March 19, 2017

Kurukshetra War - Night 12

 After a humiliating defeat and absolute failure in their strategy of seizing King Yudhistra, the Kauravas retired from the battlefield. The silence in his camp and the cheers from the Pandavas camp amplified the grumpiness of Duryodhana. Filled with tetchiness, Duryodhana rushed to the bivouac of Guru Dronacharya. Witnessing Duryodhana, his brother Duchadhana, King Karna, Aswathama and King Saguni too joined him, confused on the urge of Duryodhana, without even taking care of his wounds and not performing his evening prayers.
Beholding Duryodhana and the Kings, the sentry informed Dronacharya about the arrival of Duryodhana. Without seeking permission, Duryodhana entered the bivouac of Dronacharya. Welcoming Duryodhana and those who accompanied him, Dronacharya enquired – “Duryodhana, I was about to call for an assembly meeting regarding the battle strategy for tomorrow’s battle. Why are you not yet treated for your wounds?”
With temper filled heart and words, Duryodhana spoke – “Tomorrow’s battle strategy!? Let us speak about today’s battle first. You vowed to me that you will seize Yudhistra today. Noble souls like you will never go against their vows. I would like to know why you failed in it today. You had the chance to capture him but yet I believe you did not take it seriously. Why is it so? Is it because of the love and care you have for King Yudhistra or the Pandavas or Arjuna, in particular? I trusted in you and made you as the generalissimo of the army but you failed me, today.”
Listening to Duryodhana’s words, Aswathama spoke – “Duryodhana, soothe yourself. You know of father’s skill and talent. You know how loyal father and I are to Hastinapur and to you.”
Hurt by Duryodhana’s words, Dronacharya addressed – “Duryodhana! It hurts me to think that you consider me so low when all that myself and my son do are only the things that favor you. Though I had King Yudhistra in front of me, the opportunity to seize him was barred when Krishna entered with Arjunan in his chariot. I did inform you earlier that with Arjuna and Krishna nearby, none will be able to capture or even slay King Yudhistra or any of the Pandavas or UpaPandavas.”
Favoring Dronacharya’s words and trying to pacify Duryodhana, Karna spoke –“Dronacharya’s words are true Duryodhana. Arjuna’s timing entrance spoiled the opportunity to seize King Yudhistra. As long as the army is under the protection of Arjuna and Krishna, no one will be able to defeat them or capture the King. We have to come with another plan.”
Raged Duryodhana!
“You, are you even my friend? You had Abhimanyu in front of you but you did not even slay him! Were you showing off your archery skills or were you admired at that Abhimanyu’s talent? Why were you being lenient to that kid who insulted me in front of my army? I started this war trusting in you and is this how you respond with your loyalty!?” –Fumed in anger, Duryodhana yelled at Karna.
Seeing Karna’s situation and Duryodhana’s anger, intending to save Karna and appease Duryodhana, Dronacharya spoke- “Duryodhana, my battle strategies never failed. All those battles I fought for Hastinapur ended in victory. This is my first setback and the reason is evidently Krishna and Arjuna. Not even the Devas and Asuras united together can defeat those two or even the army under their shield. Even if you send the entire army towards Arjuna, he will crush them and rush to defend King Yudhistra. All your efforts to seize King Yudhistra will fail, as long as you have Arjuna and Krishna in the battlefield. No matter in which corner of the field he is, he will rush to defend his brother and his sons.”
Dronacharya beholding Duryodhana continued in an appeasing yet positive tone, “Duryodhana! Trust me. In tomorrow’s battle, I will definitely favor you by either seizing King Yudhistra or slaying one of the Pandavas by forming an impenetrable array. But for the plan to favor you, we need Arjuna and Krishna off the field, for the whole day. He is well versed in breaking every single array. There’s nothing unknown to him in the science of battling and weaponry.”
On hearing Dronacharya’s words, Duryodhana’s wicked mind started thinking out opportunities to insult and hurt the Pandavas. With moments of silence passing, Duryodhana rolled his eyes in greed, trying to grab the opportunity to defeat or hurt the Pandavas. Excited with a strategy in his mind, he spoke – “For one day! One day is more than enough for me to uproot the Pandavas. I will pluck the very root of those Pandavas. I will demoralize those spirited hearts, including that Krishna’s. All we need is to get Arjuna and Krishna away from the field. How can we do that when all our troops are scared to death witnessing Arjuna and Krishna?”
Susarman, King of Trigartha came towards Duryodhana and spoke – “King, Arjuna has humiliated us many times and even in this battle, he is more focused in slaying my platoon. Trigartha warriors and my brothers, like me, are waiting for a chance to slay Arjuna. We will do anything needed to defeat the Pandavas or else die trying. I, on behalf of my legion, vow to you that we will lead him outside the battlefield and make sure that he return only after the end of the day’s battle.”
Cheered on the words of King Susarman, Duryodhana spoke – That’s all I needed! All we need now is a reason to drag him away from the battlefield and a flawless plan to deracinate the spirit of the enemies. But, how?”
“Duryodhana, will the distance between Kurukshetra and Virata Kingdom be fine for you?” – asked Saguni with a wicked smile in his face.
“Genius, Uncle! You are definitely my life saver!”- Embracing Saguni with delight, Duryodhana, turning towards the Trigartha King and spoke- “Susarman, tomorrow,even before the break of dawn, you and your legion proceed towards Virata, summoning Arjuna for war. Arjuna will definitely accept the challenge and if I am right about Arjuna, he will not return until he defeats or slays you all. Your platoon is strong enough to hold him for one hold day. Kill those two while they are away from the battlefield. Let them not have a heroic death.”
“Perfect, King Duryodhana! I swear, we will slay him or die trying.” – said King Susarman with cheered heart.
“With Arjuna off the field, I will make sure that King Yudhistra is seized by tomorrow. Without doubt, with Yudhistra captured, Bhīma and other foremost warriors of the Pandavas army will cease battling. Victory will be yours Duryodhana. We will form the mighty Chakra Vyuha tomorrow. Except Arjuna, none in the enemy side knows to break the Vyuha and successfully come out. Definitely, King Yudhistra will fall in our trap.” –said Dronacharya, with confidence.
“Great plan! None knows about the Vyuha in their side!? I never thought they had a weakness!”- said Duchadhana with cheered heart.
“Abhimanyu knows how to break the Vyuha. But he is not taught of how to come out of the Vyuha. If he breaks and keeps the Vyuha accessible, King Yudhistra, Bhīma and Dhrishtadyumna will try everything to protect him and break our array. And, I can say that he is skilled enough, like his father, to protect King Yudhistra and succeed in it.” – said Karna.
Elated on Karna’s words, wicked Duryodhana had a flashing thought and said -“Karna, I am not intending to uproot the soul of the enemy’s army. I want to uproot the spirit of the Pandavas. The soul of the army is Krishna but for Krishna…there is someone else!I want him to cry everyday thinking why they started this war.”
“You do not wish to capture Yudhistra? This is the only opportunity we have! Nothing will stop Arjuna if we leave this opportunity tomorrow.” – warned Dronacharya.
“I want to hurt that Arjuna and Krishna, who will be away from the field. They should feel the pain even though they are off the field. I do know that the spirit of the Pandavas is not King Yudhistra. The soul and spirit of the Pandavas and Krishna is the one and only…Abhimanyu!” – said Duryodhana with a wickedglee.
Delighted on listening to the words of Duryodhana and his wicked notion, Duchadhana said –“Perfect brother! If we get to kill Abhimanyu, I believe Krishna might even end his life!”
Dronacharya and Karna, stunned on Duryodhana’s words, understood the vengeance in Duryodhana’s heart. Aiming to save the kid and also not to leave this opportunity, Dronacharya spoke – “Duryodhana, rethink Karna’s words. King Yudhistra and Bhīma will do everything to protect Abhimanyu. It will be tough to slay him. Focus on capturing King Yudhistra. It will be easy and we can end the war too. Victory will be yours by this time tomorrow! You will be crowned as King the day after!!”
Dronacharya’s words seemed not to enter the ears and brain of Duryodhana. “This is my chance to insult him and show him my prowess. What if we have that poor Abhimanyu inside our trap…like a deer in Lion’s den? Slaughtering him will dispirit the sons of Pandu and Krishna. All I need now is someone to stop the sons of Pandu and others from following Abhimanyu. Whom do I have to entrust this duty?”- Saying so, Duryodhana began thinking of the generals and the division of army required.
“I can! All four of them! All alone!” -  Everyone turned towards the direction from where the voice came and witnessed King Jayadratha standing with a sly smile.

Seeing that his plan is already successful, Duryodhana embraced King Jayadratha with a bright smile while Karna and Dronacharya stood depressed and helpless pondering about the ill-fate of heroic Abhimanyu.

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