Sanjaya’s departure from Upaplavya, the Pandavas and Krishna gathered to talk
about peace.
intentions of my uncle are very clear. He wants no war. But he wants us to not
expect anything from them. Why can’t they give us at least five villages? His
affection for Duryodhana is understandable but why is he failing to make him
walk in the path of dharma? Duryodhana listens only to wicked uncle Saguni. The
King sees only the throne and ignored the welfare of Pithamaha, Vidhura and
even us. We, as the sons of Pandu, do have share in our father’s share. We
aren’t asking for half of the property but just five villages- Avishthala, Vrikasthala, Makandi
and Varanavata with Indraprastha. The King, owing to his blind
affection on Duryodhana has disinclined in following Kshatriya rules and also
failed to act as a father for us. His heart has been sinned because of his love
for throne.” – Said Yudhistra in depressed voice.
after war is much worse to live than dying. We don’t want war. All we prefer is to live in peace. If uncle
gives us what brother asks, we are even ready to forgive the wicked sons of the
King. But, the King is not ready to think rationally.” – Said Bhīma
who vowed to kill all the sons of the King.
who was silent spoke - “Forget about the wealth. It’s not money and palace that
we desire. But, five sons… Matha Kunti has got five mighty sons and she is
living in the palace with Queen Gandhari. Five sons and we aren’t even able to
take care of our mother. And our friends and kinsmen. What makes sense in this act of the King? All
we wanted is, to live in peace with them, even after all those we have gone
through because of them. We don’t like to be responsible for the destruction of
our own brothers, the sons of the King. Those who fight for the King are our
friends and family too. Also, our teachers and respected seniors of the family
too. Slaying them in war is a sin. We don’t find any good in both winning or
losing in the battle.”
Sons of Pandu, under all condition, war is sin. Even if you fight against
people known or unknown to you. War just means that man has given respect to
his wants and greed instead of giving respect to human soul. Hate cannot be
nullified by hate. Only love can do it. War makes us feel that peace through
mortification is better than prosperity and obliteration. But, the question is,
who is ready to live a life full of humiliation?” – Said Krishna looking at the
sons of Pandu who lowered their heads, not willing to take the shame.
what’s done to us is immoral. But we seek peace. We look for peace out of
understanding. We don’t like to be responsible for the extinction of our own
race. “- Said Arjuna in a firm voice.
don’t like to see the extinction of Kuru dynasty but at the same time, you need
your Kingdom too. You need Indraprastha which will trigger Duryodhana to stand
for war.” – Krishna gazed Arjuna with his sharp looks.
Duryodhana doesn’t wish to give us Indraprastha, why not give us any other
village instead? In this world, a man who is born rich but ends up dying in
poverty, deprived of his wealth will face the worst abuses from the people
around him than those who live and die as a beggar from birth.” – Yudhistra
sounded fretful.
will war against the Kuru and get back what rightfully is yours brother. You were
crowned as the Prince of Hastinapur. That Duryodhana, out of his greed for
throne did all this to us and to Draupathi. He even tried to kill us with Matha
Kunti in that wax palace. We will war… Kill all those who allies with
Duryodhana…and will recover our Palace, your throne and our honor. And also,
Draupathi’s honor.” – Bhīma
addressed with full aggression.
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Raged Bhima! |
victory accomplished over slaughter has got no meaning in it. It will haunt you
forever. Especially, victory achieved through the slaying of our friends and
relatives. Moreover, that throne is not worth to sit after the death of all
those lives. Our family, friends, relatives, our army soldiers, our allies…that
throne is not worth that much compared to the loss of life this war will bring.
Humiliation for going with peace is way better compared to the humiliation you
get to face for slaying your friends and family for throne.” – Yudhistra paused
for few moments, sighed heavily and continued the words of his confused yet
pure heart – “O Krishna, What’s best at this crisis? What can we do to have
both honor and family and friends? What can we do to live in peace and at the
same time, with prosperity? We have none to ask other than you, the only soul
who is the idol of truth and dharma?”
Krishna! With family and relatives letting us down, all we have is you and your
friendship. There’s none who can save us from this woe. O protector of the Yadavas, kindly protect us
too.” – pleaded Arjuna.
everyone except the mighty Duryodhana and Uncle Saguni desires peace. Even the
King desires peace. What is the option to avert this war? Do you people have an
idea?” – asked Krishna.
Arjuna and Bhīma
shook their heads in disapproval. Krishna turned towards Nakula who was sitting
silent all through the conversation – “Nakula! Are you interested in war or
not? You are silent without participating in the conversation. Not sharing your
opinion or ideas.”
addressed – “O Krishna, I don’t have any interest or desire separately. To me,
its fine with whatever my brothers choose. If it’s war, then I will fight for them.
If no war, then I’m fine with peace and ready to live anywhere with my
brothers. Being with them satisfies me, no matter if it’s in palace or in
smiled and felt proud at Nakula’s devotion to his brothers – “Nakula, you sound
like Lakshman, brother of Ram.” – Turning towards Sahadeva, he asked –
“Sahadeva! How about you?”
who was silent gazed at Krishna – “Krishna, I know that war happens only based
on what you think and expect. If you wish, it will happen; if not, it won’t. Moreover,
my idea is not that easy to implement, for, you won’t approve it in first
Don’t consider me that cruel. If it brings peace to whole world and if Draupathi,
Duryodhana and your brothers approve it, I will do everything I can to
implement it.” – Said Krishna sounding impish.
You said you will implement it only when my brothers and Duryodhana approves.
You know that approval from my brothers, Draupathi and Duryodhana is never
going to happen. That’s why you say so.”- replied ingenious Sahadeva.
So you think your brothers won’t approve?” –turning towards Yudhistra, Krishna
said, “Yudhistra, I thought you all desired peace. But your brother feels that you
won’t support his plans that will bring peace.”
What is your idea? Let us know and we will see how it can be executed, for the
sake of family, friends and the allies. Tell your idea.” – said Yudhistra.
I’m telling only because you all insisted. If you all desire for peace that
will help in sustaining dharma, there’s only one option. Make Karna as the King
of Hastinapur. Even as the emperor of the whole world.” – Sahadeva paused to
look at the expressions of Arjuna.
Karna as King will not bring peace and dharma. Duryodhana won’t let that
happen.” – Arjuna spoke in anger.
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Sahadeva explaining his plan! |
I haven’t finished yet. Moreover, I know that, Duryodhana will do anything for
Karna. So making Karna as King, Duryodhana himself will happily do the
coronation. But Saguni uncle and our beloved Krishna will not let it happen. So,
to make my plan more effective, send Krishna and Uncle Saguni to prison. No one
should be allowed to see them. Even they
both should not see each other. Send them to separate dungeon, miles apart. No
guards too. They have the power to manipulate mind. So, they should be tied
down and sent to prison for lifetime while the Pandavas and the whole of Kuru
dynasty should be asked to spend rest of their life in forest. And,
Draupathi...she has vowed to tie her hair only when Duchadhana is killed. So, the
best option for her is to remain bald headed for the rest of her life. If that
happens, Karna will rule the earth where peace and dharma will be sustained.”
was stunned to hear Sahadeva’s idea. But Sahadeva remained calm and he gazed at
Krishna who was staring at him with a mischievous look.
are you talking?! You want all of us to live in forest, till death!? How will
that help in regaining our honor? Moreover, sending Krishna to prison!
Sahadeva, that’s idiocy. He is such a great soul, mighty and powerful. ‘Send
him to prison and lock him up for lifetime!’ What’s wrong with your head?”
– yelled Arjuna.
Calm down. I like Sahadeva’s idea. It will definitely help to sustain peace on
earth.” – Saying so, Krishna turned towards Sahadeva – “Sahadeva, all are fine.
But, how do you intend to prison me? Just explain that part. Or…ignore
explaining. I challenge you to tie me, right now.”
I know that it’s not easy to get hold of you using ropes or even iron chains.
But, it’s easy to tie you through devotion and love.” – Saying so, Sahadeva sat
in meditation stance, chanted Krishna’s name, surrendered himself to Krishna
and envisioned Krishna as a small baby in his mind.
to Sahadeva’s devotion, Krishna entered Sahadeva’s heart, just like how he
imagined. Sahadeva, using his devotion and love for Krishna as a rope, chained
him in his heart. Surrendered to Sahadeva’s submission, Krishna was unable to
release himself from the bond. The
brothers of Sahadeva were awestruck, witnessing Krishna unable to get up from
his seat or even move.
I’m impressed. Your surrender is what god desires from every heart. Bless you
for being an example to every soul. You just showed the whole world the real
meaning of life and God’s expectation from every soul. But, you know the reason
why I’m here. You know what my purpose is. So, kindly release me, for now.” – From
Sahadeva’s heart, Krishna blessed him.
released Krishna on his request and came out of his meditation. Everyone was inept
to understand what really was happening.
do you favor Sahadeva’s idea? Tell me what you favor and I will accomplish it.”
– asked Krishna.
Krishna! Madhava! There’s no one who seeks our welfare than you. We go by what
you say.” – Yudhistra surrendered to Krishna.
Even if you favor Sahadeva’s idea, I don’t think Draupathi will accept.
Moreover, it’s her dignity that matters. Settling for peace without restoring her
dignity is an act of indignity. It’s a humiliation for man. Uncle Saguni has
succeeded in making Duryodhana as his weapon for the destruction of Kuru
dynasty. Filled with ego, Duryodhana won’t prefer peace. King… though he
desires peace and knows that the entire Kuru race will be slaughtered in war,
out of his affection for Duryodhana, he will definitely disapprove our request.
He will stand for Duryodhana only.”
might be a weed, but he is our brother. All we expect is to live in peace with
family and friends. Vikarna and his brothers are dear to me just like Arjuna.
Duryodhana, though he is wicked, he too loves his brothers. I don’t wish
Duryodhana to hold the burden of being responsible for his brother’s death.” –
Yudhistra said worried.
Krishna, You are relative and most respected for both the sides. If there’s
anyone who can bring peace, it’s only you. I don’t have the courage to raise my
Gandiva against Pithamaha and Dronacharya. We don’t desire Pithamaha and
Dronacharya feeling guilty for the war. They really will find it hard to fight
against us. Peace is the only option that will satisfy their disturbed soul.” –
said Arjuna.
the paddy to grow, we have to remove the weeds from the field. Similarly, as a
King, to sustain dharma on earth, war is compulsory to remove the weeds-those
who follow adharma. And the removal of weeds, though it’s a sinful act, it’s a Kshatriya
duty, for the welfare of his people. Duryodhana who sees the throne than the
welfare of his people cannot be a good King to his citizen. Duryodhana, the one
who listens to only Uncle Saguni and never listens to the words of wise people
like Vidhura and Pithamaha will never follow the path of dharma. These
situations demand for change through annihilation. Moreover, I think, war will
give peace to Pithamaha and Dronacharya.” – Krishna paused for a moment, thinking
about Pithamaha.
then turned towards Yudhistra and said – “But, for the sake of you and Arjuna,
I will go to the court of Hastinapur, favoring peace. If, I can persuade
Duryodhana for peace without sacrificing your interests, then I believe it will
be considered as a great act by any soul on earth, forever.”
was pleased to hear Krishna’s words – “O Krishna, it’s not my wish that you
should go to the court. But, I believe, there’s none to handle it perfectly,
other than you. But, I have a fear that Duryodhana might not listen to your
words. Even if you advice for his well-being. I wish you send someone else. A
mighty soul like you being sent as messenger, Duryodhana will insult you in
front of the kings. If anything happens for you there, we won’t be able to live
a peaceful life.”
Yudhistra! I know the heart of Duryodhana. He will, for sure, won’t listen to
me.” – said Krishna with a smile.
Madhava! You are all we have got. Though it hurts us to send you for peace
talk, with the level of chaos we are facing, you are the only person who can
settle it. If unwise Duryodhana plans for something cunning against you, he
won’t succeed in it. It’s just that, he is calling his fate to get hold of his
life. We all know that even if those Kings stand against you, it’s like,
squirrels and cats standing against a majestic elephant. They will be the
victim in fate’s hand.”
Arjuna, I know that Duryodhana will plan for something. But, by going there, by
taking measures for peace, we can save ourselves from the blame that this world
will speak. Even if my mission is going to be a failure, I am sure, we can
escape from the blame. Also, we will get our answers for sure.” – said Krishna.
spoke -“O Krishna, I hope you return with success. You, going there, will bring
good for the whole world. With your words, all we get to know is whether dharma
will be sustained by peace or war. Hope Duryodhana thinks rationally, at least
for once.”
Yudhistra. I will visit Hastinapur favoring both the sides. We will ask for
peace that will benefit all. Peace that favors righteousness. I will leave
tomorrow to Hastinapur. Let’s hope for the best. I will retire for the day as I
have to prepare for my departure.” – saying so, Krishna bid farewell and went
to his chamber.
Pandavas, hoping for the best, retired to their chambers waiting for a new
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