August 07, 2016

Rajasuya Yaga

Sage Narada, Krishna and King Yudhistra
 Indraprastha city was established and 12 years have passed. Upon Yudhistra’s coronation as the King, the Pandavas lived in peace with Draupathi as Queen.

Krishna and Bhishma visited Indraprastha for the coronation and they stayed there for few days. One day, Sage Naradha and Saint Veda Vyasa visited Indraprastha.

“Yudhistra! Now that you are a King, you should send your generalissimo for Digvijaya Yatra. The benefit will go to your father, who is in Indra’s abode. The one who does Rajasuya Yaga will honor his ancestors. That way, your father will be honored with white umbrella and can leave for heaven.”-said Sage Naradha.

“Yes Lord Dharma, now that you are a King, performing Rajasuya Yaga will also make you an empire and you can establish dharma on this world.”- Krishna spoke in favor of Sage Naradha.

 “Send your brother Bhīma. Let him take on the Digvijaya Yatra on your behalf. As he will be the one who leads, he will get the benefit of the Yaga.” – said Sage Veda Vyasa.

“Oh honorable Sage, I will execute the Digvijaya Yatra. As my talent in archery is known to everyone, other Kings will fear to oppose me. That way, the Yatra will be finished soon. – Arjuna appealed to Sage Veda Vyasa.

“Arjuna! I have no doubts in your archery skill and talents. It’s just that, if you go, Kings like Karna, Kichaka, Sisubala and Jarasandha might resist as they hold grudge on you. With Bhīma, they might not resist, possibly. So it’s better if Bhīma takes the Digvijaya Yatra.” – Pithamaha Bhishma spoke backing Sage Veda Vyasa.

“For the Yaga, we will need more wealth. I have sustained Indraprastha only now. The treasury doesn’t hold much gold that can support the Yaga and the Yatra.”- said King Yudhistra.

Krishna thought for a moment and said – “O King Yudhistra! Send your brothers to all the Kingdoms of the world. That way, we can collect tributes.”

Grandsire Bhishma assisted King Yudhistra with the strategies and diplomacies. “O Son of Dharma! Send Bhīma to the Kingdoms in east as they are skilled in fighting from the elephants and also in one to one combat. And, Arjuna to north. Sahadeva to south to conquer the Kingdoms there for the southerners are experts in sword fighting. And Nakula to west.”

Bhima defeat King Jarasandha
Along with Krishna and Arjuna, Bhīma left for Magadha and defeated Jarasandha, in a duel, as hinted by Krishna. They then released the 86 Kings who were detained by Jarasandha and Jarasandha’s son was crowned as the King of Magadha.

The message was passed on to every Kingdom and on an auspicious day, the four brothers of King Yudhistra started their journey to invite the friendly Kings and to subjugate those who oppose. Krishna left for Dwaraka and Pithamaha to Hastinapur.

The four brothers of the King led their armies and obtained tributes from Kings all over the world. Kings who opposed were defeated. Nakula returned with gold, gems and precious stones mounted on 10,000 plus camels. Sahadeva was welcomed in Lanka, which was being ruled by Vibhishana whereas he battled for seven days in Kishkintha, against the monkey kings Maindha and Dwividha.  Arjuna, the supreme warrior won the demons and devas and returned with gold, precious stones, celestial ornaments and pearls. Bhīma won the Lord of wealth, Kubera. 

The brothers returned with the wealth, conquering Kingdoms in all corners of the world and the Rajasuya Yaga was conducted on an auspicious day with Lord Krishna as the guest of honor. Kings from all over the world were invited for the Yaga. Sage Veda Vyasa himself conducted the Yaga with King Yudhistra as Yagamana and Queen Draupathi was the Yagamana Patni. Balram attended with his wife Revathi. Krishna came with his eight queens. Pithamaha, Duryodhana, Uncle Saguni and Duchadhana participated on behalf of Hastinapur. The kings and queens were astounded at the beauty of the palace built by Maya.

RajaSuya Yaga
At the time of the Yaga, King Yudhistra said, “The Agrapuja should be performed to the one who is illustrious and mighty. I would like to do the puja to Pithamaha Bhishma and invite him to be my guest of honor.”

Pithamaha rose from his throne and said –“O Son of Dharma! It’s so kind of you to consider me for the guest of honor. But, as I have visited Indraprastha as the generalissimo of Hastinapur and not as your grandfather, I am not eligible for it and I can’t take the honor. It would be best if you choose Krishna. Offer the puja to him for he is the savior of this world. Other than him, none on this earth is eligible for the honors.”

Krishna accepting the honors
King Yudhistra accepted Pithamaha’s words and offered the Agrapuja to Krishna. After the Yaga and the puja, the Kings gave their gift to King Yudhistra and Queen Draupathi. The kings presented King Yudhistra with varieties of gold ornaments and apparels. Even Duryodhana presented villages and gold to King Yudhistra to show his copious wealth in front of everyone. Karna gave villages, cows and gold. Eklavya, the most talented archer who hated the Pandavas right from his childhood because of Arjuna and Dronacharya, honored King Yudhistra with his shoes. Though it triggered rage in the hearts of the brothers, King Yudhistra accepted it with serene heart.

“Eklavya! O prince of Nishadha! I performed the Rajasuya Yaga to establish dharma all over the world. Not to gain power and prove that I am mightier than everyone else. So, I accept everything that you honor me with. I am happy that you accepted for walking in the path of dharma and did not oppose.” – King Yudhistra said with a smile.

With the end of Yaga and the ceremonies, everyone visited the palace gardens and halls and fountains built by Maya. While Duryodhana was seeing the walls and floors, admired and at the same time jealous, he hit himself on the wall which appeared as if it wasn’t there before. He then turned back and kept his feet on the floor that was studded with blue gems and stones. He failed to notice there was water and fell on it. Draupathi who was showing the queens about the chambers in the top floor saw it and laughed at him saying – “Look! A blind man’s son is also blind!”

Humiliated in front of everyone and especially Draupathi, Duryodhana returned to Hastinapur with Saguni and Karna with a raging heart.


  Jarasandha planned to perform a human sacrifice which included sacrificing 100 Kings. He had captured and prisoned 86 kings before Bhīma slain him.

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