March 18, 2017

Kurukshetra War - Day 12

          Twelfth day of the battle and the Pandava warriors gathered in the Crescent moon (Semi Circle) array. As strategized, the Trigartha warriors under their King Susarman summoned Arjuna for battle, forming Crescent Moon shaped array, trying to separate him from King Yudhistra and make path for generalissimo Dronacharya, who has vowed to seize King Yudhistra. The rest of the Kaurava army, under the leadership of the mighty Dronacharya, forming the Garuda Vyuha, proceeded to the battle, hoping to seize King Yudhistra and gain victory, wanting the battle to end today.
          Arjuna, who never turns his back when summoned, said unto King Yudhistra – “Brother, King Susarman has challenged me. Allow me to take the battle in hand. As of today, Prince Satyajit will defend you from Guru Dronacharya. Brother Bhīma is there along with Dhrishtadyumna and Sikandi to defend you. I leave Abhimanyu in charge for the rest of the legion. Worry not as I will return sooner after slaying the Trigarthas. With Krishna by our side, we will win the battle.”
          With the sunrise, King Yudhistra gave his blessings and permission to Arjuna to take the challenge in hand. Witnessing Arjuna leaving towards the southern side of the battlefield blowing his conch where the Trigarthas are stationed, delighted Kaurava warriors rushed towards King Yudhistra and his legion, with cheered and confident heart. Generalissimo Dhrishtadyumna, along with his legion, stood in front of King Yudhistra and welcomed the mighty Dronacharya and his platoon. Witnessing Dhrishtadyumna and his vast troop, the Kaurava warriors were disheartened but, Kaurava Prince Durmukha engaged in a duel with Dhrishtadyumna, paving path for Dronacharya to reach King Yudhistra. Taking his mission of defending King Yudhistra, Dhrishtadyumna engaged in a battle with both Guru Dronacharya and Prince Durmukha. He covered both of the mighty warriors with his arrows. Belittling the fence of arrows, Dronacharya proceeded forward, responding to Dhrishtadyumna with his downpour of arrows. Durmukha blocked Dhrishtadyumna as Dronacharya proceeded towards King Yudhistra. Baffling each other with their mighty arrows, Dhrishtadyumna and Prince Durmukha engaged in a cruel and fierce duel, slaying each other’s legion.
          As Dronacharya was proceeding towards King Yudhistra crushing the Pandava soldiers blocking his way, Arjuna was battling against the Trigartha warriors, not knowing about the situation on the other side of the battlefield. King Susarman and his brothers received Arjuna and Krishna with thousands of arrows. Desire of slaying Arjuna and Krishna, they showered arrows relentlessly. Responding to those arrows, Arjuna cut off in mid-air, the arrows approaching him. With Krishna’s astonishing steering of the chariot and Arjuna showering hundreds of arrows, the Trigarthas found no escape from the death wish they have summoned. With his perfectly aimed arrow, Arjuna broke the bow of King Sudhanwan, Son of Angires and slew his steeds. Ceasing not, Arjuna, with a sharp pointy dart, beheaded King Sudhanwan. King Sundhanwan’s legion and the Trigartha warriors fled in all directions witnessing Arjuna’s prowess. Raged at his troops’ cowardly act, King Susarman yelled – “Turn back and fight, my warriors! Think what the rest of the soldiers will think about us when you all run scared of death. Fight with desire for victory or heaven.”

          Feeling bad for their spineless act, the Trigartha warriors rushed against Arjuna, desire of greeting death. Beholding the rushing Trigarthas, Arjuna, invoked the celestial weapon, Tvashtra and as a result, the Trigarthas lost their senses and began to slay their own soldiers. Smiling at his dexterity, Arjuna then showered thousands of arrows and slew the Trigarthas. Slaughtering the Trigarthas, Arjuna witnessed King Bhagadatta breaking the mighty array formed by the Pandavas and Guru Dronacharya getting closer to King Yudhistra, breaking all the shields.
          Dronacharya who was closing King Yudhistra was received by Panchala Prince Satyajit along with his elephant warriors. The battle between Dronacharya and Prince Satyajit was fierce that many celestial weapons were invoked by both of them and as a result, hundreds were slayed. In the brutal battle, surprising everyone, Prince Satyajit slew the charioteer and the steeds of Dronacharya. He also slew ten chariot warriors who were the defenders of Dronacharya’s chariot wheels and chariot. Ceasing not, Satyajit broke the bow and the standard of Dronacharya.
          Witnessing Satyajit’s prowess against Dronacharya, proud Arjuna asked Krishna – “Krishna! Witnessing Satyajit’s prowess, I believe, Dronacharya is having a hard time reaching King Yudhistra. But Satyajit should be defended from Dronacharya’s mightiness. Meanwhile Bhagadatta is also crushing the army and has already broken the array. What should I do now? With whom should I battle now?”
Confused Arjuna!

          Beholding the baffled state of Arjuna, Krishna spoke – “Arjuna, I am sure Satyajit can hold Dronacharya. The Panchala warriors along with Sikandi and Dhrishtadyumna are there to defend King Yudhistra. Let us take care of King Bhagadatta and defend our soldiers. Behold the Samsaptakas rushing against you. Fix your heart in slaying them first.”
          Clarified on Krishna’s words and fixing his heart in slaying the Samsaptakas, Arjuna shot arrows at the 14,000 Samsaptakas who were rushing towards him. Terrified not, the Samsaptakas proceeded towards Arjuna, shooting their pointy darts. Wanting to save his soldiers and witnessing the prowess of King Bhagadatta, Arjuna invoked the celestial weapon, the Brahma weapon and slew thousands and thousands of Samsaptakas in a glint. The elephants and rider less chariots ran uncontrollably, killing or wounding few more Samsaptaka warriors. Elephants that fell deprived of life crushed the nearby Samsaptakas, increasing the death toll. Perplexed, the rest of the Samsaptakas tried to find a way out of the labyrinth they are in.
          “Splendid Arjuna! Remarkable! None can surpass your talent and battling skill. Now, let us proceed to King Bhagadatta.” – Appreciating Arjuna, Krishna turned the chariot towards King Bhagadatta.
Meanwhile, jumping to his another chariot, though impressed at the battling skill of Prince Satyajit, remembering his vow to Duryodhana, Dronacharya taking up his another bow, began to cut off Satyajit’s arrows. Covering Satyajit with his arrows, Dronacharya, like a lightning, slew the two protectors of Prince Satyajit’s chariot wheels and broke Satyajit’s bow. Witnessing Dronacharya advancing, King Yudhistra and his legion fled in fear. Trying to defend King Yudhistra, the Panchala warriors under Satyaki, Sikandi, Kshatradeva and many other princes, along with the Kekayas and the Chedis rushed towards Dronacharya. The Panchala princes showered arrows at Dronacharya encompassing him. Beholding them, King Yudhistra who was fleeing, returned and began to strike Dronacharya.
 Excited on the arrival of King Yudhistra, Dronacharya began to respond to the arrows raining at him and at the same time, began to slay the Panchala chariot warriors. Slaying Prince Dridhasena with his pointy darts, Dronacharya, without any reluctance, slew King Kshema and Prince Vasudeva. Piercing Satyaki, Yudhamanyu and Sikandi with his pointy darts, Dronacharya proceeded towards King Yudhistra, defending his soldiers and at the same time, slaughtering the Panchala troops. Defeating Prince Kshatradeva who was the first line of defense for King Yudhistra, next to Prince Satyajit, Dronacharya proceeded forward. Requesting King Yudhistra to leave the spot, Prince Satyajit engaged in battling against Dronacharya.

In the meantime, Bhīma, witnessing King Yudhistra fleeing, rushed to save Prince Satyajit. The duel between Dronacharya and Prince Satyajit was fierce but, knowing the tactics of his opponent, Dronacharya, finding the weak spot, slew Prince Satyajit with his golden winged arrow, not before slaying Satyajit’s steeds and charioteer. Beholding their Prince dead, the Panchala warriors, filled with rage, rushed against Dronacharya, along with Satyaki, Prince Senavindu and many Kings and Princes. Beholding Bhīma raging towards Dronacharya, along with his brothers and Karna, Duryodhana rushed to defend their Generalissimo.
With the sun passing his meridian, ignoring the heat waves and the exhaustion, the warriors of both the armies engaged in battling fiercely. Vinda and Anuvinda rushed against King Virata while the Kekaya brothers Kshemadhurti and Vrihanta battled with Satyaki. Prathivindhya duelled with Aswathama as Sikandi resisted Vikarna. Krpacharya battled with Vardhakshemi and in the meantime, Vivinsati rushed with his legion against the brave Sutasoma. Duryodhana’s heroic son, Lakshmana battled with the son of Amvastha as the whole of Panchala division under their King Drupada and Princes, along with King Yudhistra and Nakula raged against Dronacharya.
Witnessing King Yudhistra safe and well protected by the Panchala warriors, Arjuna’s chariot proceeded towards the Pragjyotisha King, Bhagadatta.  Receiving Arjuna and Krishna with showers of pointy arrows, King Bhagadatta stood on the head of his elephant Supratika like the lord. The fierce battle between King Bhagadatta and Arjuna was a complete fight filled with power, strength, fleetness and skill. Witnessing King Bhagadatta responding to Arjuna’s arrows and Krishna’s talents in chariot riding who was trying to find a weak spot and failing in it, Dronacharya and Duryodhana felt delighted and at the same time, admired at the prowess of King Bhagadatta. Bhagadatta’s arrows whirred past Arjuna and even Arjuna was unable to find a gap or weak spot.
Witnessing Krishna steering the chariot around his mighty elephant Supratika, King Bhagadatta commanded his elephant rider to seize an opportunity to crush the chariot along with Krishna and Arjuna and involved in responding to Arjuna’s arrows with his pointy darts. King Bhagadatta owned the battle and hit Arjuna’s crown with his golden arrow. In the meantime, as Krishna steered the chariot around Supratika, Supratika trampled the Pandava soldiers on its other side. Ceasing their battle, the soldiers of both the armies who were nearby, began watching the fierce and amazing battle and the Kaurava warriors cheered every time Arjuna got hit.
Beholding the sternness and the longevity, raged King Bhagadatta sped the fierce and irresistible Vaishnavastra with a smile.  Arjuna’s arrows turned into dust the moment they hit the Vaishnavastra. With the dart closing him, Arjuna, with perplexed heart said –“Krishna! My darts are unable to stop the approaching Astra.”
Beholding Krishna witnessing the fast approaching Astra and smiling with charm, Arjuna understood that the weapon is undefeatable and set his heart to embrace death. As the Astra was closing him, Krishna stood up from his station and in an apt timely intervention Krishna received the Astra in his broad chest as it pierced through the armor and his chest. Standing behind, Arjuna realized that the dart did pierced Krishna and he felt like the world around him ceased its function. His hand had no hold to his bow and with entirely baffled mind, Arjuna shouted – “Krishna!”
Hearing Arjuna’s cry, the soldiers ceased battling. The warriors, who were far away,believed that either Arjuna or Krishna is slain.Arjuna’s heart spent its seconds in hell thinking about Krishna and a life without him, before the bloodcurdling thoughts were stopped on hearing the voice saying– “Arjuna, Are you planning not to fight? Why did you drop your bow?”
Mystified and bringing his senses back to reality, teary eyed Arjuna saw Krishna standing in front of him with his usual charming smile, charisma and caring look in his eyes. Left with no words, confounded Arjuna starred at Krishna with questions and qualms and noticed a garland hanging around Krishna’s neck. “I saw the Astra… Krishna…the Astra!” – Those were the only words Arjuna was able to come up with.
Smiling at Arjuna, with his charm, Krishna said – “Arjuna, King Bhagadatta just fired the Vaishnavastra.  It is my Astra, Arjuna!! How could it slay me? I just absorbed it. My Astra just returned to me, finally!”
Delighted to see Krishna alive and gathering all his hope, Arjuna bowed to Krishna for his mightiness and for saving his life. Blessing Arjuna, Krishna said –“Take the bow, Arjuna. Save the soldiers from King Bhagadatta. Slay him with your mighty powerful darts.”
In the meantime, Bhīma rushed to the spot to defend Arjuna and engaged in attacking Supratika as Arjuna covered King Bhagadatta with his rage filled darts. Resuming their battle, the warriors began to battle viciously. With a sharp dart, Arjuna struck the elephant in its forehead, making it easy for Bhīma to slay Supratika with his spiky blood drenched mace. Standing on the top of a wounded elephant, King Bhagadatta lost his control and grasping the moment, Arjuna, with a crescent shaped dart, pierced the chest of King Bhagadatta. As the irrepressible Supratika fell lifeless, King Bhagadatta too laid on the ground deprived of life.
King Bhagadatta slain
Beholding King Bhagadatta slain, the Pandava warriors battled with cheered heart, banging their weapons on their shields. Satanika, Son of Nakula beheaded Prince Bhutakarman as Prince Bhimaratha slew Prince Salwa, along with his steeds and charioteer, with six razor sharp darts. King Nila, who was consuming the Kaurava warriors using his darts like forest fire, engaged in a battle with Aswathama. Nila gave a tough battle for the undefeatable Aswathama to fight with. Though Nila succeeded in breaking the bow and standard of Aswathama, raged Aswathama broke the chariot of Nila into pieces through his unending showers of arrows. Jumping from his chariot and picking up his sword, Nila rushed against Aswathama but the fearless Aswathama beheaded Nila using his pointy darts, which pierced on the neck of King Nila, leaving him fell on earth, lifeless.
Arjuna, who was proceeding towards Dronacharya, was stopped by Vrishaka and Achala, the brothers of Gandhara King Saguni. Arjuna with his darts slew the steeds and the charioteer of King Vrishaka and turned the chariot of Vrishaka into dust. Responding to the arrows of Vrishaka and Achala who were engaged in fighting mounted on the same chariot, Arjuna, slew both the brothers with a single long and pointy dart. Witnessing his brothers slain, King Saguni created illusions to baffle Krishna and Arjuna. Arjuna shattered the thick blanket of darkness around him by invoking the mighty Jyothishkaweapon and invoked the Aditya weapon to dry the tsunami waves that brought flood in the battle field and consumed the legion of Arjuna. Not intended in chasing the fleeing Saguni, Arjuna proceeded towards Dronacharya.
Meanwhile, Dhrishtadyumna who was defending King Yudhistra slew the NaishadhaKings,Vrihatkshatra and Charmavarman. Slaughtering the Samsaptakas, Arjuna, along with Bhīma, entered into the defense shield made for King Yudhistra by crushing many Kaurava warriors relentlessly. Thousands of warriors and hundreds of steeds and elephants were slaughtered by Arjuna and beholding the Kaurava warriors fleeing, Karna entered in their defense and summoned Arjuna for battle. With Arjuna responding to the downpour of Karna, Bhīma engaged himself in slaying the five generals of Anga who were the protectors of King Karna’s chariot wheels and ten commanders who were leading the Anga soldiers.
Generalissimo Dhrishtadyumna, along with Satyaki, rushed to defend Arjuna and covered Karna with their showers of arrows. While Karna was engaged in responding to the darts of Satyaki and Dhrishtadyumna, Arjuna slew Karna’s younger brother Satrunjaya and beheaded Karna’s son, Vipatha. Turning away from King Yudhistra, Duryodhana, King Jayadratha, Duchadhana and Dronacharya rushed to protect Karna. Bhīma rushed against the approaching Duryodhana as Dronacharya engaged with Satyaki along with Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva. The battle was getting fierce and more vicious with time to time.Witnessing the time for sunset nearing, the warriors fought brutally, desiring only victory and their foe’s slaughter. As Karna rushed to protect his friend Duryodhana, he faced Abhimanyu, who welcomed Karna with a fearless smile and courageous heart.
Karna, delighted on the bravery of Abhimanyu, engaged in a fierce battle, only with an intention to behold the prowess of the heroic Abhimanyu. Responding to every single arrow of Karna, Abhimanyu cut them off before even they could reach him of his chariot. Admired on the talents of Abhimanyu and at the same time, being responsible to save his friend from Bhīma, Karna sped bristly arrows and broke the bow and slew the steeds and the charioteer of his foe. Terrified not and ceasing not, jumping from his chariot with a sword in his hand, Abhimanyu summoned Karna for a duel, standing on ground. 
Karna against Abhimanyu
“Son Abhimanyu, your skill in archery and battling techniques startle me. Surely, you are a far better and skilled archer than me and Arjuna. I am proud of you, Kid.”- Admired at Abhimanyu’s courage, Karna appreciated him and continued – “Son, I have no intention to kill you. I have to protect my friend, Kid.”
“Don’t worry, King Karna. My uncle will not be slaying him for he has vowed to slay Duryodhana lastly. Now, take the challenge in hand and fight me.” – responded spirited Abhimanyu.
Smiling at the bravery of Abhimanyu and not willing to slay him who is like his son, with a swift arrow, Karna broke the sword of Abhimanyu and rushed towards Duryodhana to protect him.
As all the warriors engaged in fierce battle, ignoring the battle rules and respect for life, the sun retired for the day and took back the warmth and light he has given for the day. Beholding sunset, both the armies retired to their bivouacs with pierced armors, broken weapons, exhausted mind and bathed in blood, with no strength to even pluck the arrows stuck in their armor. 

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