August 23, 2016

Iravan's Sacrifice!

          Both the Pandavas and the Kauravas were getting prepared for the battle. With dates fixed and allies chosen, both the sides were waiting for battle and victory. While the Pandavas were discussing about the war tactics, Kings recommended pre-battle sacrifice to Goddess Kali which will enable the side to win the war.
          “Every single soul is important in the battle field for us. Someone from Pandavas side has to be sacrificed but all our sons are talented, skilled. My brother’s sons are same as my son. I will not be able to sacrifice my own sons for my victory. We are already lacking in Akshauhinis. Duryodhana has got eleven while all we got is only seven.”- King Yudhistra placed his helplessness in front of all.

          Everyone started to think and discuss about alternate ways to satisfy the Gods and win the war. While hopes started to diminish, a mighty and dark skinned man entered the room where Kings were discussing.
          The man saluted to the people of the assembly and introduced himself, “I am Iravan, Son of the Naga princess Ulupi and Arjuna. I was born in the Nagalok, the domicile of Nagas. My mother heard about the war and sent me to help my father and uncles to win the war.”
          Arjuna was glad to see his son. After his Pilgrimage, he didn’t get a chance to meet his son. Delighted, Arjuna asked Iravan to assist him in the battle.
Iravan sensed the unrest in the assembly and he came to know about the sacrifice. He spoke, “With my father’s acceptance, I would like to express my wish. My mother said to me that I should ensure my father’s and uncles’ victory by being the first and foremost son and also as a responsible brother. Since the prayer to Goddess Kali demands sacrifice, I would like to be the one to be sacrificed. Sacrificing my brothers or my uncles is a loss to the army as they are well trained and skilled. Moreover, as a responsible brother, I wouldn’t allow that to happen. Instead, I would like to be in that position and save them.”
Listening to the words of Iravan, Arjuna and Yudhistra opposed him. “I get to see you and be with you only now. I can’t allow you to do that. Moreover, the decision should also be taken by Ulupi and me. We have to approve it and I deny it right now. We’ll think of other ways, Iravan.  We’ll win for we have Krishna and dharma by our side.”- Arjuna spoke with affection towards his son.
“Iravan, as a son, your duty is only to be by your father’s side and ensure us victory. Fight in the battle and assist him. That way, you can carry out your duties as a responsible son.”- King Yudhistra too supported Arjuna.
“Uncle, I will be a responsible son to my father both in the battle field and in the sacrificing arena. But for the sacrifice, if one of my brothers is chosen and I get to live, I’m not a responsible brother then. Moreover, I have belief in my brothers’ talents and skills. They will assist my father and uncles on my behalf. I can assure that. I have full hope. Moreover, I am the son of a Naga and a human. I’m not sure whether I will even be eligible to war. It’s only humans against humans. So, as a son, I request you to consider me for the sacrifice. That way, I can ensure my father’s and uncles’ victory and also keep up my mother’s words.”-Iravan spoke with esteem.
Krishna, who was silent all these time, spoke, “King Yudhistra, Iravan’s words are correct. This war is among humans. All our Akshauhinis are only based on human count. So, Iravan might not be possible to battle for us. And all your sons and brothers are talented, skilled and experienced in war tactics. Losing them is also not a good option at this time.”
He turned towards Arjuna and spoke, “Arjuna! Your son, Iravan has to perform his duty as a son and also as a brother. Stopping him from his duty is not reasonable. Moreover, he also has a valid point for him being unable to assist you in the war. I would like you to think over and do what helps your brother march towards victory.”
Other Kings assembled too spoke in favor of Iravan and Krishna. Yudhistra placed the decision in Arjuna’s court stating, “Arjuna! He is your son. No matter what, he is of this family. The final decision is yours. I accept to whatever you say.”
Iravan persuaded Arjuna in all ways possible and made him accept for the sacrifice. “Don’t worry about mother’s decision. She will definitely accept for this. Moreover, she had already said that she goes by whatever decision you make, Father. I know you and my brothers will take care of mom. And it’s my responsibility to save my brothers and make my father proud. Mother Draupathi’s pride lies in the victory of the Pandavas in the war. And I would like to help you in any possible way I can. Also, with the date for war nearing, it’s not easy to find someone from our family for sacrifice, willingly. Kindly accept my request. Mother Kali will definitely ensure victory to us in the great Kurukshetra war.” – Iravan spoke in a positive tone to Arjuna.
Arjuna accepted his son’s request and the Pandavas too accepted it, reluctantly.
“Iravan, before sacrifice, it’s customary to satisfy the soul that’s to be sacrificed. Ask for boons that you desire for. I would like to honor your soul for your generosity.” – Krishna asked Iravan tenderly.
Delighted on Krishna’s words,Iravan spoke, “Boons from you, Krishna! I must be really blessed! I would like to ask for 3 wishes or boons. Firstly, I would like to be married before I die. Secondly, I would like to watch the entire Kurukshetra war and I would like to see my father and uncle’s victory,through my eyes. Thirdly, being the son of Arjuna, I would like to let the world know that, I am also skilled and talented like my father. So I would like to have a heroic death, like a Kshatriya, in a face to face war, battling against a mighty foe in the battlefield.”
Krishna asked Iravan to retire to his room and take rest while the Pandavas and Kings were pondering on the complicated boons asked by Iravan. The Pandavas and Krishna assembled in the hall by sunset and were discussing on how Krishna will be granting the boons to Iravan.
“Thinking of his first wish, which girl will be ready to marry a man who is going to be sacrificed in few days? Not even a fortnight is left for the sacrifice! No parent will be ready to give their girl to such a man. Also, no girl will be ready to marry someone to embrace widowhood. What are you planning to do Krishna? As a father, how will I be able to get a daughter-in-law for my son?” – Confused Arjuna placed his question to Krishna.
“Mmmmm... it’s really a tough wish from your son. No parents will accept for this marriage. No girl will also be ready. What to do!!?? Any of you know anyone who can help us with this?”- Krishna asked the Pandavas.
“None, other than you!”- The Pandavas replied at once looking at Krishna.
“Right! At least you brothers are having clarity on that one!” – Krishna continued, “As no girl is going to be ready for a wedding like this, I came up with an idea, the only option. I, on the marriage day, will assume the form of Mohini and will marry Iravan. After the wedding, it’ll be his sacrifice. That time I will embrace widowhood. Now, coming to his second and third request, any ideas?” – Krishna looked into the eyes of the Pandavas and questioned them.
Everyone blinked in the same way, sharing the same blank and at the same time confused expression. Krishna shared his ideas to everyone and everyone retired to their chambers.
The date for sacrifice was fixed by the prophecy expert, Sahadeva. Preparations were made for the special Puja to Mother Kali, on the great Kurukshetra battlefield, in the campsite of the Pandavas. In front of Goddess Kali’s idol in the weapon chamber, the artilleries and weaponries of the Pandavas were placed. 

Krishna as Mohini
The day for the sacrifice came. Granting Iravan his first wish, Krishna came as Mohini and married him. With the whole city decorated and celebrating, the marriage was held in the Palace, like all other Prince.  Satisfied, Iravan left the palace ground and proceeded to the sacrificial ground. Vedic chants were being chanted and the prayers were going on while Iravan entered the weapon chamber. Prayers were done and sacrifices were made to Goddess Kali by King Yudhistra. Every King and allies of King Yudhistra were present in the hall. With every sacrifice and hymns being chanted, the Sages and Brahmins looked at King Yudhistra for the final sacrifice of Iravan.
Krishna who was present there looked at Iravan who was sitting amidst the holy smoke that came from the Yaga fire. Krishna came forward and spoke, “Dear Iravan, I hereby, grant your second boon. After you are sacrificed to Goddess Kali, your severed head alone will still be alive. You will witness the entire Kurukshetra battle that’s to be held, through your eyes. Your head alone will be rested on the Asta Mountain, close to the battlefield. Once the war is over, Arjuna will perform your last rites.”
Satisfied, Iravan bowed to Krishna with respect and blessing him wholeheartedly Krishna continued, “And for your third boon, pray to AadhiSesha. Since you are from Nagalok, after your death in sacrifice, he will enter into your body as your soul and will restore your human form.   I will summon the mighty asura, Alambusha, Son of Sage Rishyasringa to battle against you. While you both are battling fiercely, the mighty and immensely powerful Garuda will assist him for a moment and at the sight of Garuda in Alambusha, AdhiSesha, the snake will leave your soul, leaving you unprotected. You will be beheaded by Alambusha at that time, a heroic death like a Kshatriya.”
Pleased and gratified on Krishna’s words, Iravan seeks blessings from Krishna. With his boons granted, Iravan was ready to sacrifice himself. After bidding his farewell to his uncles, brothers and father and seeking their blessings, he removes his suit of armor and chest plate. He then cuts his body into 32 smithereens in one cut, as a customary for bodily perfection. With the          death of Iravan, as said by Krishna, AadhiSesha entered into Iravan’s body and reformed into human. Krishna summoned Alambusha. In the Kurukshetra battlefield, fierce battle held between Iravan and Alambusha and as informed by Krishna, Iravan had a heroic death in the hands of Alambusha.
After the death of Iravan, Krishna wept and wailed as Iravan’s wife Mohini and embraced widowhood. Excluding Iravan’s head, King Yudhistra sacrificed Iravan’s body parts into the holy fire. After the self-sacrifice, Iravan’s head alone was placed on the top of the mountain Asta.

§  Iravan is also known as Iravant, Iravat or Aravan.
§ Demon Alambusha is son of Sage Rishyasringa and Shantha, elder sister of Lord Ram.
§  Few versions of Mahabharat says that Iravan was killed on the 8th day of the battle.

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