March 22, 2017

Kurukshetra War - Night 14

Death of Jayadratha
         With the sunset falling in, the Kauravas returned to their camp disheartened on the death of King Jayadratha and their loss while the Pandavas returned to their camp with cheered hearts on Arjuna’s success. The sons of Pandu and their army, with grieved heart, prepared themselves for the funeral of the heroic Abhimanyu and the other slain warriors.
          Duryodhana, downhearted and filled with rage upon the death of King Jayadratha yelled at his Kings and generals – “The Pandavas crushed my army like an insect. Arjuna reduced my troops to ashes! He slew King Jayadratha! He cheated…with the support of that trickster Krishna! They cheated again in slaying King Jayadratha, just like how they cheated in vanquishing the mighty Bhishma.”
          Turing towards Dronacharya, Duryodhana said – “Guru Drona! I am sure you are enjoying the success of your star pupil, Arjuna, but, I would like to know about your duties, your trust towards Hastinapur and the King. The Kings and kin who came to the battlefield, desiring my victory are lying dead. Those mighty warriors who came to the battle for my sake are either being vanquished or exterminated by those Pandavas and their army. As the generalissimo of the army, what the mighty, undefeatable Drona has done, at least once, for my sake?”
          Understanding the rage in Duryodhana’s heart, Drona spoke in a serene voice – “O Duryodhana! I know you are raged on the death of your Kings. But, I did warn you about the prowess of Arjuna and Bhīma. Those two are undefeatable. And, of course, about Krishna’s mightiness, even though he is unarmed. Even on the day of the dice game and on the days of peace talks, Vidhura, Pithamaha and even your mother Gandhari, we all warned you predicting the carnage this war would cause. But you ceased to listen, blindfolded by Saguni’s words and your greed.”
          On hearing the words of Dronacharya, Duryodhana’s rage increased further and ignoring his words of advice like all time, he said – “Greater number of akshauhinis… foremost mighty heroes and warriors accompanied…but what’ s the use when I made the mighty Bhishma and Drona as the generalissimo, who favor the victory of my foes. Trusting you, I did not allow King Jayadratha to leave when he asked me yesterday.  I must be a fool…to trust you still!”
          Karna, beholding Duryodhana losing his senses, said –“Duryodhana! Do not blame our generalissimo. We all know that, Pithamaha and Dronacharya battle for your victory. Guru Dronacharya is battling and also leading our army in putting all his years of experience and skills. Our warriors too are giving all their power and talent. With a smaller force and with few mighty Kshatriyas, if the Pandavas are succeeding in the battle, it is all only act of destiny. What else to say?”
          Turning towards Karna with sweltering rage, Duryodhana yelled –“You stop supporting the Guru. I knew that Pithamaha and Dronacharya favor the Pandavas. But, not you! I started this battle trusting you. You promised me that you will slay Arjuna. But you…you have not accomplished your vow yet. You have mighty celestial Astras that can slay him…and yet, he is alive. Why is that?”
          “Duryodhana, the only Astra I have, that can slay Arjuna is the Amoghastra (or Vasavi Shakthi) that I got from Lord Indra. Only that can slay Arjuna, but…” – before Karna could finish, Aswathama, interfered on behalf of Duryodhana and asked – “Then why have you not used it yet? It’s been four days since you entered the battlefield.”
          “Aswathama, I can use it only when I have my adversary in front of me. In these four days, Arjuna hardly battled with me. Krishna turns away his chariot from me in order to defend Arjuna. With an opportunity, I will definitely use it to slay Arjuna and end this battle, with victory for Duryodhana.” – said Karna.
          Silence filled the bivouac on Karna’s words, wondering at Krishna’s simpler efforts to defend Arjuna. King Saguni broke the silence, filling the hearts of the Kings with questions and fear – “How about we give Karna the chance now?!”
          “You want the army to battle in the night?! It’s against the rules of battle. We should not fight at night. Also, the army is tired of the day’s battle!” – said Dronacharya.
“Guru Dronacharya, the Pandavas are not following the rules! They defeated Bhishma placing Sikandi, which is against the rule. Krishna...he tricked and cheated to slay King Jayadratha. Think this way… Arjuna is the only person who can see clearly in the dark. But us… we have you, Karna and Aswathama, the foremost archers who can see in the dark. This is our opportunity to end the war…by slaying Arjuna.”
Delighted on King Saguni’s words, without any second thought, Duryodhana said-“Gather the army! Get ready for the battle! That’s an order from the King!!”
Scouts of the Pandava army informed King Yudhistra who was in the funeral of Abhimanyu about the happenings in the Kaurava camp. On hearing about the battle plans and preparations for a night battle, King Yudhistra too informed his generals and troops to get ready for the battle.
Under their generalissimo and Arjuna, the Pandava army prepared for a night battle while Krishna met Bhīma and King Yudhistra for battle strategies. Turning towards Bhīma, Krishna said – “Bhīma, the night battle will favor the Kauravas for they have 3 foremost archers who can see in darkness. We have only Arjuna. For our defense, call your son, Gatothkach and his army. The Rakshasas can see clearly in the night. The night belongs to them and it will help us.”
“But Krishna, inviting my son who is not human to a battle of humans is adharma. How can you say me to call Gatothkach?”- said confused Bhīma.
“Bhīma, anything done to favor and sustain dharma will be considered as dharma only. Call him to protect our army.”- said Krishna. Without any argument, Bhīma and King Yudhistra accepted Krishna’s words.
And, on the dark filled night, both the armies marched towards the battlefield. Setting their hearts on battle, both the troops prepared for night battle with the foot soldiers holding their choice of weapon in one hand and lanterns in another. The chariots held five lanterns while the elephants had three on them and the cavalries, one. Beholding the Kaurava army rushing towards them with blazing lamps, the Pandavas too rushed against their foe and there began a battle, fierce and heartless.
King Yudhistra rushed against Duryodhana with wrath. Crushing the Pandava soldiers blocking him, Duryodhana progressed forwarded accepting the battle in hand. Filled with wrath, Duryodhana shot aimless arrows at King Yudhistra. Cutting off the arrows, King Yudhistra shot at Duryodhana, broad headed arrows which pierced the armor. Deeply pierced by one of those shafts, Duryodhana fell unconscious in his chariot. Beholding Duryodhana lying unconscious, the Pandava soldiers cheered with delighted heart whereas the Kaurava warriors were filled with shock. Beholding Duryodhana, Dronacharya rushed to the spot and engaged in battling with King Yudhistra, witnessing Duryodhana recovering his senses.
Lighting up the night sky!
Regaining consciousness, Duryodhana, along with Dronacharya, began to attack King Yudhistra. Witnessing King Yudhistra in trouble, the sons of Pandu and the Panchala Kings and Princes rushed to defend their King. Arjuna and Karna lighted up the night sky with their showers of oil dipped darts which slew their foes in hundreds while Drona singly slew thousands of elephants and the riders and warriors, thousands of cavalries and chariot warriors and thousands of foot soldiers and spike men. As Drona was devastating the Pandava warriors, Bhīma engaged in thrashing the Kaurava soldiers. With bare hands, he slew the Kalinga Prince by crushing his bones.
Gatothkach and his army of Rakshasas to whom the night belongs, entering the battlefield began throwing rocks and uprooted trees at the Kaurava warriors. With his Akshauhini of Rakshasas, Gatothkach struck fear in the hearts of the Kaurava soldiers and even the Kings and the Kauravas fled in all directions holding their desire to live. On the command of Duryodhana, the foremost Kaurava warriors rushed against the army of Rakshasas. Aswathama rushed against Anjanaparvan, the son of Gatothkach. Aswathama’s arrows broke the moment they hit the bare chest of Anjanaparvan. None of his arrows pierced the skin or even cause a scratch on the Rakshasas. Invoking his celestial astras, Aswathama engaged in slaughtering the Rakshasa army. Breaking the colossal mace of Anjanaparvan into pieces, Aswathama showered pointy darts in hundreds on Anjanaparvan, who, using his powers of illusion, escaped from the pointy darts. Anjanaparvan made it rain blazing darts on Aswathama. Filled with wrath and affronted in fighting a time consuming battle with a younger warrior, cutting off those darts in the mid-air, Aswathama showered in thousands, heated pointy iron darts at Anjanaparvan and slew the mighty Rakshasa in front of the eyes of Gatothkach and Bhīma.  
             Beholding his son dead, Gatothkach rushed against Aswathama, showering millions of darts. Skilled in archery like his father, Aswathama cut off those darts and furiously showered darts at the fast approaching Rakshasha. Creating illusions of all kinds, Gatothkach attacked Aswathama from all directions, at times visible and at times staying invisible. Gatothkach made it rain maces and swords upon Aswathama with a desire to slay him but, with his mightiness, Aswathama dispelled every illusion of Gatothkach by invoking celestial weapons like Vajra weapon and Vayavya weapon. Beholding Aswathama covering the chest of Gatothkach with his pointy darts, the Rakshashas and the Panchala warriors rushed in defense.
    Receiving the mighty Rakshashas and warriors singly, Aswathama, implementing all his skills in archery, showered shafts showing all his splendid talents in archery, impressing Duryodhana and filling his heart with delight. Raining fire breathing shafts at the Rakshashas and the Panchala warriors, Aswathama slew thousands of chariot warriors along with their steeds and charioteer and invoking his celestial weapons, he slew the entire Akshauhini of the Rakshashas, bringing relief in the hearts of the Kaurava warriors. Ceasing not, turning towards the Panchala warriors, Aswathama slew the sons of King Drupada viz., Prince Suratha, Prince Satrunjaya and the ten sons of King Kuntibhoja. With pointed darts, he then slew princes Jaya, Jayanika, Valanika, Prishdhra,Chandrasena and Srutayush who were rushing with rage against him.
        Bhīma, raged on the death of his grandson and the princes, began to slaughter the Kaurava warriors brutally. King Valikha encountering Bhīma lost his head to Bhīma’s mace in one blow and the lifeless head fell on the ground, terrifying the hearts of the Kauravas. Ceasing not, filled with wrath, Bhīma raged against the rushing brothers of King Saguni. Bhīma, with his bow in his hand began to shoot perfectly aimed arrows at them. Failing not to hit in the vital body parts of the brothers of Saguni, those arrows, falling like meteors, took the life of those seven princes along with Satachandra. Ceasing not, Bhīma slew five more brothers of King Saguni, viz., Gavaksha, Sarabha, Bibhu, Subhaga and Bhanudatta, in front of their army.
Beholding the prowess of Bhīma, the Pandava warriors rushed against the Kaurava soldiers with rage while the terrified Gandhara soldiers fled in all directions. Nakula’s son Satanika engaging in battling with Chitrasena (brother of Duryodhana), broke the bow of Chitrasena and slew his steeds and charioteer in a wink of an eye. Chitrasena who was standing grounded, deprived of weapons was saved by Kritavarman. King Saguni, lost his bows and standard to Nakula and pierced by Nakula’s pointy darts, he fell unconscious on his chariot. Witnessing Saguni lying unconscious, his charioteer rode him away from the battle field.
Witnessing the carnage of his army, Duryodhana rushing towards Karna, said with a depressed heart – “Karna, save my warriors. Bhīma and Arjuna are snatching my victory by crushing my warriors.”

“Duryodhana, fear not. I will proceed against Arjuna and slay him tonight and end this battle before sunrise. You will have your desired victory sooner.” – saying so, Karna rushed against Arjuna and Krishna.
Karna noticed the darts of Arjuna falling from the sky like shooting stars and slaying the Kaurava warriors. The Panchala warriors, witnessing Karna, rushed to defend Arjuna. Karna’s darts, mightier like Arjuna’s, covered the rushing Pandava soldiers and their steeds and elephants and made them fell on the ground, deprived of life. Beholding Karna’s prowess, Arjuna sped his darts with wings of gold at Karna and broke the bow of Karna. Taking up another bow, Karna covered Arjuna and Krishna with his pointy darts.
Pierced with arrows in his chest armor, understanding the aim of Karna, Krishna said – “Arjuna, Dronacharya is battling with King Yudhistra. He can easily take this opportunity and seize the King. Let’s proceed towards King Yudhistra to save him. There’s none other than you to stop Dronacharya.”
Pierced by Karna, raged Arjuna slew the steeds and the charioteer of Karna and broke the chariot of Karna with his arrows. With a smile, Krishna rode the chariot away from Karna. Jumping from his chariot and rescued by Krpacharya, Karna ascending into his other chariot, rushed against Arjuna before he was stopped by Sahadeva.
Defending King Yudhistra, Arjuna and his platoon ceased Dronacharya from proceeding forward. Turning towards the King, Krishna said – “Yudhistra, proceed against King Duryodhana. Dronacharya is with plans to capture you. Let Arjuna proceed against Dronacharya.”
Taking the commands of Krishna, King Yudhistra, along with his platoon rushed towards Bhīma who was battling with Duryodhana and his legion. Meanwhile, Sahadeva lost his steeds, charioteer and bow to Karna and was standing on a grounded chariot. Ceasing not, picking up his sword, Sahadeva rushed against Karna on foot. Breaking the sword into two before Sahadeva could descend from his chariot and aiming a golden dart at Sahadeva, Karna smiled and addressed – “Sahadeva, look at you! Standing deprived of all your weapons. Never indulge in a fight with warriors who are skilled, talented and superior to you.” Saying so, taking a deep breath, Karna removing his dart from the bow, addressed his charioteer to rush the chariot towards Arjuna, remembering his vow to Matha Kunti.
Witnessing Karna shredding the Pandava troops and formation, Arjuna said to Krishna – “Krishna, Karna is crushing the Pandava warriors and our soldiers are frightened. Turn the chariot towards Karna.”
“Arjuna, Karna is advancing in the battle like raging sun. But, the mighty Dronacharya is trying to capture King Yudhistra. If you proceed against Karna, there will be none to stop Dronacharya. Let the heroic Gatothkach proceed against Karna. He can stop him from advancing.” – Saying so, Krishna called Gatothkach.
Krishna said – “Gatothkach, Karna is crushing the Pandava army. The night belongs to the Rakshashas than to humans. With your unlimited power and mightiness, proceed against Karna and slay him. Except you, none can achieve this feat.”
“Worry not, uncle. I will slay Karna and Duryodhana by tonight and will ensure my uncle’s victory.  No Kaurava warriors will get to see the sunrise tomorrow.” – Saying so, Gatothkach rushed against Karna.
Perceiving Gatothkach rushing against Karna, Duryodhana said -“Duchadhana, instead of Arjuna, Gatothkach is urging against Karna. Take as many warriors you want and defend Karna at all cost. Don’t let Gatothkach near our Karna. He is the only hope to slay Arjuna.”
Before Duchadhana could assemble his legion to defend Karna, tearing the darkness, a streak of light appeared and like thunder, a Rakshasa appeared in front of Duryodhana. Addressing Duryodhana, he said – “O King, I am Alambusha, son of the mighty and foremost Rakshasa Jatasura. My father was murdered by the sons of Pandu and I desire to take my revenge on them. Command me to slay the Pandavas and also Gatothkach and I will gladly give you your victory.”
Delighted in seeing Alambusha, Duryodhana said – “Blessed I am! Alambusha, Go and slay all those foes of ours, right now!”
Alambusha, taking the command, proceeded against Gatothkach and summoned him for a duel.  Thrilled in seeing Alambusha, Gatothkach rushed against him and Karna with excitement. Terrified not, the mighty Gatothkach invoking his diversified illusions, crushed the Kaurava soldiers approaching him and also pierced Karna and Alambusha with his long pointy darts. Raged Alambusha began to attack the Pandava soldiers and thousands fell dead either struck in fear or struck by the arrows of Alambusha. Beholding Alambusha, the heroic Gatothkach rushed against him and engaged in a duel with him. Grabbing the gigantic Alambusha in his hands, Gatothkach pressed him on the ground, twisting his arms. The battle of the Rakshasas was so terrible and brutal that, they crushed the soldiers, elephants and steeds on their path. The archers and long bowmen of Pandava troops, desire to protect Gatothkach, showered darts at Alambusha. Troubled by the darts piercing him, Alambusha lost control he had on Gatothkach and seizing the opportunity, Gatothkach got hold of Alambusha in his hands and crushed him, breaking his bones into pieces.
Gatothkach and Alambusha
Taking his gargantuan mace, Gatothkach hit Alambusha right in the neck and cut off the head of his antagonist. Beholding the brutality of Gatothkach and the terrible death of Alambusha, the Kaurava soldiers fled in fear. Few soldiers, who witnessed the furious face of Gatothkach, fell dead in fear. Laughing appallingly, Gatothkach threw the head of Alambusha in front of Duryodhana, saying – “Watch me slaying Karna next!”-and he rushed against Karna.
          Roaring like thunder, Gatothkach battled with Karna. Showering pointy darts at each other, exhausted not, both the heroic warriors fought their night battle with the desire of slaying each other. Karna invoked various celestial astras while Gatothkach invoked his illusion powers. Taking different forms, Gatothkach provoked Karna’s rage and also implanted fear in the Kauravas. Gatothkach made it rain stones, blazing darts, snakes and even trees. Gatothkach’s illusion slew Kaurava soldiers in thousands. Pierced by darts, both Karna and Gatothkach were dripping blood but still, ceasing not, they both continued their duel. Beholding Gatothkach’s mightiness and the death of his warriors, terrified Duryodhana yelled – “Karna, Gatothkach is crushing my army. If this continues, we will be left without any warrior by our side in the morning. Slay him faster.”
           Karna knew that Gatothkach will respond to the celestial astras if he invokes them, except for the Amoghastra (also known as Vasavi Shakthi Astra). But, Karna was saving that Astra to slay Arjuna. Duryodhana who was battling with Bhīma was on the verge of losing the battle and Karna was in the need to defend his friend. Thinking for a moment and with no time to lose, Karna invoked the foremost invincible dart, the Amoghastra and hurled it at Gatothkach. The Astra, which never fails to slay the enemy when he is standing against, pierced right through the broad chest of Gatothkach and out of pain, roaring like a lion, Gatothkach fell on the ground. Even while falling, taking his most dreadful gigantic form, Gatothkach crushed the Kaurava warriors standing beneath him and pressed by his weight, Kaurava warriors amounting an Akshauhini breathed their last along with Gatothkach.
          Beholding Gatothkach dead, the sons of Pandu were filled with grief. Arjuna, on hearing the loud roar of Gatothkach, urged Krishna to rush the chariot towards Karna. Raged on witnessing his son’s death Bhīma rushed against Duryodhana. Trying to defend their brother, the brothers of Duryodhana defended Duryodhana and proceeded against the wrath filled Bhīma. Showering his well-aimed darts, Bhīma covered the Kaurava warriors and the princes. Pierced utterly, the eleven brothers of Duryodhana viz., Nagadatta, Dridharatha, Vira, Ayobahu, Suhastasena, Viraga, Pramatha, Ugrayudha, Dushkarna, Durmada and Dridhayudha fell lifeless on their respective chariots.The darts of Bhīma slew hundreds of Kaurava soldiers.
          With his brothers dead, Duryodhana rushed against Bhīma and raged on the death of Gatothkach, King Yudhistra urged every soldier of the Pandava army to proceed against Duryodhana. The Panchala warriors resisted Drona as the Sons of Pandu rushed against Duryodhana while Karna resisted Arjuna. At the middle of the night, the battlefield filled with warriors with anger and revenge in their heart was aloud, abysmal and noisy. In the darkness, not knowing the difference between foe and friend, the warriors slew the ones fighting with them.
          Beholding Arjuna, Karna spoke eloquently in a bold voice –“Arjuna! Only now you have the courage to face me!? I can sense the happiness in Krishna’s heart. He is ready to even let go of his favourite sons - Abhimanyu and Gatothkach, in order to protect you! You can call yourself a mighty hero and archer, Arjuna!”
          Not understanding Karna’s words and witnessing Krishna sitting serene, Arjuna asked –“Krishna, I don’t understand Karna’s words. What is it that he is able to discern about you but not me?”
          Taking a deep breath, Krishna said –“Arjuna, Karna got the Amoghastra from Lord Indra with a desire to slay you. No one in this world can stop the power of Amoghastra, not even my blazing Sudhakshina Chakra. Karna is a brilliant archer and foremost skilled warrior. With the Amoghastra, he is more powerful and undefeatable, even by you. Not even by me. With your death, this war will end and so is the reign of dharma. Gatothkach, in order to defend you, took the Amoghastra. So, now, without his protective armor, ear-rings and Amoghastra, Karna, now is like every archer. He can be defeated and slayed. But, trust me…even now defeating him is going to be tough, even for you.  Dharma must prevail on this earth and for that, King Yudhistra should win this battle.”
          Meanwhile, both the troops got exhausted battling from the sunrise. Even the steeds and elephants ceased to listen to the commands of their rider. The twelve hours of daylight battle and the nine hours of moonlight battle drained the energy of the warriors. Even the Kings and princes fought without any vigour. Beholding the state of the warriors and understanding the situation, Arjuna spoke aloud – “Warriors, I can see that you are all tired because of the day’s battle. You all can rest in the field till sunrise. Let’s withdraw from the battle so that you all can go to sleep.”        
          Gladdened on hearing Arjuna’s words, the Pandava warriors dropped their weapons and slept in the field. The Kaurava warriors turned towards Karna for approval. Karna and Dronacharya, witnessing the exhaustion of the warriors permitted them to withdraw from the battle. The cavalries slept on the top of their steeds. And thus, both the troops, forgetting their enmity, slept alongside in the battlefield with the time for sunrise nearing in hours.

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