronacharya, Arjuna replied – “You are my Guru and never my foe and to you, I will always be your disciple and son, like Aswathama.”
            Smiling at Arjuna’s respect for him, Drona engaged in battling with the Kekayas and King Yudhistra. Aided by Arjuna, the Pandava soldiers penetrated into the Sakata array. Vikarna resisted Nakula while Prince Saumadatti (Son of Somadatta) who resisted the UpaPandavas was beheaded by Srutasena (Son of Sahadeva). Sahadeva slayed Trigartha Prince Niramitra and proceeded forward while Satyaki beheaded Magadha Prince Vyagradhatta and engaged in exterminating the Magadha army.
Meanwhile, Arjuna engaged with Kritavarman, King Srutayudha and King Sudhakshina of Kamboja. Krishna, on seeing Kritavarman standing against Arjuna, said –“Arjuna, forget your relation with Kritavarman and crush him. Do not show mercy!”
Stupefying Kritavarman with his showers of pointy darts, Arjuna proceeded forward against the Kamboja Kings. Kritavarman, cutting off the darts of Arjuna, engaged in resisting the Panchala princes who were defending Arjuna. Engaged in battling with King Srutayudha, Arjuna slew the steeds and the charioteer of King Srutayudha but was unable to slay the King. Beholding Arjuna showering darts filled with wrath, Krishna said – “Arjuna, Srutayudha cannot be slain by any of your weapon. His mother received a boon from Lord Varuna that Srutayudha can be slain only by his own mace when he hurls it at someone who is not battling.”
Hearing Krishna’s words, Arjuna broke the bow and sword of Srutayudha. Raged Srutayudha took his mace and hurled it at Arjuna. Krishna, standing up from his seat, received the blow on his shoulders and as a result of the boon, the mace returned to Srutayudha and hit him in his head and as a result, the King fell on the ground, deprived of life. Raged, Sudhakshina hurled a pointy spear at Arjuna which piercing his armor, entered the chest and made Arjuna collapse in his seat. Recovering quickly and invoking the Indra Astra, Arjuna crushed ten thousand Kamboja warriors and King Sudhakshina. Pierced in various vital body parts by numerous arrows, Sudhakshina fell lifeless on the ground and witnessing the death of the Kings, the Kamboja warriors fled in all directions.
As Arjuna penetrated into the unreceptive Kaurava army, the sun reached the meridian. Yudhistra who was resisted by Dronacharya was unable to proceed against his mighty Guru. Invoking the Brahmana Astra at Yudhistra, Dronacharya slew hundreds of Pandava warriors and also slew the steeds and charioteer of King Yudhistra. Defeated and standing on a grounded chariot with a broken bow, King Yudhistra was saved by Sahadeva as he took the King in his chariot and bore him away from Dronacharya before he could be seized by the Guru.
Meanwhile, invoking the mighty Sakra Astra, Arjuna slaughtered 600 Kaurava warriors along with the rulers of Amvashthas viz., King Srutayush and King Achyutayush. Ceasing not, with his pointy darts, he slew the warriors of Amvashthas numbering 6000 cavalries, a thousand Kshatriya chariot warriors and a thousand elephant warriors, along with their princes-Prince Niyatayush and Dirghayush who came rushing against him.
 Duryodhana, on witnessing Arjuna’s prowess, rushed to Dronacharya and yelled – “Living under the roof of King Dritharashtra in Hastinapur, how can you engaged in bringing evil to us by seeking victory for the Pandavas? Your favourite disciple Arjuna is pounding my army! Do something to stop him!”
Smiling, Dronacharya replied – “Your words are true, Duryodhana. My heart supports dharma for Krishna is there with them. I, along with my platoon will engage in resisting the Pandavas from following the path of Arjuna. Unprotected by Arjuna, today I have an opportunity to seize Yudhistra as vowed and then the victory will be yours. You, along with Karna and Aswathama, engage in resisting Arjuna.”

The encounters in the afternoon were filled with malice and wrath. Drona, along with his defenders and legion, resisted the Pandava soldiers. King Salya engaged in battling against King Yudhistra while Duchadhana resisted Satyaki, Nakula and Sahadeva engaged in battling King Saguni and Dhrishtadyumna, exerting his mightiness, engaged in battling with Dronacharya. Bhīma dueled with King Jalasandha as defeating King Salya, King Yudhistra engaged with Kritavarman. Thousands were slain and hundreds of steeds and elephants were slain along with their riders, in both the sides.  Beholding Dhrishtadyumna standing on ground, vanquished by Dronacharya, Satyaki rushed to defend him and cut off the darts Drona was hurling at Dhrishtadyumna. With steadfast eyes, they both engaged in crushing the foes in hundreds. Cutting off the bow string of Drona, Satyaki invoked celestial astras repeatedly and slew thousands of Kaurava soldiers. As Duchadhana rushed to defend Drona, the four sons of Pandu engaged in defending Satyaki while Arjuna engaged in a fierce battle with Duryodhana.
Accompanied by Aswathama, Duryodhana engaged in piercing Arjuna and Krishna with his shafts. Witnessing no way to proceed forward, raged Arjuna shot shafts and made Duryodhana chariot less, not before slaying the steeds and the two charioteers and breaking the weapons of Duryodhana. Witnessing Duryodhana vanquished, Arjuna advanced forward, slaying the hundreds and hundreds of warriors who came in defending Duryodhana.
Satyaki against the Kaurava army
Hearing the shouts of the Kaurava warriors, terrified Yudhistra commanded Satyaki to advance promptly and defend Arjuna. Satyaki, assigning Bhīma to defend Yudhistra, proceeded looking for Arjuna, crushing the Kaurava army in front of him, aided by Dhrishtadyumna. Satyaki, who was advancing slaying hundreds of Kaurava warriors and seven foremost Kshatriya warriors, was checked by Drona. Satyaki, with bow in his hand and bowing to Drona – “A disciple walks in the path of his Guru. Like Arjuna, I will not engage in a fight, with you.”
Saying so, avoiding Drona, Satyaki proceeded towards Karna as Drona, who was pursuing Satyaki was resisted by the Son of Jarasandha and the Panchala warriors. Meanwhile, surrounded by the mighty warriors viz., Karna, Salya, Bhurisravas, Vrishasena and Aswathama, Arjuna engaged in a fierce battle. Breaking the bow of Salya and piercing him in the chest, Arjuna made him return to the camp and engaged in battling Bhurisravas. Accompanied by his brothers, Duryodhana engaged in resisting Satyaki. Raged and skilled Satyaki, after a long battle, slew the steeds and charioteer of Duryodhana and broke his bow. Before Satyaki could pierce him, Duryodhana was rescued by Chitrasena in his chariot as Sudarshana engaged with Satyaki.
            Desirous of defending Arjuna, Satyaki beheaded Sudarshana with a razor faced arrow and slew the approaching Mleccha warriors in hundreds and thousands of Kamboja, Saka and Barbara warriors. Urged by Duryodhana, of all those who rushed against Satyaki, thousands fell lifeless on the ground along with a hundred chariot warriors and about five hundred warriors were wounded in various parts with few arms or legs cut off  by the pointy darts of Satyaki. Ceasing not, crushing a thousand elephant warriors, a thousand chariot warriors - both Maharathas and Rathas, three thousand archers, two thousand cavalries and ten thousand foot soldiers, Satyaki rushed towards Arjuna.
            Meanwhile, Drona, slaying the son of Jarasandha and Panchala Prince Kshatradharman (Son of Dhrishtadyumna), engaged in crushing the Panchala army and proceeded towards King Yudhistra. Slaying 500 Trigartha warriors who rushed to defend Duchadhana and making Duchadhana stand on a grounded chariot, Satyaki rushed to Arjuna. Not hearing the blare of Krishna and Arjuna’s conch and also without the return of Satyaki, anxious King Yudhistra said – “Bhīma, go and see how Arjuna, Satyaki and Krishna is. Send a message through your conch, once you see them!”
            Bhīma, placing Dhrishtadyumna as the defender of King Yudhistra, proceeded looking for Arjuna, Krishna and Satyaki. Crushing warriors with his mace at times and piercing the foes with his shafts at times, Bhīma received the brothers of Duryodhana who resisted him. With his pointy shafts, he made Kundabhedin, Suhastha, Dirghanetra and Vrindaraka fell lifeless on the ground. Ceasing not, showering infinite shafts continuously, Bhīma slew seven more brothers of Duryodhana viz., Abhaya, Raudrakarman, Durvimochana, Vinda, Anuvinda, Suvarman and Sudhakshin. Witnessing the death of the eleven Kaurava princes, the Kauarva army fled in all directions even after beholding Karna rushing towards Bhīma with rage.
Krishna taming the wounded horses!
            Meanwhile, Yudhamanyu and Uttamauja, who rushed looking for Arjuna resisted Duryodhana who was also rushing to stop Arjuna. Slaying the steeds and charioteer of their foe, all the three battled fiercely. Soon as Salya came to rescue Duryodhana, Yudhamanyu and Uttamauja ascended another chariot of theirs and proceeded to defend Arjuna. Battling insignificantly with Bhīma, Karna pierced his foe with his shafts. Beholding Duryodhana’s brothers rushing with rage, remembering his vow, Bhīma, piercing Karna in the chest with a pointy dart, turned towards the rushing foes. Despatching 25 pointy arrows unceasingly, Bhīma slays Durmarshana, Duhsaha, Durmarsha, Durdhara and Jaya. Ceasing not, he slays the charioteer and steeds of Karna and with a hundred uninterrupted shafts, he made 6 brothers of Duryodhana viz., Chitra, Upachitra, Charuchitra, Sarasana, Chitrayudha, and Chitravarman fell lifeless.
            Meanwhile, beholding Satyaki who was standing unarmed on a grounded chariot in battling against Bhurisravas, Krishna advised Arjuna to rescue Satyaki. Admiring at the prowess of Bhurisravas, Arjuna showered darts at his foe and in the meantime, Bhīma, after slaying five more brothers of Duryodhana viz., Satrunjaya, Satrusaha, Chitraksha, Dridhavarma and Chitrasena, engaged in battling against his favorite and beloved Vikarna.
            Bhīma, with a caring heart, uttered - “Vikarna, you know dharma and you were the only one who spoke in favour of us and Draupathi in the court. Me, battling against you or slaying you is only because of my vow. Forgive me for my rage against you.”
            On hearing the words of Bhīma, Vikarna replied – “Brother, don’t ask for forgiveness. What you are about to do is your Kshatriya duty. The reason we both are here is all for our love for our brother. Remember your Kshatriya duty and battle with me. I will be happy to die for my brother.”
            Slaying Vikarna with his shafts, Bhīma engaged in battling with Karna. With his darts exhausted and no more darts to hurl, raged Bhīma descended from his chariot and threw the parts of dead elephants, steeds and chariots at Karna.  Cutting off those into fragments with his shafts, Karna covered Bhīma with his shafts. Though Karna’s darts could slay Bhīma, remembering his vow to Mother Kunti, Karna, touching the shoulder of Bhīma with his bow’s tip, said – “Never fight with warriors like me, Kid. Go and look for Krishna and Arjuna to defend you.”          
Bhima throws an elephant at Karna
  Raged Bh
īma snatched the bow of Karna, hit Karna’s head with it and broke it. Beholding the weakness of Bhīma, Karna laughed at him and picking another bow, he again touched Bhīma in the shoulder with it and commanded his charioteer to proceed towards Arjuna. Wounded and raged Bhīma throws a dead elephant on Karna's chariot and ascended his chariot and rushed seeking Satyaki and Arjuna. Slaying Durmukhatmaja, the son of Durmukha, who resisted him, Bhīma rushed towards Arjuna who was rushing to defend Satyaki.
            Arjuna’s darts, desire of rescuing Satyaki, cut off the right arm of Bhurisravas, who was rushing with his sword to slay Satyaki. Wounded Bhurisravas, beholding the unrighteous act of Arjuna, said – “How could you, one of the foremost warriors on earth, cut my arm when I am not battling with you? Why would you, under the guidance of Krishna do such an unworthy and sinful act?”
            Though realizing his fault, Arjuna responded – “Satyaki is my disciple and it’s my duty to defend him, for he is here, battling with you all, for our sake. If I stand still and let him die, the sin will be mine! It is my vow that I will slay anyone who engages in slaying those belonging to my side, in front of my eyes. Why are you angry at me when you remained calm and neglected the righteousness when Abhimanyu was slain?”
            Not able to accept the injustice caused to him, being a high souled Kshatriya, Bhurisravas desired to die according to the vow of Praya. Spreading an arrow bed with his left arm and dropping his weapons, Bhurisravas sat on the bed of arrows facing the sun and uttered the great Upanishad mantras and entered the world of meditation. As the soldiers of both the army spoke ill of Arjuna’s act, neither Krishna nor Arjuna disagreed them. Krishna, beholding Bhurisravas said – “Bhurisravas, you have been a good Kshatriya and a great human. You have performed various yaga for the welfare of your citizens. You have been righteous all your life. Without any delay, retire to the abode of mine and let your pure soul associate with me. Let your soul be borne by my Garuda!”
            Offended on his near vanquish, raged Satyaki drew his sword and beheaded the sinless Bhurisravas, who was in Praya, ignoring the screams of disapproval from Krishna, Arjuna, Bhīma, Yudhamanyu, Uttamauja and other warriors.  
            Turning towards the Kauravas, Satyaki yelled –“Where was your justice when you all slew Abhimanyu? I have vowed that I would slay the one who defeats me, no matter what.”
            As Satyaki kept screaming at the warriors, Arjuna, taking a deep breath, said unto Krishna – “Krishna, ride the chariot towards Jayadratha. The time for sunset is nearing.”
            Beholding Arjuna proceeding, Duryodhana addressed Karna – “Karna, stop Arjuna by all possible means. The time for sunset is near. Delay him for few minutes and the victory will be ours.”
            Though deeply hurt and wounded by the arrows of Bhīma, Karna, taking his friend’s word as a command, rushed to stop Arjuna and Krishna. Following him, Duryodhana, Vrishasena, King Salya, Aswathama and Krpacharya proceeded and surrounded Arjuna and Krishna on all sides and began to cover them with their shafts. Arjuna, desire of slaying Jayadratha, began to shower blazing darts at Karna and others. Slaying the steeds and charioteer of Karna and Vrishasena, Arjuna, began to consume the Kaurava warriors with his shafts.            
            Meanwhile, the red sun began to go down and darkness set in. Kaurava warriors, seeing the darkness setting in, cheered happily while the Pandava soldiers were filled with grief. As Duryodhana cheered with delight, preparations were made for Arjuna’s pyre and King Jayadratha, like everyone, rushed to witness Arjuna entering the pyre. Bowing to Bhīma and Krishna, Arjuna said – “Krishna, I vowed to enter pyre if I fail in slaying Jayadratha today. The fault is mine for I trusted only in my proficiency and not in you. Even without me, I know, my brothers can win this battle, as long as they have you. It is you who decide our destiny.”
            Taking his Gandiva in hand, Arjuna walked towards the pyre as Duryodhana and his brothers, Aswathama and Jayadratha kept laughing at Arjuna. Meanwhile, darkness dispersed and bright and warm rays of sun filled the sky and the world. While everyone stood stunned on the unnatural act, Krishna smiling at everyone, said to Arjuna – “Arjuna, you would not be able to slay Jayadratha when he stays protected by these foremost warriors. With my ascetic powers, I created darkness by covering the sun with my Sudharsana chakra. Behold, in front of you, Jayadratha is standing undefended. He will not be able to hide from you anymore. Avail this opportunity and behead him before the sun sets.”

            Holding his Gandiva high, delighted Arjuna began to fix an Astra as the Kaurava warriors rushed to save Jayadratha. Jayadratha, seeing his death in front of his eyes, tried to pacify Arjuna – “Arjuna, if you slay me, you will also die. Anyway, you are going to die and the Pandavas are going to lose. So spare me… I will not fight in the battle anymore!”
            As the Pandava army stood perplexed, not understanding the words of Jayadratha, Krishna said – “Jayadratha’s father, King Vriddhakshatra, devoted to ascetic austerities, received a boon that the one who causes the head of Jayadratha to fell on earth will blow into hundred pieces. He is engaged in penance in the forest of Samantapanchaka. So, using your Astra, behead Jayadratha and aim in such a way that the Astra will carry the head of Jayadratha and fall on the laps of his father.”
            Hearing the words of Krishna, delighted Arjuna aimed his Astra at Jayadratha as the Kaurava warriors began to take measures to cease the Astra from reaching Jayadratha. Like a lightning, before anyone could even blink their eye or react, Arjuna’s perfectly-aimed dart sped from Gandiva and beheaded Jayadratha. Snatching the severed head away from the battlefield, the Astra, as ordered by Arjuna, fell on the lap of Vriddhakshatra. Vriddhakshatra, who was sitting in penance, opened his eyes after the prayers and stood up in terror to see his son’s head on his lap. As a result of his fear, the head fell on earth and Vriddhakshatra got blown up into pieces.           
King Vriddhakshatra
      Cheated by the illusion of Krishna and beholding Jayadratha slain, Duryodhana, Aswathama and Krpacharya covered Arjuna with their shafts. Feeling satisfied in accomplishing his vow, Arjuna, with no desire to slay any of his foes for the day, Arjuna cut off those shafts and sped no darts at them. In the meantime, Krishna blew his conch indicating the sunset, for real, and following him, Satyaki and Arjuna too blew while Bh
īma blew his conch indicating the victory of Arjuna to King Yudhistra and to the world. With Dronacharya and Karna blowing their conch and drums beaten, the day’s battle came to end and satisfied Arjuna, after destroying 5 Akshauhinis of the Kaurava army and Jayadratha, returned to his camp with Krishna and his warriors.

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