April 03, 2016

Akshya Patra

Sage Durvasa, son of Sage Atri and Devi Anusuya is said to be an incarnation of Lord Shiva. Sage Durvasa was feared by all because of his short temper. And whenever he is angry, he would curse people. Though he was short tempered, he was also said to grant boons to people who pleased his heart. Kunti served Sage Durvasa when he visited King Kuntibhoja’s palace. Kunti is the foster daughter of Kuntibhoja, King of Kunti Kingdom. Pleased by her service and patience, Sage Durvasa taught her the Atharvaveda Mantra which endowed her to call upon gods to bless her with sons. Using this mantra Kunti prayed to Sun god and gave birth to Karna. After marrying King Pandu, she used the same Mantra and prayed to Lord Yama, Lord Vayu and Lord Indra and gave birth to Yudhistra, Bheema and Arjuna respectively. She taught the same Mantra to Madhuri and Madhuri prayed to Ashwini Kumars and gave birth to Nakula and Sahadeva.

Lord Sun bestowing Akshya Patra

While the Pandavas were in exile with Draupathi, Lord Surya bestowed Yudhistra with the “Akshaya Patra”, a divine pot that ensures that the Pandavas and Draupathi never go hungry in their exile. During their exile in 14 years, they camped in various country sides and knowing that the Pandavas are staying, several sages would visit their hut along with their disciples.  So the Akshaya Patra helped them in providing food all day, but with one condition that the pot would exhaust once Draupathi finishes her meal.

Sage Durvasa in Hastinapur!
One day, while the Pandavas were in exile, Sage Durvasa visited Hastinapur with his disciples. Prince Duryodhana and his brothers served them well.  Pleased by the warm welcome and service from Duryodhana and his brothers, Sage Durvasa granted a boon for Duryodhana. Duryodhana, as per the advice of Saguni, who never spared an opportunity to trouble the Pandavas, requested Sage Durvasa and his disciples to visit Yudhistra’s hut. Duryodhana and Saguni also made sure that Sage Durvasa and his disciples would leave Hastinapur in such a way that they would reach the Pandavas’ hut only after Draupathi has finished her meal. Sage Durvasa and his disciples visited the Pandavas’ hut. Though Yudhistra along with Draupathi and his brothers Bheema, Nakula and Sahadeva were all in shock to see the saints, they gave warm welcome to the saints. Arjuna left his brothers and Draupathi to do 12 years of severe penance under rigorous circumstances wishing Paasupathaasthram from Lord Shiva.  As it’s a custom to serve the saints with food when they visit the house, Pandavas and Draupathi were all in confusion on how to serve them food as Draupathi had already finished her meal and has washed the Akshaya Patra. 

“Yudhistra! Myself and my disciples are tired and hungry because of the long travel. We will go and refresh in the river before the meal is served. Ask your wife Draupathi to prepare food for us soon. I’m hungry because of the travel.”-Saying so, Sage Durvasa went to the riverbed to refresh. His disciples followed him.

Pandavas welcoming Sage Durvasa!

 While the saints were in the bank of the river, Sahadeva and Bheema went to make arrangements for the saints to rest. Nakula went to pick wood for fuel. Yudhistra and Draupathi were in the hut confused on what to do. “Oh Lord! I have finished having food. The Akshaya Patra has also been washed. It won’t provide us food anymore for the day. What to do? After my meal time, Sage Durvasa has visited.”-Draupathi queried Yudhistra.

“Draupathi, we can’t blame for what has happened. Let’s see what can be done. This is all God’s test. It’s customary that we should serve food for sages. We can’t serve them left overs. As his disciples too have accompanied him, we need more food to serve. You have to cook fresh only. Let me ask Sahadeva to go inside the forest and look for fruits and vegetables. I will ask him to get something that you can cook sooner before Sage Durvasa and his disciples return.”- Saying so Yudhistra left the hut.

Yudhistra sent Sahadeva to look for food while he and Bheema made sure that proper arrangements are done for Sage Durvasa and his disciples to sit for meal. Nakula returned with woods. ”Draupathi, I have collected woods for cooking. Make sure you cook fast. We can’t keep him wait. He gets angry when people make him wait. I will go and help my brothers for arrangements.”-Nakula too left Draupathi in the hut. She was pondering on what to do.

While Draupathi was lost in her thoughts, Sahadeva returned with little amount of fruits and vegetables. “Draupathi, this is all I was able to find among the woods. Prepare something sooner. It seems like Sage Durvasa is about to finish chanting the Gayathri Mantra. Once he is done with the Mantra, he will sit for the meal. Prepare quicker.”-Sahadeva was urging Draupathi and in the meantime Yudhistra returned to the hut.

“Oh Lord! It’s already too late and there’s not enough rice left to prepare food for all of them. It’s not going to be enough to serve all. There isn’t much time to prepare food too. I will go and inform Sage Durvasa and will face the consequences. His curse is acceptable as it is my fault to eat even before the day ends.”- Draupathi explained her stand to Sahadeva and Yudhistra and started leaving the hut.

“Wait, Draupathi. It’s not your fault to have food early. But, my fault. As a husband, I should be aware of situations like this and should be responsible to make sure there’s everything to meet it. I failed in my responsibilities as a husband to meet the household needs. I will go and ask for forgiveness from him.”- Saying so Yudhistra left the hut accompanied by Sahadeva.

Draupathi stood disappointed. "What am I supposed to do now? If it’s God’s test, why would there be a situation where we are meant to fail." Thinking on what could be done, Draupathi stood holding the fruits and vegetables that Sahadeva has brought. It was at that time she remembered Krishna’s words.

“Draupathi, consider these 14 years as a test to prepare yourself for the war. It’s important that you all earn the blessings of Lord. The only way to earn the blessings when you have nothing is by providing food for saints. Do provide food and take care of them while the rishis, saints and his disciples visit your hut.”- Krishna’s words echoed in Draupathi’s heart.

“Govinda! What would I do? How will I be able to provide food when there’s nothing in the hut? Why would God test us like this under these circumstances, that too with Sage Durvasa? I know if it’s a test there should definitely be a way to succeed. What is it that we are supposed to do but we aren’t doing? What is it that I have forgot or failed to do? Oh, Govinda!”- Draupathi was talking to herself thinking of Lord Krishna. Tears dropped while she was praying him. Her whole heart was filled with only Krishna.

“I was so worried of how my friend is doing and so I travel a long distance to see her and she is not even noticing that I’m here! Pch..Not fair. I’m deeply hurt.”- Krishna said with an impish worry.

Draupathi’s heart felt like a feather on hearing the voice. “Krishna!!!” Draupathi was surprised and at the same time relieved to see Krishna standing behind her. “It’s you! It’s really you!! Oh Govinda! I was just thinking of you few minutes back and now you are here! Right in front of me!”- Draupathi was so excited like a child.

“Ah! So you haven’t thought of me in these days. Only just now you thought of me! That’s so hurting to hear from a friend.”- Krishna starred at Draupathi with his playful anger.

“Oh, Krishna!”-Draupathi looked at Krishna.

“How are you my dear friend? Things are fine here, right?”- Krishna enquired Draupathi with a smile and concern.

“It’s really a miracle, Krishna! I stand here helpless and amazingly you are here, like my protector! You are my redeemer, Govinda! I feel so comforted.” – Draupathi relieved on Krishna’s arrival, started explaining to him the arrival of Sage Durvasa and the situation.

“Aha! So, you thought of me only because you were in trouble! Is it planned by you? Every time when I come to see you with concern and love, you make use of me to take care of your distresses. Next time, before I leave to see you, I should really enquire and make sure you are without troubles. Nice friend I have got!”- Krishna shook his head with a false dissatisfaction. “Right, Sage Durvasa and his disciples seem to take time. I’m tired and exceptionally hungry because of the travel. I didn’t have anything in the way. So much love for my friend. Get me some food to eat.”- Krishna looked at Draupathi with expectation.

Draupathi’s smiling and relieved face turned pale “Krishna! I thought of you to relieve from exactly the same problem. And you stand here asking for food! You are doubling my trouble. Help me with a way to alleviate from this trouble.” – Draupathi looked at Krishna like a kid looking at mom for help.

Krishna smiled and asked her to bring the Akshaya Patra. “But Krishna, there’s no rice left. I washed the Akshaya Patra long back itself.”- replied confounded Draupathi. Krishna stood there looking at her with assured eyes and so she followed his instructions and took the Akshaya Patra and gave it to him.

Sufficing world's hunger!

Krishna looked into the pot and found a piece of rice sticking to it. “Hmmm, there’s not much left. Just single rice is all inside. I don’t think you can feed Sage Durvasa and his disciples with this single rice grain.”- Saying so he took it and added to his mouth. He slowly chewed it and swallowed it like enjoying a meal. Then he patted his stomach and announced that his hunger has gone. Draupathi stood frozen trying to grasp what was happening.

The moment Krishna patted his stomach, the hunger of not just Sage Durvasa and his disciples, but the hunger of all the living beings on the earth was sufficed. By the time Sage Durvasa finished chanting Gayathri Mantra, he realized that his stomach was full. He wondered on how it is possible when he has not yet had any food. He closed his eyes and he had the vision of Krishna patting his stomach. Sage Durvasa understood that it was all Lord Krishna’s leela.

Sage Durvasa went near Yudhistra and his brothers who were waiting there to beg for forgiveness. “Yudhistra! It’s so smart of Draupathi to seek help from the one who can do anything without making others angry.”- Sage Durvasa spoke in an appreciative tone. While the Pandavas stood pondering what Sage Durvasa was talking about Krishna and Draupathi came out of the hut.

“I know it’s your trick Krishna. You are the one who sated our hunger. Finally you played one of your tricks with me also! Draupathi, it’s really a blessing for you to have Krishna by your side. It’s all dharma that is binding you both. I’m really gratified at your service. My blessings to you and to the Pandavas. Krishna is by your side, referring that Dharma is on your side. I’m sure you will get what you seek.”- blessing Draupathi, Krishna and the Pandavas, Sage Durvasa and his disciples started continuing their journey.

And thus, Krishna saved the honor of the Pandavas and they escaped the wrath of Sage Durvasa.

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