March 13, 2017

Kurukshetra War - Night 9

            The day belonged to the Kauravas! King Duryodhana rejoiced and cherished every moment of his time in the battlefield. The camp reflected the result of the days’ battle. The Kaurava camp was filled with revels. With night setting in, everyone retired to bed, hoping for victory tomorrow.
       The Pandavas camp was filled the effects of Pithamaha’s prowess in the battle. The soldiers who were injured were getting their cures while the rest who believe they are miraculously alive were plucking the sharp arrows from their battle armor which, by god’s grace, failed to reach their heart. There was no peace in the minds of the soldiers and they were unable to sleep, fearing about the agility of the mighty Bhishma they might get to face the next day. Even the soldiers who slept dreamt of Pithamaha with his bow and celestial arrow waiting to kill them.
      With nine days of battle being fought, the mighty warriors of the Pandavas too were unable to sleep, terrified and troubled on the mightiness of Pithamaha Bhishma. The Kings sat for a council along with Krishna, expecting a favorable solution.Everyone discussed about various strategies and array formations but all their hopes diminished when they think of Pithamaha, the mighty warrior of all time.
        “Pithamaha is crushing us like an elephant stepping on a flower. He is slaying everyone with just one look and one arrow. Every single warrior of the army who is facing the grandsire in the battlefield is getting killed for sure. Challenging him is like challenging Lord Yama. Having him as our foe, I don’t see a ray of hope to win.” – said dejected Arjuna.
          The Kings of the allied Kingdoms nodded in acceptance.
         “We are already less in terms of Akshauhinis. With Bhishma battling fiercely, I don’t think we will have enough soldiers by the end of the day, tomorrow. While battling, he resembles like he is packed with fire, thunder and wind. He knows what to do and when to perform it. That single strategy of him, not just his mighty skill and expertise but even his battling strategies are more than enough to subjugate our army in the battle.” – said generalissimo Dhrishtadyumna.
    Hearing the words of Dhrishtadyumna, King Yudhistra spoke in a dejected voice– “With Pithamaha standing against us in the battle, we don’t even have the slightest chance. He will definitely slay us all. O Krishna, I consider life as a gift. It should be lived with peace. Battling against Pithamaha is like, losing the hope to live. I, O Krishna, therefore, have no desire to battle anymore. I will retire into the woods. It’s better for everyone who is alive. Everyone will be benefited in my exile and there will not be any more unwanted deaths in this battlefield. Pithamaha too will not be burdened about Hastinapur,Duryodhana and us.”
    “O Yudhistra! Do not indulge in such thoughts when you have me by your side. You also have your mighty brothers, who will win the three worlds for you. Comfort yourself, O King. He who is capable of defeating even Lord Indra in a combat, Arjuna, your mighty brother, has vowed to slay Pithamaha in the battle. If he is capable of defeating the Lords, what doubts you, in him slaying Pithamaha? For you, he, for sure, will slay Pithamaha, with me as his protector. If, out of his love for Pithamaha, Arjuna does not wish to slay him, I, for your sake, will disregard my vow and will slay grandsire in the battlefield. Don’t you worry for you have me.” – Krishna comforted King Yudhistra.
      Comforted on Krishna’ words, King Yudhistra said – “O Krishna, with you by our side, there is nothing unachievable. For my sake, I do not wish you to falsify your words. Hence, for the sake of me and my army, assist us with your words and strategies. Tell me what I should do, that will benefit us and dharma, without disregarding my duties.”
      “O King, before the start of the battle, Pithamaha informed to you: ‘I will fight for Duryodhana on behalf of Hastinapur, but, I will guide you in the war, whenever you ask for it.’ I hope you remember those words. So what if we request his assistance and also a solution to this hitch.” – said Krishna. 
      Though relieved for a moment, King Yudhistra, after a lapse of moment, said – “O Lord! He is the one who was there for us when we had nothing. He was our father, our guru, our leader and everything. What we are now, in character and talent is all just a fragment of him. The only solution that he can give to us right now will be the way to slay him. Cursed, O Krishna. My soul is definitely cursed to do such a shameful act. It’s a disgrace for dharma. O Madhava, this Kshatriya life itself is a cursed one.”
    “Kshatriya duty, O King. It is Kshatriya duty! This curse is not only on you. But for every Kshatriya, who should do it for the welfare of their citizens. Pithamaha will understand it.” – said Krishna.
     “We will go to Pithamaha’s bivouac, without delay and ask him the way. He, for sure, will give us a beneficial solution. We will fight as he says.” – said King Yudhistra with a heavy heart.
      “O Yudhistra, Son of Dharma, your notion is good. For you, he will definitely guide and lead you towards victory. Let’s proceed to Pithamaha’s bivouac without delay.” – Saying so, Krishna, along with the Pandavas proceeded to the camp of the Kauravas while the rest of the council members remained in the camp, discussing about the strategy for tomorrow’s battle and also, waiting eagerly for the return of Krishna and the Pandavas with a favorable solution to defeat the mighty grandsire.
      Krishna and the Pandavas reached the bivouac of Pithamaha. Bowing to the grandsire, they sat on the seats.
     “Blessed I am to see Krishna, in my bivouac. Welcome O Krishna, for blessing this soul which is troubled. Welcome O Sons of Pandu. What is it that I can do to please your heart?” – greeting everyone, Pithamaha enquired about the reason of their visit.
   “O Pithamaha! You are the root of our talent and skill and goodness. Considering your words as god’s words, we accepted for this war only for dharma and for the welfare of the people. These nine days of war has seen so many deaths- soldiers, warriors, elephants, riders and steeds. You blessed us for victory in this war. But, we fail to see the hope for it. We would like to stop the annihilation of these creatures. You, the adroit soul on earth, is the only person who can guide us at this time of distress.” – said King Yudhistra.
“Worry not, dear Son, when you have Krishna with you. I have faith in the mightiness of you five. What is troubling you? Tell me, so that I can see what this old man can do to satisfy your hearts. I will give my everything to achieve it, for you.” – Said Pithamaha with fondness.
      Listening to Pithamaha’s words, seeing his love for them, the Pandavas felt embarrassed to even speak.
        Krishna, on seeing the unresponsive Pandavas, spoke – “Pithamaha, only on the victory of the Pandavas, dharma can be sustained on earth. They worry on how to attain victory in this battle.”
    “Krishna! They have you!! Why should they worry then?” – enquired Pithamaha.
        "Unto Bhishma’s words, King Yudhistra continued – “O Grandsire, with you blazing in the battlefield like the second sun… When you are fierce with your bow and arrow in your hands, the destruction of your foe is certain. How can we attain victory when my army is terrified to even stand against you?”
       Listening to Yudhistra’s words, Pithamaha addressed – “O Son! What you are saying is true. As long as I am alive, you won’t be able to win this battle. But, if I am vanquished, there’s nothing that can stop you from winning.” Glancing at Krishna with a decision in his mind, Pithamaha continued – “Yudhistra, I give you permission to attack me. At times like this, have your eyes fixed on your mission. As your mission is dharma, you deserve victory. So strike me tomorrow and earn your victory.”
    “Pithamaha! You are incapable of being defeated. Even if the devas and demons unify and battle against you, they will be scotched. Such is your prowess.” – said King Yudhistra.
      “It’s true, dear Son. My father has blessed me that death will embrace me only when I ask for it. If I am defeated, then your victory will be certain. When I am armed, I am bound to the rules of a commander. But even in such a case, I will not raise my bow against:  Unarmed warriors, warrior whose armor is slipped, one whose flag in his chariot is broken, warrior lying on the ground, fleeing and terrified warriors and also, against a female or even someone whose name is a female. I have resolved that I never will fight against these people, under any circumstances. The mighty son of Drupada who was a female earlier, mighty warrior Sikandi, she has vowed to slay me. But, though she is a man now, I will not raise my weapon against her. Place her as the lead tomorrow in the battle and fight against me. My dear son, Arjuna, you are the only person skilled to trounce me. Place Sikandi in front and attack me. I will not be striking back at you, for you have Sikandi as your shield. Attack me and throw me away from my chariot. Once I am down, I will not raise back to fight. That way, victory will be yours. Victory will be yours, for certain.” – addressed Pithamaha.
      Arjuna, on listening to Pithamaha’s words, broke into tears and filled with shame, replied unto the mighty grandsire – “O Pithamaha! How can I slay you? You are our father, our guru, our idol…You are our mighty, intelligent, caring and ever loving Pithamaha. How can I vanquish you? I would even prefer to die in the battle than to fight against you.”
     "O Son! Arjuna, Listen to me. I feel proud to be defeated by you. I am gratified, for my death is leading to dharma’s victory. Release me from this burden! Moreover, I accept my defeat whole heartedly as a decree for my behavior in the court room during the dice game. You are my best disciple, son. And, as a follower of dharma, I would like to see you keep your eyes fixed on dharma. So, without any distress, vanquish me in the battle.” – replied Bhishma.
      Saluting grandsire Bhishma, the Pandavas and Krishna retired to their camp. The council was called again. The Pandavas explained the conversation they had in Pithamaha’s bivouac.
Pandavas council!
       Arjuna, unable to make decision, with his head lowered, spoke – “Why should it be me? Why did I even vow to kill him, in first place? It doesn’t matter even if we are defeated. I will not slay him. I will gladly accept death or exile too.”
    Krishna, on listening to the distressed words of Arjuna, spoke gently – “O Arjuna! Being a Kshatriya, you cannot refrain from your vow. None in this world is capable of defeating Pithamaha, except you. Consider Pithamaha’s words, Arjuna. Lead him to the path of Moksha and relive him from the burden he is holding in his heart. Consider it as a favor you are doing to him. Also, consider it as a favor you are doing for the welfare of your citizens. It’s an eternal duty of a Kshatriya. For a Kshatriya, people and dharma comes first.”
    Accepting Krishna’s words blindly, Arjuna set his mind on defeating Pithamaha in the battle. Generalissimo Dhrishtadyumna and Arjuna discussed about the strategies for the battle to be fought. “By the time Sikandi and Arjuna faces Pithamaha, we should have the other Maharathas to hold the rest of the warriors of Kuru side.”- said Bhīma.
    “Sikandi can fight against Pithamaha and I will protect her from Pithamaha’s soldiers with my shafts.”  - said Arjuna.
    Having discussed about the strategies to vanquish the mighty Bhishma, everyone retired to their tent, expecting the most expected dawn. 

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