March 14, 2017

Kurukshetra War - Day 10


         Placing Sikandi as their lead, the Pandavas proceeded for the most important day of the battle to vanquish the mighty Pithamaha Bhishma. Bhīma and Arjuna positioned themselves as the protectors of Sikandi’s chariot-wheels. Forming the mighty Deva Vyuha, the Pandavas waited for the sunrise. “Today, I will be freed from the debt I owe to Hastinapur and to King Drithirashtra.”-relieved, Pithamaha Bhishma commanded the Kauravas to form the Asura Vyuha and as commanded by Duryodhana, his brothers under the leadership of Duchadhana, took their respective positions to protect the mighty Bhishma.
         Duryodhana, before moving towards his position, addressed Duchadhana–“Duchadhana, make sure not to let Sikandi and Arjuna near Pithamaha. Do everything possible to defend him and make sure you do not leave him undefended.”
       With the first ray of the day’s light, the battle began. Showering diversified shafts, Arjuna along with Sikandi proceeded against Pithamaha.Desire of protecting their generalissimo, the Kaurava soldiers rushed against Arjuna and Sikandi. Beholding his soldiers being crushed by Arjuna and his legion, the mighty Pithamaha, raged with wrath, engulfed the Pandava soldiers with his pointy darts. Sikandi, intended in protecting the Panchala soldiers, placed her chariot in front of Bhishma and pierced him with her darts. Though pierced, not raising his bow against Sikandi, Bhishma said – “To me, you are still Sikandi- the daughter of King Drupada. I am not going to respond to your darts, no matter who you are now.”
     Saying so, Bhishma asked his charioteer to drive away from Sikandi. Arjuna, who was protecting Sikandi said – “Rush towards Bhishma. The victory of our army lies in you accomplishing your vow. Slay the mighty Pithamaha.”
      Thousands of foot soldiers, archers and knights of the Pandava army were slayed by Bhishma before the end of first hour of the battle. Aswathama resisted Sikandi and engaged in a vicious battle with a desire to slay Sikandi. The Kaurava Kings and foremost warriors resisted the Pandava Kings and Princes from reaching Bhishma. Kritavarman resisted Dhrishtadyumna while Aswathama, after defeating Sikandi, engaged in battling against King Virata and King Drupada, slaying cavalries in hundreds. Vikarna ceased Nakula while Krpacharya engaged in a duel with Sahadeva. Though pierced by Abhimanyu, desirous of saving their generalissimo, King Sudhakshina of Kamboja and his warriors battled fiercely against Abhimanyu till death. Duryodhana engaged in a battle with Satyaki while Bhīma was resisted by Bhurisravas, the son of King Somadatta. The Sons of Pandu and the Kings and generals of the Pandava troops struggled to defend their soldiers and gather those who are fleeing in all directions out of fear. The battlefield was filled with either wounded or lifeless bodies of warriors, steeds and elephants. Bhishma created a barricade for him by slaying in thousands, the Pandava soldiers and their animals rushing towards him. Not a single warrior who went near lived to tell the prowess of the mighty and heroic Bhishma.
Susarman, the Trigartha King, along with a thousand chariot warriors and hundreds of cavalries and foot soldiers engaged in resisting Arjuna and Krishna. Shooting darts of various kinds, Arjuna slew hundreds of chariot warriors along with their steeds and charioteers. Making King Susarman unconscious by piercing him in the chest with his iron dart, Arjuna proceeded towards Bhishma. Bhīma, after defeating King Jayadratha, engaged in thrashing the elephant warriors division of the foes with his mace. Crushed and with skull broken, the elephants ran in pain, crushing both the Kaurava and Pandava soldiers on their path. 
Excited with wrath and slaying the Pandava warriors in hundreds in order to defend Bhishma, Duchadhana rushed against Arjuna and pierced him and Krishna with his golden winged darts. The battle was brutal and inhumane as both the warriors pierced each other with a desire of victory and rage in heart. Arjuna, breaking the bow of Duchadhana after a long battle and breaking the chariot wheels, proceeded towards Pithamaha, leaving Duchadhana alive, remembering Bhīma’s vow.
Pithamaha's prowess!
Pithamaha Bhishma, before even the noon of the tenth day could arrive, slayed ten thousand soldiers of the Pandava army and was engaged in weakening the cavalry division of the Panchala troops. Beholding Arjuna, Dronacharya addressed Aswathama –“Son, Arjuna is proceeding towards Pithamaha. Cease him. Stop Arjuna before he joins Sikandi to vanquish Pithamaha.” Saying so, Drona rushed to resist King Yudhistra and his vast army. Meanwhile, Bhīma who was rushing against Pithamaha was resisted by Krpacharya, King Salya, Kritavarman and their legions. Surrounding Bhīma, they began to engulf Bhīma with their pointy darts.
Arjuna, witnessing his brother Bhīma in distress, rushed to defend him,showering his arrows. Unable to withstand the prowess of Arjuna and Bhīma, the Kaurava warriors fled in all possible directions. Bhīma engaged in crushing the Kaurava army from the center whereas Arjuna, from outside, engaged in slaying the fear struck fleeing warriors. While the sun was scorching the battlefield from his meridian at noon, Bhishma was scorching the Pandava warriors from his chariot. Before noon, Pithamaha has slaughtered ten thousand elephant warriors along with their elephants and riders, ten thousand cavalries along with their steeds and two lakh foot soldiers and archers. Ceasing not, Bhishma slew King Satanika, the younger brother of King Virata.
Targeting Bhishma who was crushing the Pandava troops, Arjuna and Bhīma rushed to support Sikandi who was battling Duchadhana. Beholding them, Dhrishtadyumna commanded his soldiers to defend the duo from the Kaurava soldiers. Mighty Dronacharya, Kosala King Vrihadvala, King Duryodhana and his brothers rushed to resist Arjuna and Bhīma. Arjuna engaged in a duel with Dronacharya as Bhīma fought with the rest. Sikandi, while battling against Duchadhana lost her battle and deeply pierced, she lost her conscious and swooned on her chariot. Abhimanyu removed her from the spot before Duchadhana could slay her while the Kaurava soldiers, witnessing Sikandi lying unconscious cheered in delight.
Beholding Sikandi and the struggling Pandava troops, mighty Pithamaha, giving up his desire to battle and live, standing in his chariot and with joined hands prayed to Lord Sun –“Lord, I desire for Moksha and have no yearning to live. Kindly help me attain what I wish for.” Turning towards Duryodhana, Pithamaha said – “Duryodhana, for what I have vowed to Hastinapur, to your father and to you, I have battled and lived all these years. Now, for dharma and for my serenity, I desire not to live anymore. I will keep up my word and will battle for one last day, for Hastinapur. I will cease battling once Sikandi battles against me.”
Beholding King Yudhistra, Pithamaha addressed – “Son Yudhistra, I have no desire to protect my life. Vanquish me in the battle, this very day, placing Sikandi and Arjuna in front of me.  I command you all to attack me for dharma to win. I will not slay any of the foremost warriors of the Pandava army anymore but, as a Kshatriya, as a warrior, I will engage in showering darts at my foes, till I see Sikandi standing against me and lose hold of my bow. With Krishna by your side, your victory is certain. You have my blessings. Now, release me from the burden of the life I live.”
With a heavy heart, King Yudhistra commanded his entire army to rush against Pithamaha. Duryodhana, on listening to Pithamaha’s words commanded his troops to surround Bhishma and defend him till sunset, hoping for the non arrival of the unconscious Sikandi. Blinded with rage, the Pandava troops rushed against the Kaurava soldiers and from that moment, the battle that was fought for victory turned into a battle for Bhishma’s life. The Kings and the Princes of the Kaurava army resisted the Pandava soldiers with wrath and the battle was at its extreme. 

While the battle was brutal and the Kaurava warriors were crushing the hope of victory in the Pandavas, intensely wounded Sikandi entered the battlefield, protected by Abhimanyu and the UpaPandavas. Beholding Sikandi, the Pandavas cheered with delight and with raged heart and hope, they rushed against the Kauravas to defend Arjuna and Sikandi. With their entire prowess, the UpaPandavas and Abhimanyu defended Sikandi and steered her towards Bhishma. Desire of victory for his father, Abhimanyu engaged in slaying every single Kaurava warriors resisting him. The darts of Abhimanyu, blazing like a meteorite entering the atmosphere, pierced the vital parts of the Kaurava soldiers and killed them instant it hit them. Kosala King Vrihadvala who resisted Abhimanyu pierced him with twenty darts. Though pierced, remembering his vow to Draupathi and his responsibility to defend Sikandi, raged Abhimanyu shot darts at King Vrihadvala and cut off his bow and with continuous darts, he grounded the chariot and made King Vrihadvala unconscious. Slaying Jayatsena next with a pointy gold winged dart, Abhimanyu led Sikandi march towards Bhishma.
Witnessing Abhimanyu’s prowess and Sikandi proceeding towards Pithamaha, King Yudhistra commanded his troops – “Proceed without fear, my warriors! Protected by Arjuna, Dhrishtadyumna, Bhīma and Abhimanyu, without doubt, we will vanquish the mighty Pithamaha. Rush against the Kauravas!”
Cheered on the words of King Yudhistra, the Pandava troops, with desire for victory, rushed against the Kauravas and the Kauravas took every possible effort to defend themselves and also Bhishma. After defeating Dronacharya, on the command of Krishna, Arjuna proceeded towards Bhishma. With a desire to defend Arjuna and Sikandi, Satyaki resisted Aswathama as King Virata resisted King Jayadratha while Dhrishtadyumna along with his brothers, advanced against Dronacharya. King Yudhistra battled against King Salya as Sahadeva and Nakula battled against King Saguni and his brothers. Bhīma engaged in crushing the elephant warriors division of the Kaurava army which was under the command of King Bhagadatta.

Meanwhile, standing on his chariot like a blazing sun, the heroic Pithamaha engaged in showering darts on the rushing Pandava troops. The darts that came out of the bow of Bhishma never touched the ground without wounding or slaying the foot soldiers and cavalries. Consuming the life of fourteen thousand chariot warriors and ten thousand foot soldiers and spike men, Bhishma was shining like the scorching sun.Witnessing Sikandi proceeding towards Pithamaha defended by Abhimanyu and his brothers, Duryodhana rushed to resist Abhimanyu.
Resisted by Duryodhana, Abhimanyu, taking the battle in hand, commanded his brothers to proceed with Sikandi. Singly, revealing his prowess, Abhimanyu battled against King Duryodhana and his platoon. The battle between them was extremely vicious to witness. Though wounded, Abhimanyu pierced Duryodhana and made him lose hold of his bow. Beholding Abhimanyu battling against Duryodhana, Arjuna rushed o defend his son. Understanding Arjuna’s desire, Abhimanyu said –“Father, rush to defend Sikandi and brothers. I will resist and vanquish uncle Duryodhana. I will not be slaying him for father Bhīma has vowed to achieve that. Don’t worry about me for I have the blessings of you and uncle Krishna!”
Feeling proud on listening to the words of Abhimanyu, Krishna and Arjuna rushed to defend Sikandi. Asking the UpaPandavas to hurry and defend Abhimanyu,defending Sikandi, Arjuna rushed against Pithamaha. Abhimanyu singly engaged in piercing Duryodhana repeatedly with his darts while his brothers engaged in slaying Duryodhana’s legion.
Witnessing Arjuna nearing Pithamaha, Dhrishtadyumna ordered his soldiers - “Proceed towards Arjuna and Sikandi. Let Pithamaha be vanquished today!”. King Yudhistra and his brothers too rushed towards Pithamaha. Placing Sikandi in front, Arjuna proceeded towards Pithamaha, slaying the resisting Kaurava soldiers. Beholding Sikandi and Arjuna, pleased Pithamaha said –“You have till sunset, Arjuna. I will not engage in battling Sikandi but you, I would love to witness your prowess against me. Shower your arrows at me and delight me with your talent and skill.”
Bowing to Pithamaha, Arjuna began to shower his darts at Bhishma. Slaying the Kaurava soldiers rushing to defend Bhishma and at the same time responding to Bhishma’s darts, Arjuna was a delight to witness and delighted in beholding Arjuna’s prowess, Bhishma cheered him and began to invoke celestial weapons. Though Sikandi’s darts pierced his armor, remembering her femininity, Bhishma engaged in battling against Arjuna and his legion, ignoring the darts of Sikandi. Duchadhana rushed to defend Bhishma, showering his arrows at Sikandi. Duchadhana fell hundreds of Pandava soldiers and Arjuna slew thousands of Kaurava soldiers. Though deeply pierced, Sikandi still stood on her chariot, with a desire of Bhishma’s defeat in her heart.
Responding to Bhishma’s celestial weapons and at the same time defending Sikandi from Duchadhana, Arjuna’s bow showered darts unceasingly. Bhishma in the meantime, slew seven foremost chariot warrior generals of the Panchala army and exterminated the whole Matsya army along with their ten thousand chariot warriors. Ceasing not, invoking celestial weapons, he slew ten thousand cavalries. Pithamaha Bhishma, the most valiant Kshatriya warrior of all time, slew a full Akshauhini of the Pandava troops with just a bow in his hand. Meanwhile, vanquishing Duchadhana, Arjuna proceeded to defend his warriors and showered his diversified darts at Pithamaha, saying –“Proceed to slay Pithamaha, Sikandi!” 
Arjuna’s darts pierced the chest of the Kaurava soldiers like hot iron rod. With Krishna steering the steeds around Bhishma, Arjuna engaged in crushing the Kaurava warriors. Krishna said unto Arjuna-“Arjuna, Sikandi’s darts does not seem to cause much injury to Pithamaha. Sikandi is weak and so, vanquish Pithamaha first. Placing her in the front, it is you who should defeat him.”

Though hesitating for a moment to attack his Grandsire, considering the words of Krishna as a command, showering thousands of darts, Arjuna separated Bhishma from his defending soldiers. Covered by Arjuna’s shafts all around, delighted Bhishma invoked celestial weapon and dispersed those arrows. Responding to Arjuna with his arrows, he proceeded into the core of the array of the Pandavas, disregarding the darts of Sikandi. In the meantime, King Yudhistra and his brothers rushed towards Bhishma, defeating their foe. Surrounding Pithamaha, they showered darts at their grandsire. Responding to those shafts and slaying the Pandava soldiers, Bhishma fell ten thousand elephant warriors along with their elephants and riders, a few thousands of cavalries and five thousand foot soldiers.
While Pithamaha was engaged in crushing the Pandava troops, Sikandi’s golden winged dart penetrated the chest of Pithamaha, piercing the armor in both, the front and the back. Pierced by the dart, Bhishma lost his hold on the bow and in the meantime, Arjuna pierced him with ten more darts. Regaining his strength, Bhishma pierced Arjuna in his arms, holding the bow and arrow in single hand. Showering his darts constantly, Arjuna broke the bow of Pithamaha and slew the charioteer and steeds. Arjuna broke the other bows before Pithamaha could string it.
Smiling at the prowess of Arjuna, Pithamaha said –“With a single bow, I could crush the entire army of the Pandavas along with the Sons of Pandu, if they do not have Krishna, the almighty Vishnu as their defender. I believe that it’s time for me. I desire not to battle anymore.”
Filled with grief and with a heavy heart, Krishna said –“Arjuna, release the highly dignified Pithamaha from the burden of sins he hold as a result of his vow to Hastinapur. Help the heroic, mighty, illustrious and noble souled patriarch!”
Filled with tears, Arjuna struck Pithamaha in the chest following Sikandi. Along with Arjuna and Sikandi, King Yudhistra and his brothers too showered darts at Pithamaha. Pierced by the darts in all his vital parts and with blood dripping from those darts, Bhishma stood with a smile on his face. Pierced by the darts of Sikandi and the sons of Pandu, there was no space left for an arrow to pierce anymore. Beholding him standing in pain and covered by darts and blood, Arjuna said – “Krishna, this life I hold is because of sins I have done in the past. No Kshatriya should go through what I am experiencing now. Pithamaha is my father and grandsire on whose shadow I and my brothers enjoy the life of knowledge, nobility and wealth. As a Kshatriya, as a warrior, as a father, as a teacher, as a defender and as a well-wisher, Pithamaha has been the only soul who thought of our welfare without any expectations from us. Such a gracious soul should not fall on the ground. I would like to honor him with the utmost honor.”
Saying so, taking a deep breath and stretching his Gandiva’s string, Arjuna showered hundreds of pointy golden winged darts at Pithamaha. The shafts, penetrating through the vital body parts of Pithamaha, came out piercing the armor at the back. Hit by numerous powerful darts, flying from his chariot, Pithamaha fell with the darts piercing the earth and preventing the noble Bhishma from touching the ground.
Beholding the fall of Pithamaha, the Kauravas stood deprived of their senses while the sons of Pandu with tear filled eyes blew their conches in honor of the mighty souled Pithamaha. King Duryodhana and his brothers, Krpacharya and the foremost Kings and Princes of both the armies stood grief struck and ceased battling. Duchadhana rushed to Dronacharya who was battling on the other side of the battlefield and informed him about the defeat of Bhishma. Dronacharya, on listening to the words of Duchadhana, fell on his chariot, deprived of thoughts and senses. With teary eyes, he asked his charioteer to rush to Bhishma and proscribed the Kaurava army to battle further.
With the Kaurava warriors ceasing to battle, the Pandavas too stopped. The warriors from all corners of the battlefield ceased battling and rushed towards the mighty Pithamaha lying on a painful arrow bed. And with the fall of the noble souled Pithamaha, the day’s battle ended before sunset.

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